Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Nairobi City Council

The Nairobi City Council.

Many of course do acknowledge, that the very sole purpose in all again, and of the Mayor's Office in Nairobi, has to do, with the very governing of the City in many ways truly. It is however, the responsibility in all again, and of the Nairobi City Council too, to truly attempt in all, to create, an Identity for the City {and something today, appearing very much to fall, under the role and guidance too, and of the Mayor of Nairobi 'himself' actually}.

To speak of creating an Identity for Nairobi (and as a whole too), does not refer specifically, to putting out all sorts of Promos (or Adverts even), and on the City too {and as with speak too even, of a Flight magazine for instance}, but in many ways truly, attempting to truly define what creating an Identity for Nairobi, is truly all about.

There are three ways perhaps, to go about doing this: one could very well Solidify an Identity, Consolidate an Identity, or even truly again, Formulate an Identity in itself.

To speak of Solidifying an Identity, is to speak in all again, of how the Egyptians in all, did go about creating Identities for themselves {in many a ways that is, seeking to uphold Prestige, gain Respect, or even truly again, simply be Praised and at just about every moment too, and of ones life that is}. To speak of Consolidating an Identity, is to speak in all again, of tying ones Identity in all again, and to an Asset basis that is {and a way of creating Identity too, that truly did reach its heights, and in old Italy too that is}. To speak of Formulating an Identity, is to speak of making ones life in all again, as Memorable as possible actually, and such that, these Memories and ones Identity in all again, are very much one in their ways {and as with choosing to behave in all again, and as with Identity even, and as highly based around Memory in itself too actually}.

Nairobi today though, is one often promoted, and highly from the perspective, of attempting to Solidify an Identity for it {and as with speak too even, of a Newspaper or Magazine spreadsheet too for instance}. The reality on the ground though is that, the creation of Identity in Nairobi today {and as compared to highly functionable Colonial Nairobi too}, is highly based around attempting (and as with Individuals too even), to Consolidate an Identity in all {and as with speak truly even, of individuals in all again, attempting to accumulate as many Assets as possible, and turning Nairobi Real-Estate Industry, into a mess of a kind too actually (and as with further speak too even, of Corruption that is)}.

In many ways, the two problems above, has resulted in not only Business in itself, more or less lackluster in its ways actually, but the very attempt even, and by many to Consolidate an Identity in all and for those in Nairobi too, has led to many of the problems seen in it today actually {and from Waste Garbage, to Slums, or even Poverty & Crime in themselves actually} {and with Formulating an Identity in all again, the modus operandi in all, and for many a famed olden Greek City too actually}.

In all though is to say that, Nairobi and as with its original City Planning Design (and as with Pre-Colonial/Victoria era Kenya that is), was meant in all again, to have an Identity highly based around the Formulation of it actually {that is, attempting to make life in Nairobi, as highly Memorable as possible, and for just about anyone in it too that is}. In many ways too it is perceived that, Formulating an identity for Nairobi {and as with the Nairobi City Council too}, is the easiest way in all again, to fight most of the problems seen in it today actually {and from Waste Garbage, to Slums, or even lackluster Business in itself too} {that in all again, it is much better to open up a simple Eatery, and with a rather accommodating Design to it (Formulating an Identity), and as compared, to opening up an upscale Restaurant too perhaps (and as with speak too even, of attempting to receive Praise in all too really, and as with the further attempt too that is, of Solidifying an Identity for one actually)} {and with Formulating an Identity in all again, in line, with attempting to turn Nairobi as a whole even, and into a Worldly City too that is}.

In all though, what is been recommended here is that {and as especially with regards, to those in 'Nairo' to be exact (or Anatolian Nairobi too that is)} {but even truly again, speaking of Anatolia in itself}, that the quickest way in all and to get things moving in lackluster Nairobi too, is from attempting, to make every living moment {and as with a Business Idea even}, as Memorable as possible actually {and as with this referring even, to the attempt, to Formulate an Identity for oneself, and within Nairobi in itself too actually} {but with furtherly reminding one too that, Anatolia in itself, is based around the Formulation of Identity, and not the Consolidating of one either (and as with Asset accumulation too that is)} {but with Assets and within Anatolia in itself, highly defined in all again, and as based around a Pooling mechanism too perhaps, and as seen even amongst many a reknowed ethnicity/group in America, and such as New York based Italian-Americans for instance}.

In all again though, and as this Blog very much progresses too, many an Idea on Formulating an Identity for Nairobi will be given, and as with regards truly even, to simply getting things moving in the right direction actually {and as compared even, to activity and as seen all over Nairobi today, and which does appear in all ways even, to bear absolutely no fruit whatsoever, for those who do engage in it too actually (and as with lackluster Business too that is)}.