Saturday 30 June 2012



Lets try to hold it every year at the very least.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Heavens

The Heavens.

(Beautiful - James Blunt)

Anatolian Nairobi as a Cultural Ecosystem:

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact), and who do recognize Nairobi as a whole to be in all again, a rather large place even, and rather culturally diverse too actually, is to in all again perhaps, attempt to summarize it all for them that is, and as with regards even, to attempts in all again, and by those in 'Nairo' too, to transform the whole City that is.

First off, is the attempt to have the whole of Nairobi in all, and at the very least too, recognizing 'Nairo' in all again (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), as the very base existence perhaps, and of the whole City too that is {that in all again, its way of life, is one to be envied, and even copied, and by those in all again, who do choose to live in this City, Nairobi, and one too, which does highly operate in all, and around Oracular Knowledge Systems too that is (and as with they even, capable of being Individual in nature actually)}.

In all ways though, is to speak in all again of Nairobi in all, and as imagined too, and as consisting of three mains segments that is:


When one does speak of Durnham-Nairobi, is to in all ways even, refer to operations in all again, and of Individuals or groups even, and as seen in Nairobi as a whole too that is. That in all, Durnham-Nairobi does recognize, the very individual nature, and of those who do live in Nairobi as a whole (and as with operations that is), and in all again too, does attempt to associate thes e individual natures, and with not only Oracular Knowledge Systems, but that in all again, these Knowledge Systems in all (Oracular), do make themselves manifest, and in the form too even, of the so termed Money Markets that is {that in all, the best way even, to see Nairobi as a whole, and operating rather successfully too, is from the perspective, of the Money Markets (defining Money in all again, whats acceptable or not, and to whom too that is), and that in all again too, the Politics of the City in itself, are highly based around in all, the Money Markets in themselves (and Oracular Knowledge Systems too that is)}. In all again, for those in Nairobi as a whole, this is the best way to view Nairobi in itself (Oracular Knowledge Systems and Money Markets), and as with they even, capable of being rather individual in their ways that is {and as with the Politics even, and of running the City in itself too actually)}.


A second way in all {and as with it even, another segment of life in Anatolian Nairobi to be exact}, is to speak of Webnet, and how in all again, it will come, to influence Nairobi as a whole too (and from the Cultural perspective that is) {that in all, attempts in many ways truly even, to mythologize Nairobi as a whole perhaps, and not from the perspective of its People that is (and as workers too perhaps), but in all ways truly even, from the perspective, of seeing Nairobi as a whole too, and Culturally too perhaps, and as a Place & Time too that is}.


What in all again, does truly separate 'Nairo' and from Anatolian Nairobi too is that, those in 'Nairo' in all again, do actually believe in turning Nairobi in itself, and into a Heaven of a kind that is {and as with everything good or fantastic in it, Nairobi as a whole, emerging in all ways even, and with those in 'Nairo' too that is}. To understand this much better is to know that, their is a popularized belief in all again that, those who do get to go to Heaven in all, are those in all again, rather perfect in their Speech even, but in all ways truly even, they too, seen as being rather well mannered, and also, rather proper in speech and behaviour too that is. In all ways though (and as with European beliefs even), it is possible, to re-create heaven on Earth. The key to this, has to do with mastering in all again, what kind of Speech, manners, behaviour and speech too actually, are truly needed in all, to make a place in all again, function, and as Heaven itself probably would {and as with the belief even, that the Heavens in all again, do carry their own forms of drama and enjoyment too, and as based on doing all this that is}. In all ways though is to tell those in 'Nairo' too that, 'Nairo' in all again, is capable of being a Heaven in all, if at the very least, those in 'Nairo' in itself specifically, do adhere to Speech, manners, behaviour and speech in all again, that would be deemed rather acceptable in all, and by none other, than St. James too actually {this though, does not mean that one does not party or have sex too, but that one in all again, does it rather differently, and from the conventional too that is}. In all ways even, is to attempt to declare (and as with his accepting even), St. James, and as the Patron Saint too, and of Nairobi as a whole too that is.

Psychological Wellness

Psychological Wellness.

Psychological Wellness & 'Nairo':

For those in 'Nairo' in all again (or Anatolian Nairobi too), is to alert them of a problem in all, that might very well hamper their progress and as with regards truly even, to self-development that is {and with this being Psychological Wellness that is}. What Psychological Wellness does refer to in all, is in all ways even, feeling good about oneself, and from not only a Wholistic perspective actually {and as with this even historical that is}, but in all ways truly even, from a Political perspective {and as with this even, referring to background and the educational too}.

In 'Nairo' today though {but throughout Kenya too perhaps}, you will find a problem, that many in 'Nairo' in all, are not truly even aware about (or truly informed about that is) {and this being the preponderance of Nairobi Slums, Nairobi Estates and Nairobi Squatter camps too, and in and about Nairobi that is}. The reason for mentioning all this is that, those in 'Nairo' in all again, are the kind truly, to identify in all, and with the above mentioned three problems, and as with believing even, that, these problems in all, do actually represent, just whom they are in all again, and at their very core even {and as with speak too even, of Psychological Wellness that is}. The attempt of this entry, is to in all ways even, attempt to make those in 'Nairo', understand these problems better, and as with stating that, they are not representative, of Nairobi as a whole, but in all ways truly even, actually do arise, outside Nairobi in itself that is {and even outside Africa too, and as with the Political ideas in all again, that did make them real that is}.

To begin speak of this problem, is to in all again state that, these problems in all, and as with History too even, can be viewed from four main perspectives and that in all again, will have those in 'Nairo', truly understanding them for what they truly are, and in all ways truly even, able to move forward and around Nairobi in itself too, and without having to identify oneself, with these problems that is, or even truly again, seeing them, as major setbacks of any kind that is. These four main perspectives are: the Political, the Religious, the Cultural, and finally the Communicational too that is.

The Political:

To speak of the three problems above, Nairobi Slums, Nairobi Estates and finally even Nairobi Squatter camps, and from a Political perspective too, is to in all again attempt to teach, just how these problems in all, did actually arise, and that in all again, those in 'Nairo' too (or Anatolian Nairobi in itself), should consider them arising in all, and as based around Political forces too, that those in 'Nairo' in all again, have had nothing much at all to do with actually. In many ways truly even and as with a start too is to say in all that, first off, these problems are not unique to Nairobi in itself, but are in all ways truly even, rather regional in their ways actually {and as with Slums too for example, to be found all over Eastern Africa, Estate Holdings all over East Africa, and finally in all again, Squatter camps, all over 'the Horn of Africa' that is (or mainly even Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia too)}.

