Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Heavens

The Heavens.

(Beautiful - James Blunt)

Anatolian Nairobi as a Cultural Ecosystem:

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact), and who do recognize Nairobi as a whole to be in all again, a rather large place even, and rather culturally diverse too actually, is to in all again perhaps, attempt to summarize it all for them that is, and as with regards even, to attempts in all again, and by those in 'Nairo' too, to transform the whole City that is.

First off, is the attempt to have the whole of Nairobi in all, and at the very least too, recognizing 'Nairo' in all again (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), as the very base existence perhaps, and of the whole City too that is {that in all again, its way of life, is one to be envied, and even copied, and by those in all again, who do choose to live in this City, Nairobi, and one too, which does highly operate in all, and around Oracular Knowledge Systems too that is (and as with they even, capable of being Individual in nature actually)}.

In all ways though, is to speak in all again of Nairobi in all, and as imagined too, and as consisting of three mains segments that is:


When one does speak of Durnham-Nairobi, is to in all ways even, refer to operations in all again, and of Individuals or groups even, and as seen in Nairobi as a whole too that is. That in all, Durnham-Nairobi does recognize, the very individual nature, and of those who do live in Nairobi as a whole (and as with operations that is), and in all again too, does attempt to associate thes e individual natures, and with not only Oracular Knowledge Systems, but that in all again, these Knowledge Systems in all (Oracular), do make themselves manifest, and in the form too even, of the so termed Money Markets that is {that in all, the best way even, to see Nairobi as a whole, and operating rather successfully too, is from the perspective, of the Money Markets (defining Money in all again, whats acceptable or not, and to whom too that is), and that in all again too, the Politics of the City in itself, are highly based around in all, the Money Markets in themselves (and Oracular Knowledge Systems too that is)}. In all again, for those in Nairobi as a whole, this is the best way to view Nairobi in itself (Oracular Knowledge Systems and Money Markets), and as with they even, capable of being rather individual in their ways that is {and as with the Politics even, and of running the City in itself too actually)}.


A second way in all {and as with it even, another segment of life in Anatolian Nairobi to be exact}, is to speak of Webnet, and how in all again, it will come, to influence Nairobi as a whole too (and from the Cultural perspective that is) {that in all, attempts in many ways truly even, to mythologize Nairobi as a whole perhaps, and not from the perspective of its People that is (and as workers too perhaps), but in all ways truly even, from the perspective, of seeing Nairobi as a whole too, and Culturally too perhaps, and as a Place & Time too that is}.


What in all again, does truly separate 'Nairo' and from Anatolian Nairobi too is that, those in 'Nairo' in all again, do actually believe in turning Nairobi in itself, and into a Heaven of a kind that is {and as with everything good or fantastic in it, Nairobi as a whole, emerging in all ways even, and with those in 'Nairo' too that is}. To understand this much better is to know that, their is a popularized belief in all again that, those who do get to go to Heaven in all, are those in all again, rather perfect in their Speech even, but in all ways truly even, they too, seen as being rather well mannered, and also, rather proper in speech and behaviour too that is. In all ways though (and as with European beliefs even), it is possible, to re-create heaven on Earth. The key to this, has to do with mastering in all again, what kind of Speech, manners, behaviour and speech too actually, are truly needed in all, to make a place in all again, function, and as Heaven itself probably would {and as with the belief even, that the Heavens in all again, do carry their own forms of drama and enjoyment too, and as based on doing all this that is}. In all ways though is to tell those in 'Nairo' too that, 'Nairo' in all again, is capable of being a Heaven in all, if at the very least, those in 'Nairo' in itself specifically, do adhere to Speech, manners, behaviour and speech in all again, that would be deemed rather acceptable in all, and by none other, than St. James too actually {this though, does not mean that one does not party or have sex too, but that one in all again, does it rather differently, and from the conventional too that is}. In all ways even, is to attempt to declare (and as with his accepting even), St. James, and as the Patron Saint too, and of Nairobi as a whole too that is.