Saturday 23 June 2012



Ase (ash-ay), is a Yoruba term in all, one could very well too, associate, with what they do term a Christ Consciousness. In all ways truly even, this does speak of, removing all forms of suppressive, regressive and oppressive beliefs, and from ones memories too in all, and in the bid too again, to remove as much meaningless struggle, and from ones life too that is.

While traditionally, one does find that the regular Cross in all, and alongside the regular Christian Mass too, has often been associated with developing a Christ Consciousness, for those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact), is to in all again say that, when dealing with issues of Ase, and endemic pain and struggle in ones life too, it is best in all again, to turn to the Double Cross (and such as the one displayed above), and as with regards even, to prayer in itself actually.