Having said this, that these problems have no true origins in Nairobi in itself, or 'Nairo' (Anatolian Nairobi) too perhaps, but in all ways is to in all again say that, Slums in Nairobi (and Eastern Africa too), do have their origins in all, and with the Colonial world that is {that in all, life in Eastern Africa, is highly migratory in its ways, and as with it Nomadic too that is, and Slums in all again, and in Eastern Africa too, did arise in all, in Post-Independence Africa actually, and as with saying that, Colonial and Pre-Colonial Africa, did see Eastern Africa even, having lifestyles in all again (including Colonial), that did support migratory labour that is} {however, in the aftermath of Independence in Africa, these migratory labour groups in many ways, and throughout Eastern Africa too, have found themselves living in slums/poverty, and as with pertubingly saying that, Keynesian Economics in all, and as with it even based around Agricultural holdings too, has truly failed in all, to take hold in an Eastern Africa, where alot of the people, have remained nomadic in their ways, and still prefer moving around, and in the search even, of short-term employment that is (and as with this truly even, how Eastern Africa in all, and as compared to the rest of Africa too perhaps, has always functioned, and since historical times too that is)} {and as with saying in all again that, Pre-Colonial and Colonial Kenya in all, were rather highly cultural (and as with many a late-night party too perhaps, and all over the week too even), and that did necessitate in all, the very need, and for such migratory working labour that is}.

To speak of Estate Holdings in all and as to be seen around East Africa too (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania), is to in all again speak of Post-Independence African Economic dreams, and as with they even Keynesian too, and the attempt in all again, and by many an African Country too perhaps, to Industrialize in all that is {and as with Industry in East Africa too, having proven to be successful and under the Nations format, and not the Country format either}. In all, the belief that, African Countries were destined for Industrial success, did provide for a mad rush in all, and in getting educated too, and as with these educated workforces in all again (and some with College level education only, and not University either), now housed in Estate holdings in all, and having their hopes truly dashed, when Industrialization in Africa (and as a whole too), did actually fail to take off that is {and this all blamed too, and effectively that is, on their not being able to adequately define their Markets in all, and as with regards to their produce/products that is} {and other than the nonsensical theory in all again that, it is the workers in these Industries, plus the Educated workforces in all again, that would at the very least, support these Industries} {and in all ways too, giving birth to Communist and Socialist Ideologies in all, and to be seen all over East Africa then (the 70's), but also Africa as a whole too that is}.

To speak of Nairobi Squatter camps in all, is to in all again speak of a more or less recent problem in creation. That unknown to most, Nairobi or Kenya even, did not truly have Squatter camps in all, and until the 80's in themselves too {and as with Kenya in all, and in the 70's too, very much a Middle Class (Second World) Country that is}. This problem of Nairobi Squatter camps though, does have heavy migratory trends to it {meaning in all again, while Slums do hold populations in all, that do arise in Eastern Africa in itself, and Estate holdings now though, holding populations in all again, and as arising within Africa and the Middle East too, Squatter camps on the otherhand, do have populations in all again, arising in all too really, and from Asia in itself actually (and as with Black Asians too that is), and as with their having been an influx in all, of Black Asians and into Kenya in all again, and during the early 80's too that is} {what in all is been said here is that, Kenya, and Politically too, is not well charted out actually, and as the rather false belief even that, Kenya's population in all, does hinger around the 30 Million mark, when in reality, most towns and outside Nairobi in itself too, only do accommodate thousands that is (and as with speak too even, of the infrastructure in all, to be seen outside Nairobi that is)} {that in all again, Kenya's Infrastructure and as it is in the present, and in the past too, is not capable in all, of supporting a 30 Million sized population that is, and as with their being no evidence at all, of how Kenya's population in all again, did grow to such great sizes (post-Colonial too that is), and without it having the proper Infrastructure in all again (including Food production perhaps), to support this growth in population size that is} {in all ways though, a good figure and as representative of Kenya's population as a whole, and at the present too, is about the 8 Million mark actually (and as it was even, and during the Colonial times too that is)} {and as with Ethiopia too in all again, only having a population of about 12 Million people perhaps}. In all ways even, Black Asian groups making their way into a Kenya/'Horn of Africa' and now rather political in its ways too, and find themselves in all again, and in Squatter camps in all, and as with regards truly even, to not only Land issues that do come to define Kenyan Politics in all, and during the Post-Independence times too, but also truly again, Identity creation issues in all that is {and as with one in all, being able in all again, to defines ones History and in Kenya too perhaps, and rather well that is}.

In all ways truly even, an attempt in all and as with the above too that is, to give a proper historical account of how these problems in all again, did actually arise, and as with saying that, Kenya's problems in all, are not as big and as the UN might point out perhaps, but in all ways truly even, not well charted out actually {and as with saying that, most of Kenya, East Africa, Eastern Africa and even the 'Horn of Africa' too, remain truly uninhabited, and as with the Knowledge in all again, required to inhabit it all, and as with the 'Horn of Africa' too that is, mainly perhaps, olden/traditional European, Victorian or Swahili too even (but not, Modern/Western Knowledge, or that arising with the UN too perhaps)}.

Olden/traditional European, Victorian and Swahili Knowledge:

The Religious:

To speak of the Religious, is to in all again speak of viewing these problems, and from a rather religious perspective too that is. That in all, these three problems can be best viewed and from religious even, and so as to make them rather realistic in nature that is (and not too philosophical either) {and as with Modern attempts too, to define Humanity that is (and without a religious basis to it all actually)}. For instance, Slums are often today, associated in all again, with Evangelical movements/groups, while Squatter camps in all, and with Missionary groups, and Estate holdings in all again, with Roman Catholicism {and as with Roman Catholicism too in all, attempting to now truly even, better define success in all again (and as with Neo-Colonialism even), and for those in Estate holdings too that is}.

In all ways though, the above Religious formations in all, have failed to meet the needs and demands, and of those living in the above Political existences that is, and for those in 'Nairo' too, is to in all again say that, attempts to deal with these issues, and Religiously too, and from viewing them in all again, and from a Christian/Ecumenical perspective perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of associating them in all again, and with Marian figures too, and who are part of the 'All Saints Day' festivities that is}. That in all, Slums, can be conquered in all again, and via truly knowing, what Kindness is, while Estate holdings in all, via knowing what Mercy is, and finally in all again Squatter camps, via truly knowing what Piety is actually {and that in all ways even, this does not only speak of having to not only live in one, but in all ways truly even, solving the problems, to be seen in them too that is}.

The Cultural:

One has to understand, the Cultural ambitions in all, and of the groups in all again, who are to be found in these Political entities. For those in the Slums for instance, and very much Eastern African too, is to know that, they in all again do adhere to their traditional lifestyles in all, and lifestyles too, that did support migratory trends in all again, and as with saying truly that, many of them in all again, do dream of living a life, heavily based around travel in itself, work, and the making of enough money, to live off their retirement perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of the rather interesting ways in all, and by which Family in all again, is defined, and throughout Eastern Africa too that is} {and as with it even, taking into consideration, issues pertaining to the traveling of family members, political/social retirement in all, and gender issues too, and as based around work that is}.

For those in Estate holdings on the otherhand, is the belief that, one day, they will be wealthy enough, and to live life, very much similar in all again, to how the Wealthy and just about everywhere too, do actually live that is. For this group though, and now highly indoctrinated even, and in Western/Modern Knowledge/Education in all, is to let them know perhaps that, these lifestyles they do in all again so desperately wish to seek out in all, are actually based on the interpolating in all (and as with taking into consideration the present times too), and of olden European and American Knowledge Bodies that is {and that in all even, most truly again, cannot be educated into these Knowledge Bodies (they having an evolutionary psychological aspect to them), and that Western/Modern Knowledge in all, and at the very most too, does speak in all again, of attaining a Rich Middle Class background that is}.

For those in the Squatter camps in all again (and as with alot of Kenya's population too perhaps), is the desire in all again, to truly live a life, and as Interesting as possible perhaps, Exciting, and as with Wealth in all again, defined in all too really, and via Friendships, Politics engaged in (and as with Adventurism perhaps), and finally in all again, Religious/Psychological states that is {and as with saying truly that, all this at the very minimal too, is defined by Victorian culture in all too really (and as with what readily does appear, to be European about Kenya too that is), and all this too, speaking in all again, of succeeding and flourishing too, and as defined at the very least even, and by Victorian English and Victorian literature too that is (and as with Victorian English in all, the kind of English in all again, spoken throughout the history of Kenya that is)}. In all, the failure of many a person in Kenya (and not only in 'Squatter camps' too that is), to grasp the intimacies of Victorian English in all, and literature too perhaps, has led to many an unhappy life in all again, and as one will discover in all ways even that, using Victorian English in all again, and to think about oneself, and life in Kenya too (and as compared to Modern English that is), is the key in all again, to seeking out Happiness in itself that is}.

The Communicational:

To speak of the Communicational, is to in all again speak of the kind of Communications based groupings/cultures in all, that those in the forementioned Political entities in all again (Slums, Estate holdings and Squatter camps), do engage in that is {and in their bid too, to seek out success in all that is}. That in all again, success in Kenya and at the very least too, has traditionally been associated in all again (and as with Communications in themselves that is, deemed highly more important in surviving, and in Kenya too, than in most other places of the World actually, and where Political Institutes in all again, and as with they rather cultural/educational too, are at the very heart of all this that is)}. In Kenya though, survival and success, has traditionally been associated, with Communications oriented groups/cultures (and as with they even, rather informal in their ways that is), and those that have worked best, have always been European, Swahili, American and especially Victorian in their ways too actually.

For those in the Slums though, one does find Communications based groupings/cultures in all, highly based around Cellular phone cultures actually (and especially SMS too), and as with their attempting even, to gain gainful work in all, and as based around creating a work based cultural existence too, highly geared around Cellular phones that is {and something too, that has not worked out truly well enough, and other than the use, of M-Pesa for instance, and in all ways truly even}.

For those in Estate holdings, one does find that, Communications in all, has come to be defined, and by the very world too, of British/UK NGO's actually {and as with those in Estate holdings in all, heavily even somewhat, depending on these institutions in all again, and for funding that is, and as with not only even a Business idea perhaps, but also truly even, as with meeting their Educational needs and in all ways truly}.

For those in Squatter camps, their Communicational needs in all, are met in all again, and by attempting to truly associate themselves, and with more or less a prominently known person in Kenya perhaps, and as with their attempts in all again, to do all kinds of work even, and in the hopes too, that those who do offer them work in all again, will in all ways even, help to direct/steer their lives in all that is.

In all ways though, one can be told that, cultures that do in all again, have a heavy Communications aspect to them {and as with those in Kenya too}, and as compared to the Cultural that is, can be said in many a way too, to be much more meaner in spirit, and as with regards even, to failure in itself that is {that in all, past mistakes and in a Communications oriented culture in all, are not easily forgiveable, and are not dealt either too (and as with Political Institutes even), and by attempting to study and learn from, what did actually go wrong that is (and other than speak of a Communications breakdown that is)}.

'Ali Baba'

Monday 25 June 2012


Webnet & Anatolian Nairobi.

Webnet and Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be exact that is).

'the Id'

'the Id'.

When those in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), do think in all again of what Freud did call 'the Id' {and as with it even, of great importance, and to our general Well-being too that is}, they are in all again advised, to at the very least even, associate it all, and with the life (or works), and of St. Thomas of Aquinas too that is.

Sunday 24 June 2012

The Sedentary

The Sedentary and 'Nairo'.

To speak of the Sedentary and Anatolian Nairobi in all (or 'Nairo' to be exact even), is to in all again truly even, speak of just how, useless perhaps, life can truly get. That when things get bad (and as with Boredom even), Economies falter, or even truly again, friendships just seem to totally wane in all, then there must be in all again, a support mechanism of a kind, and as with it Cultural too, and to simply help people in all again, keep moving on, and until, the good or better times, do return in all that is.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again, and as with attempting to make Nairobi a Worldly City too, is to in all again perhaps, associate the Sedentary, and at the very least too even, and with the music of Lionel Richie.

Saturday 23 June 2012

The Novice

The Novice.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact even), and in many ways truly even, dealing in all again, with all forms or sorts even, of issues/fears and pertaining to failure or succeeding in itself, is to then let one know that, the best way to go about dealing with all this, is from very much seeing oneself, and as a Novice too actually {that in all, when attempting to learn just about anything, or succeed in anything too that is, don't be afraid to take the path of the Novice, and as an assistant or apprentice even, and that in all again, this path of succeeding in all, is rather respectable, and in Anatolian Nairobi/'Nairo' in itself too that is}.



Ase (ash-ay), is a Yoruba term in all, one could very well too, associate, with what they do term a Christ Consciousness. In all ways truly even, this does speak of, removing all forms of suppressive, regressive and oppressive beliefs, and from ones memories too in all, and in the bid too again, to remove as much meaningless struggle, and from ones life too that is.

While traditionally, one does find that the regular Cross in all, and alongside the regular Christian Mass too, has often been associated with developing a Christ Consciousness, for those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact), is to in all again say that, when dealing with issues of Ase, and endemic pain and struggle in ones life too, it is best in all again, to turn to the Double Cross (and such as the one displayed above), and as with regards even, to prayer in itself actually.

Friday 22 June 2012

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi.

For those in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi in itself, or even Anatolia too, is to in all again say that, when dealing, with any troubling issues, and those too, highly based around death in itself, then in all ways even, it is best in all again, to turn to St. Francis of Assisi, and as with regards, to all this {and as with telling those in Anatolia too that, when it does come to thinking of the Saints, and as associated with 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi in all, it is best to think of them in all again, and from the perspective too, of Community (and as with upholding it too that is)}, and as with all this at the very least even, speaking in all again, specifically of, St. Francis of Assisi actually}.

The 19th Century Renaissance Man

The 19th Century Renaissance Man.

For those in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi, or even Anatolia in itself too actually, is to in all again perhaps, attempt truly, to introduce them to the formally known History of Kenya, and as with it even perhaps, formally originating, with the Victorians too. That in all, those in 'Nairo' for instance, tend to take to viewing the History of Kenya in all, and Nairobi in itself too, and from the perspective of the Presidency of Kenya {and as with this specifically even, speaking in all again, of African/Black resistance, and to a consolidated, formulated or solidified even, Identity, and one created too, and by White/English/Western groups in all that is} {that in all ways even, speak too of an Identity in all, that does associate those who can be openly termed as ethnic or minority too, and with certain successes too that is}.

In all ways though, is to tell those in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi, or even Anatolia in itself too, that when thinking of lifelong success in Anatolian Nairobi in all, then it is best (and as with speak too even, of 'Don Juan de La Mancha' for instance), to think of it all, and from the perspective too, of the 19th century Victorian Renaissance Man actually {and as with he even perhaps, a person in all again, that does dabble, and in all sorts of expertises too: explorer, translator, writer, soldier, poet, entrepreneurial businessman, diplomat etc.}. In all ways even, attempting to seek success in itself, in as many avenues as possible, and as with furtherly saying that, any success gained, would best in all again, be parlayed (or demonstrated in all ways too even), in South Africa, and not America either {that in all, what this does mean is that, forget about seeking out success, and as with it even today, highly packaged around Tourism, Real-Estate and even Popular Media too, when in all again, one could very well think of taking all the talents garnered, and as an renaissance man too in all (victorian), and instead, running to South Africa, and attempting to live (partly that is), life, as reckless, wild, and as free even, and as one truly can (and as with truly stating that, the winner in life and in Anatolian Nairobi as a whole too, is he who in all again, does come closest, to matching the life, and of 'Don Juan de La Mancha' too that is)}.



For those in Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' in many ways truly even), is to say that, when one does think News Media in all, to truly forget in all again, Conventional News Media sources {and such as the TV News or even Newspapers too}, and in many ways truly, develop a mindset in all again, of whats happening around them and in the World too, and as based around, reading Forbes Magazine that is {and as with it even, not only helping develop sophistication in all, and amongst those seen not only in 'Nairo' too, Anatolian Nairobi and Anatolia in itself, but in all ways even, giving one a general idea too, and of just what to say in all, if one ever does run into Al Pacino for instance}.

Thursday 21 June 2012



Africa, can be conceptualized in to many a way actually {and as with regards truly even, to Political Imagery too that is} {that survival in Africa, and as with regards truly even, to Humour & Expressivity in itself, can take far more interesting proportions, than in many a place seen in the World actually} {and as with speak truly even, of Nigeria's rather handy, Lagos based Street Militias, and such as the Lagos 'Area Boys' too for instance}.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again, or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact, when they do think Africa in all, it is best in all again, to not only perceive it as many African Literature writers would actually do {that being, from the perspective of Actions taken} {that Africa in all again, does at times call for one to take certain Actions, and which would appear in many ways even, rather novel, and to the rest of the World too that is}. In all ways truly even, to best view whats African in 'Nairo', and from the perspective of Actions too, is to truly best associate them in all again, and with the Orisha Ogun too that is {and as with this even, capable of being perceived in all ways even, as Ritual in itself too actually}.



While the Grappling Arts, do go rather well with Hapkido, Judo on the otherhand, does act as a very good even, supplement, and as with regards, to Kickboxing too for instance. In all ways even, Judo in all, recommended as basic way, and of keeping fit too perhaps, and in 'Nairo' too, and as with it much better in all, and as with regards to keeping fit too, and for those, in 'Nairo' (Anatolian Nairobi), and as compared to Kickboxing too that is.



In the attempt truly, to make not only Nairobi as a whole, a Worldly City in all, but truly in all again, Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, is to in all ways even, promote the Holiday of Halloween, and very much too, in the form of a Wordly Celebration that is {and as with it in all again perhaps, taking very much the form of a street celebration (and as with lighting a certain prominent street in Nairobi, and such as Koinange Street too for instance, and with Halloween inspired lighting that is), or even truly again, simply holding a party or three, and with Halloween inspired themes to them all actually}.



For a Nairobi in all, where issues pertaining to decency in all again (and as with the case of boasting or bragging too much), or even truly again, the very real worship even, of those deemed Rich, Attractive, or even those deemed lawlessly Cool perhaps, is to in all again say that, that for those in Anatolian Nairobi in itself (or 'Nairo' to be exact even), is to truly know in all that, when they do think Legend in all (and as with aspiring even, and for the most prominent of successes too), there truly in all again did live only one true Legend (and as with regards to 'Anatolian Nairobi' Lifestyles in themselves), and his name, was none other than 'Don Quixote de la Mancha' {and speak too even, of the general readership Oxford World Press version too that is}.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

The One-Room Bar


To speak of Decency and Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' in many ways even), is to in all again, speak of a rather huge problem, that to this very day too, has truly hampered, the development of Kenya in all, and as a Nation too perhaps {that Kenyans in all, and as nations even, are amongst, the stupidest of peoples, and when it does come, to Decency too that is}.

In many ways, how to declare Decency in not only Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' even), but the rest of Kenya too perhaps, remains very much, a rather big challenge in all actually.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to say that, the One-Room Bar, can best in all again, be perceived as a place in all too really, where one perhaps, can simply truly visit, and with the main goal even, of speaking (or voicing even), and as freely as possible, and on any issues or matter too, pertaining to Decency in itself {and just how they do believe in all, it should be made manifest perhaps} {and as with stating truly that, the very issue of Decency, can in many ways even, be said to be the great equalizer and amongst all peoples to be seen in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi too), and as with saying truly even that, it does not matter how rich, beautiful or even powerful one is, one will eventually discover that, in' Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi in itself, or even Kenya three, Decency, will eventually become a major issue in ones life actually, and be the very main reason too, why many a person in the three forementioned spheres of life in all, will eventually truly falter}.

However though, and alongside the everyday operations perhaps, and of the One-Room Bar too, what they do term 'House Music' in all (and as with 'House Music' too, referring to many an eclectic form of music in all, and not readily recognized too, as belonging to any specific music genre that is), be played in such One-Room Bars and as to be seen in 'Nairo' too actually, and as with truly furtherly saying that, 'House Music' in all, is a form of music in all again, that does heavily deals with issues of Decency actually {and as with furtherly stating that, nobody for sure, truly does know, what does constitute Decency in itself, and in not only 'Nairo', or Anatolian Nairobi too actually, but in many ways truly, within Kenya in itself actually, and as with furtherly even saying that, even the most vicious of crimes, do seem somewhat readily acceptable too, and to most within Kenya too actually} {that in all, this does not appear to be a Moral or Theological question and while in Kenya, but one in many ways, taking into account, the very preferences even, and of the peoples involved, and in a matter or issue too, dealing with Decency in itself actually}.

House Music:

Vanity 6
The Time
Christina Aguilera
C&C Music Factory
Milli Vanilli
Paula Abdul
Sheila E.
George Michael
Beats International
Stereo MC's

Monday 18 June 2012



Ethnography in all, does truly differ from Oracular Knowledge Systems, as Ethnography in all again, does deal with problem solving, and as with regards, to Societal issues in all ways even.

To speak of Anatolian Nairobi, and not only Societal issues too actually, but also, Ethnography in itself, is to in all again, refer one, and to the Drunken Kung-fu/Boxing style of the Shaolin Martial Arts systems in all. That in all again, what is being proposed here is that (and along the lines of Capoeira and Brazilian City life too actually), is a number of peoples in all, to get together in all again, and to study Drunken Kung-fu/Boxing, and from a creative perspective too that is {and as with speak of Ethnography in all that is} {and as with furtherly speak even, of not adhering, to its Asian practices that is}, and in all ways even, attempt to truly present Drunken Kung-fu/Boxing, and from a purely Folk perspective in all actually {and as with speak of Folklore, Folk music, Foll dance etc.}. And as with this in all again, believed truly important, and as with truly helping make Anatolian Nairobi, a historical fact in all {that in all, its History, will truly in all again one day that is, wind up, being recorded in the Books that is}.

In all and once more too, a call to ask many a person in Anatolian Nairobi in all again, and serious about this too, to study it all, and from a Folk perspective actually {and as with Cultural studies too that is}, as it is truly believed that, doing as such, will lead to a Body of Knowledge in all, suitable in many ways even, and for helping develop for example, a Defense Policy, or even a Social Policy perhaps, and for an Anatolian Nairobi too, and where Expenditure and rather than Budgeting, is the modus operandi in all too really {that in all, those in 'Nairo' in all again, would like very much to probably in all, keep as much money to themselves, and while protecting their turf/assets too, and in a Kenya/Nairobi in all again, where Taxes don't exist (and as with Kenya still lacking a Constitution that is), and such that, conceptual ideas and such as Insurance even, in many ways even, don't truly function at all, or as well as they should perhaps (and as with belief even, that the roots of Insurance in all too really, do in all ways even, lie in the world of Folk actually)}.

Inoorero University (another probable 'takeover'):



In the attempt to tell many a person that, Anatolian Nairobi, is very much in all again, its very own Religious ecosystem perhaps, is to in many ways even, speak of not only the celebrative festival of 'All Saints Day' actually, but in many ways too, of Islamic beliefs in all, and of life on this very Earth too that is.

In all ways even, the Islamic world does believe that, life on this Earth does begin with Adam and Eve, and their eventually even getting kicked out of the 'Garden of Eden' too that is. In all ways even though, they are eventually in all, made to toil hard on Earth, and with a further promise too that, of a hopeful return, and into the 'Garden of Eden' in itself that is, and on having purified themselves too, and via hard work too that is {and with this referring in all again, to their re-instating themselves even, and as purified/pure Human beings that is}.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again though, and as with they even, choosing to truly live in the place too actually is to know that, such beliefs (Islamic beliefs of evolution on this Earth), are to be held {and as with purifying oneself, speaking of being too pure in all, to live on this Earth actually}, and that in all again, one should very much consider this route/way of thinking, and when thinking about life rather seriously too that is {that the goal of it all actually, life on this Earth, is to become as pure as possible and such that, one is eventually forced to leave this very World in all, and for another deemed grander in all too that is}.

In helping one live out this kind of life and in all ways even, is to in all again promote, the very works of Louis de Wohl, and as with they in all even {and as with the 'All Saints Day' celebrations too}, speaking or referring even, to becoming as purified as possible actually {and as with speak too even, of traveling outside Anatolian Nairobi in itself too that is}. In all ways even, this calling in many ways too, for one to view Spain, and as a kind of Spiritual ground too that is {that in all ways even, Spain, and as with its culture even, is a place in all again, highly traditionally in many a way even, associated in all again, and with suffering, and of the purifying ('baptism by fire') kind actually}.

'Medieval Spain':

The Sabbatical

The Sabbatical.

Many out there, and as perhaps even, living within Anatolian Nairobi at the present too, might find it hard in all again, to subsist within the place actually, and as with truly saying that, there is a basic psychology, that does go in all, and with the place too that is {and as speaking even, and of 'Nairo' too, and from more or less, the Religious perspective that is}. This basic Psychology, is the Sabbatical. That in all again, moments of fasting or isolation perhaps, are truly needed, and when dealing, with just about anything too. That in all truly, when one does seek to work for instance, one should in all again seek to work for 8 hours straight even, and without taking too much of any a break that is {and as with this furtherly even, talking about working in many ways even, and on a part-time basis too that is}.

In all ways even, to speak of the Sabbatical, is to speak in all again, of what they do term 'Expenditure' actually, and not 'Budgeting' either {that in all, if having little money to oneself, don't think Budgeting (and as with speak too even, of Accounting that is), but in all ways even, Expenditure (and as with it referring even, to Auditing too that is)}.

In all ways even, the Sabbatical in all, proscribed even, and as a basic Religious practise too, and as with this referring even, to the most unproductive of folks in all again, and to be seen perhaps, and within Anatolian Nairobi too that is.



When most in all, do think of Social Activity, they do in all again, tend to think about it, and from more or less a Western/Modern perspective that is. What this does mean is that, Social Activity in all again, and as with today too that is, has taken proportions where in all, most do associate just about any form or kind of Social Activity too, with attempting in all again, to fullfill their wishes, dreams or even longings and in all ways too that is {and as with their deeming life in all again, rather empty and meaningless too, and if unable in all, to have Society/'Social Activity', truly in all ways even, help fulfill these dreams and longings that they may in all again, possess in all that is}. If on failing to have their dreams and longings in Society met in all, many then do fall to the wayside, suffering depressions and other such malaises in all, and as with the belief truly even, that life in one way or another, is truly even over actually.

In Anatolian Nairobi though (or 'Nairo' to be more precise), Social Activity in general, does take rather differing proportions in all, and from that seen in the Western/Modern World too that is {and as with speak too even, of not only 'Westernized Nairobi', but also 'Nai' in many ways truly even}. In 'Nairo' though, Social Activity, is to be very much associated in all again, with means of seeking out Therapy in itself. In many ways too, an old model, and of defining 'Social Activity' in all (and as with speak too even of the 'old' World that is), where in all again, many a person did seek to go out to a pub or bar even, and not with the desire to fulfill a longing or dream even, but in all ways even, with the desire, to simply even, upraise their spirits in all that is.

Below, and in the spirit of the 'old World' too, are a number of commercial/entrepreneurial endeavours, that in many ways truly, can be of help to those in Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be exact), and in helping them in all again, deal with any forms of depression, malaise or social maladies even, that might actually pop up {and as with saying truly that, there could very well be a problem, and with the Economics of these endeavours, and as with furtherly saying that, they only do truly function, when those in Anatolian Nairobi in all, are probably suffering bouts of depression that is, but in all ways even, all this does call into question, just what kind of Ownership in all, is best for these endeavours (and as with this referring even, to volunteer service, and as with regards, to those living in Anatolian Nairobi too that is)}. In all ways though, and as with such questions pending even, it can best however be said that, the following opportunities (and as with Therapy in itself too actually), are in many ways truly highly even, suited for Anatolian Nairobi, and as with they even, speaking of a general Identity in all again, and as with helping out even, make-out Anatolian Nairobi in itself too that is.

1. The One-Room Bar: and with it highly said even, to be Cosy actually, and not Aesthetically Cool that is, and in all ways even, appealing to Geek sensibilities {and as with speak too even, of rather colourful walls that is}.

2. The Cabaret Bar: Cabaret in all, can be said, to be a truly complicated form of music. It in all again, can take the very form of just about any other kind of music too actually: from Jazz, to Rock, to Rap music even, or even truly again, Classical Piano in itself actually. While in all though, Cabaret Bars are popular and all over the World too (but catering to a much mature audience that is), they in all again, differ in their makings, and as with saying truly that, Jazz Cabaret, does go along rather well with Karaoke for instance, Rap Cabaret with the Comedy scene, and Classical Piano Cabaret on the otherhand, with many a professional Dance troupe that is. For Anatolian Nairobi though, the Rock Cabaret Club, is highly recommended in all again, and as with basing it all, and on Rock Music Videos too that is {and as with setting up many a Monitor even, playing Rock Music Videos, and from whatever place and time, and with revellers in all again, simply letting it all seep in, and as with it all generally even, letting it all upraise ones spirits that is}.

3. The City Country Club: A place in all again, to simply go check out who is around, and in many ways even, eat something great perhaps. What though, does define the City Country Club, and as with 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact (and as with this Design highly suited for 'Nairo' only that is), is a Library, a Diner, a Bar, a Satelite TV Room, and finally even, a Lawn offering one the possibility in all again, and of playing 'Bowls' or 'Boules' too actually.

4. Night School: Offering one, the opportunity to learn just about anything, and in an Anatolian Nairobi too, where most and as Geeks too, are bound to be reclusive in all, but in all ways even, the kind that do seek out, to be self-educated that is, and in just about any manner too actually.

5. The Silver Springs Hotel: And as with asking those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact), that we truly do need, to take over the Silver Springs Hotel and within Nairobi in itself, and as with it truly even, not only a rather good Hotel, and for those visiting Anatolian Nairobi too, but one too in all ways even, one can very well choose in all again, to frequently visit actually, and as with simply hanging out even, and with a close friend or two that is {that in all, City Country Clubs, are not to be used for this very purpose, meeting close friends that is, but that in all ways even, the rather quiet in its ways Silver Springs Hotel, is aptly truly suited, and for all this too actually}.

In all, the only truly pertinent question and as with regards to all this, does deal with Design actually, and as with truly saying that, Design questions in all again, that do deal with elements of Therapy in itself actually {and as with speak too even, of helping cure depression for instance}.


Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Portable CD Player

The Portable CD Player.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again, and who do wish, to start living life immediately that is {and as with wondering truly even, what to do right at this moment}, then one should truly know in all again that, there is a trick to it all actually. What you really wanna do, is to get a hold in all too really, and of a Portable CD Player too actually {and as with saying truly that, the trick, or key truly even perhaps, does lie, with thinking in all again, and as based around it all actually} {and as with using it too that is, as a kind of point of reference in all, and as with regards truly even, to truly helping one in all again, determine, what exactly to do, and with ones free time in all too really}.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Nairobi City Council

The Nairobi City Council.

Many of course do acknowledge, that the very sole purpose in all again, and of the Mayor's Office in Nairobi, has to do, with the very governing of the City in many ways truly. It is however, the responsibility in all again, and of the Nairobi City Council too, to truly attempt in all, to create, an Identity for the City {and something today, appearing very much to fall, under the role and guidance too, and of the Mayor of Nairobi 'himself' actually}.

To speak of creating an Identity for Nairobi (and as a whole too), does not refer specifically, to putting out all sorts of Promos (or Adverts even), and on the City too {and as with speak too even, of a Flight magazine for instance}, but in many ways truly, attempting to truly define what creating an Identity for Nairobi, is truly all about.

There are three ways perhaps, to go about doing this: one could very well Solidify an Identity, Consolidate an Identity, or even truly again, Formulate an Identity in itself.

To speak of Solidifying an Identity, is to speak in all again, of how the Egyptians in all, did go about creating Identities for themselves {in many a ways that is, seeking to uphold Prestige, gain Respect, or even truly again, simply be Praised and at just about every moment too, and of ones life that is}. To speak of Consolidating an Identity, is to speak in all again, of tying ones Identity in all again, and to an Asset basis that is {and a way of creating Identity too, that truly did reach its heights, and in old Italy too that is}. To speak of Formulating an Identity, is to speak of making ones life in all again, as Memorable as possible actually, and such that, these Memories and ones Identity in all again, are very much one in their ways {and as with choosing to behave in all again, and as with Identity even, and as highly based around Memory in itself too actually}.

Nairobi today though, is one often promoted, and highly from the perspective, of attempting to Solidify an Identity for it {and as with speak too even, of a Newspaper or Magazine spreadsheet too for instance}. The reality on the ground though is that, the creation of Identity in Nairobi today {and as compared to highly functionable Colonial Nairobi too}, is highly based around attempting (and as with Individuals too even), to Consolidate an Identity in all {and as with speak truly even, of individuals in all again, attempting to accumulate as many Assets as possible, and turning Nairobi Real-Estate Industry, into a mess of a kind too actually (and as with further speak too even, of Corruption that is)}.

In many ways, the two problems above, has resulted in not only Business in itself, more or less lackluster in its ways actually, but the very attempt even, and by many to Consolidate an Identity in all and for those in Nairobi too, has led to many of the problems seen in it today actually {and from Waste Garbage, to Slums, or even Poverty & Crime in themselves actually} {and with Formulating an Identity in all again, the modus operandi in all, and for many a famed olden Greek City too actually}.

In all though is to say that, Nairobi and as with its original City Planning Design (and as with Pre-Colonial/Victoria era Kenya that is), was meant in all again, to have an Identity highly based around the Formulation of it actually {that is, attempting to make life in Nairobi, as highly Memorable as possible, and for just about anyone in it too that is}. In many ways too it is perceived that, Formulating an identity for Nairobi {and as with the Nairobi City Council too}, is the easiest way in all again, to fight most of the problems seen in it today actually {and from Waste Garbage, to Slums, or even lackluster Business in itself too} {that in all again, it is much better to open up a simple Eatery, and with a rather accommodating Design to it (Formulating an Identity), and as compared, to opening up an upscale Restaurant too perhaps (and as with speak too even, of attempting to receive Praise in all too really, and as with the further attempt too that is, of Solidifying an Identity for one actually)} {and with Formulating an Identity in all again, in line, with attempting to turn Nairobi as a whole even, and into a Worldly City too that is}.

In all though, what is been recommended here is that {and as especially with regards, to those in 'Nairo' to be exact (or Anatolian Nairobi too that is)} {but even truly again, speaking of Anatolia in itself}, that the quickest way in all and to get things moving in lackluster Nairobi too, is from attempting, to make every living moment {and as with a Business Idea even}, as Memorable as possible actually {and as with this referring even, to the attempt, to Formulate an Identity for oneself, and within Nairobi in itself too actually} {but with furtherly reminding one too that, Anatolia in itself, is based around the Formulation of Identity, and not the Consolidating of one either (and as with Asset accumulation too that is)} {but with Assets and within Anatolia in itself, highly defined in all again, and as based around a Pooling mechanism too perhaps, and as seen even amongst many a reknowed ethnicity/group in America, and such as New York based Italian-Americans for instance}.

In all again though, and as this Blog very much progresses too, many an Idea on Formulating an Identity for Nairobi will be given, and as with regards truly even, to simply getting things moving in the right direction actually {and as compared even, to activity and as seen all over Nairobi today, and which does appear in all ways even, to bear absolutely no fruit whatsoever, for those who do engage in it too actually (and as with lackluster Business too that is)}.

Monday 11 June 2012

Community programs

Community programs.

With the main purpose of many a Community program, and in Anatolian Nairobi too (or 'Nairo' to be exact), to be all about and in all ways even, helping develop a Brand Personality {and not merely talk in all again, of helping develop Personality, and so as to meet perhaps, a certain American or Foreign standard too that is}.

Brand Personality:

Sunday 10 June 2012

The Guitar

The Guitar.

Arab styled Guitar playing, and as seen in the Meditarrenean too actually {and as with this style of Guitar playing in all, highly recommended for those in Anatolian Nairobi} {and as with these two texts even, to be considered the primary texts and on learning to play the Guitar, and as compared even, to Guitar playing and as seen in North America, Spain or even the Americas too actually} {and as with Alternative Rock/Grunge, more or less along the lines, and of Arab styled Guitar playing too that is}.

Urbane lifestyles & Fads

Urbane lifestyles/Fads & 'Nairo'.

Urbane lifestyles:


The Occult

The Occult:

What they do call Occultism, does in many ways, encompass a rather huge Field of Study in many ways truly. A Field of Study too, that in all ways even, deals with what they do term Psychic presences/happenings/manifestations, and rather than Spirits too actually.

To speak of Occultism and Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be exact), is to speak of one in all again, housing or harboring, all kinds of beliefs about oneself (Inferiority/Superiority), or about others too (Equal/Unequal), and in many ways too, becoming rather fixed in ones ways actually, and due in all again, to the holding of such beliefs too actually. In many ways too though, all this referring in all again, to Psychic happenings in all {and as with the manifestation of a stranger perhaps}, occurring, and with the very purpose too in all again, of changing ones beliefs, and of not only oneself (Inferiority/Superiority), but also others too in all (Equal/Unequal) {and as with the attempt in all again, to give one a chance, and to change their ways too, and via a chance meeting in all too really, and with a Stranger even, and as with regards, to beliefs held too that is}.

Saturday 9 June 2012


Society and 'Nairo'.

The works of Charles Dickens in most ways, are some of the most popularized of European Literature, and as to be seen out there too, and offering in many ways too actually, a rather good perspective in all too even, and on Dickensian London in itself actually.

To speak of Society though, is to in all again, speak of how it all does differ, and as seen in Nairobi in itself too actually('Anatolian' entry), and as with speak of today that is. That when it does come to the so termed 'Westernized Nairobi', Society is in many ways, highly organized, and as based around Popular Venues and Social Spots actually {and as with it even, mainly 'Africanized' in most ways too really}. When it does come to 'Nai', one does find that, Society is in many ways, very much Private in its ways actually, and as with speak too even, of meetings at Homes, or even, in Hotels too actually, and Society in all again (and as with corruption too even), highly geared, towards the International in many ways too really.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be more precise), is to say that, Society, can best be envisioned in all again, and as existing solely, in Charles Dickens Pickwick Papers {that in many ways, the book does offer fine examples of Society in all again, highly suited even, and for Anatolian Nairobi too that is, and as with this even, speaking of many a meeting perhaps, and at a Pal's Garage for instance} {In many ways too, Society in itself, that does fall along the lines, and of the Movie world in all too really}.

Friday 8 June 2012

Alternative Media

Alternative Media.

What can be called Alternative Media in all again, actually does refer to Media, and that which does define, our everyday lives in all ways too even. Media too, that does speak of everyday trials and problems, and as with a relationship, family or at work too even, and in many ways too, attempts to not only to solve these problems, but in many ways too actually, redefine them and in just about everyway too that is. For those in Anatolian Nairobi, Alternative Media in all again, can best perhaps, be best associated in all too really, with Alternative Rock Music actually {and as with speak too even, of the kind of Radio Station, that one would choose in all again, to tune in to} {and as with recommending too that, somebody out there in all again, start an Anatolian Nairobi Radio Station, and one at the very least too, always playing not only Alternative Rock in itself, but also, Alternative Grunge (and such as Jimi Hendrix too for instance)}.



And with many a famed City and of the past too {and from London, Boston or Paris too even}, having come to be defined and in all ways too even, and by a Motif of a kind too {and as with speak too even, of Political and Cultural trends that is}, Anatolian Nairobi is no different, and as with 'Nairo' in all again, highly defined perhaps, and by the Hand-Axe too, and as Motif too that is.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Human Behaviourism

Human Behaviourism.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be exact), and who do wish in all again, to truly know, what are the limits in all again (and as with a 'sense of humour' too that is), of acceptable Human Behaviour, is to say in all again that, it's the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' {and as with it in and in many ways too even, a Kenyan educational classic that is}.



For those in Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' to be exact), and who in all again, don't fear Exercises in any form or way even, here is a routine, to instill the fear into you: Chin-ups, Dips and Push-ups {and on a regular basis too that is}.

Monday 4 June 2012



Nairobi in many ways, is often poorly promoted, and as a potential International City too {and one in many ways too, and within Africa too that is, able to rise in prominence, and as comparable even, to New York or London in itself too actually (and as with it even, Nairobi, housing many an excellent speaker of English too that is)}. International Cities in all again, are those, that do welcome many a Guest or Visitor in all too even, and for a major reason too perhaps, and as with participating in all too really, in an event or two, and before, the Guest or Visitor, does seek to return to their homes in all too really {and as believed even, outside the International City in itself too that is}.

The truth about Nairobi as a whole though, is that, its actually a Worldly City {and a City too that is, that speaks of inviting peoples from all over the World, and so as to make a Home in it too actually}. As a result, this does call in all again, for a rather new way in all, of viewing Nairobi and as a whole too, and outside of associating it in all again, and with a certain Ethnicity too {and such as Somalis or Kikuyus even}, or even, with the Wealthy Class in all too really {Indian/Political, Expatriate/International or Business too even}, and as to be seen in the place too actually. The best way in all again and of viewing Nairobi as a whole too {and as with it capable of housing, too many of a Cultural Identity that is}, is from the perspective, of its Ecological diversity {and as with saying truly that, it does appear a place in all again, wherein, just about any kind of Plant/Vegetation, can be ecologically supported in all that is }. In many ways too, this perhaps does call for viewing Nairobi in all again, and as whole too, from its Botanical Gardens, and Parks in many ways too really {and as with it all centered even, around the Nairobi Botanical Gardens, and even Uhuru Park too actually}.

Some Worldly music on the otherhand:

Dead Spirits

Dead Spirits.

We do live in World where in all again, the very concept of Scholarship (and as a Cultural Identity too even), has strongly declined, and in the last 200-300 Years too that is and in exchange in all again, for an obsession in all too really, with 'News Media'/Newspapers, Radio in itself, and finally in all too even, Television in itself too actually {that in all, most today do base their Cultural Identities, and on the latter three, and instead, of basing it, and on Scholarship too, and as was often too many a time seen, and in the years/times preceding, the last 200-300 Years that is} {and all this said too, and as with speak even, of the exception, of the Self-Help Publishing Industry that is, and which does publish cheap/easy Religious material in all, one could very use in all again, in the attempt to create, a Cultural Identity that is}. As a result, only a few of the Worlds populations, does have to its name, a concrete form of Scholarship in all (and as including Literature too even), and as with most in all again, possessing Scholastic materials in all, rather dated in their ways actually {and with the exception in all again perhaps, of a few groups in all, who have had stellar Scholarship in preceding times (and as with it not easily dated that is), and in many ways too, many an Ethnic success to be seen in the World today (from Arabs, to Jews, or even Islamic groups and such as the Aga Khan for instance), do base in many ways, their success, on past Scholarship that is (and as a Cultural Identity too), and not Modern Media in all again either (and such as Newspapers, Radio or Television too actually)}.

Dead Spirits in all again, does speak of, what they do term 'Ancestral veneration'. This in all ways too even, does differ from 'Ancestral worship', as 'Ancestral worship' in all again, actually does fall under Religion, while 'Ancestral veneration', can be classified under Occultism in all too really. In all ways though, the goal here is to attempt to promote Occultism (and as with 'Ancestral veneration' too), and in the form, of reading/studying, what they do term Biographical works actually {that they in all again, not only do serve as a form of 'Ancestral veneration' in all, and as with speak of Occultism too even, but in many ways too, can help those in Anatolian Nairobi, develop in all again, Scholarship in itself, and as with regards in all too even, to developing Cultural Identities, and as to be seen in Anatolian Nairobi in itself too that is (or even within Anatolia and in itself too actually)} {and as with the further belief that, Nairobi in itself, is a highly versatile city in all again, and as with regards even, to not only Cultural Identities in all, but in many ways too, as with regards to Economic activity in itself too actually}.



To be perceived in all and by those in 'Nairo' too, as being Anatolian Nairobi's Official Sport that is.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance and 'Nairo'.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi (but with reference in many ways too even, to the rest of Anatolia too that is), and in all ways too even, currently residing in 'Nairo' (Anatolian Nairobi that is), and who in all again, and as with being very much a Geek too, do wish in all again, to gain some form of employment {full-time or part-time even}, it would be considered in ones interest, to turn to the Kenyan Investment Authority, and as with regards, to all this actually {and as with this too even, referring specifically to those in Tanzania or Uganda even, and who might very well wish in all again, to live in 'Nairo' too, and on a part-time basis too that is}.