Monday 4 June 2012

Dead Spirits

Dead Spirits.

We do live in World where in all again, the very concept of Scholarship (and as a Cultural Identity too even), has strongly declined, and in the last 200-300 Years too that is and in exchange in all again, for an obsession in all too really, with 'News Media'/Newspapers, Radio in itself, and finally in all too even, Television in itself too actually {that in all, most today do base their Cultural Identities, and on the latter three, and instead, of basing it, and on Scholarship too, and as was often too many a time seen, and in the years/times preceding, the last 200-300 Years that is} {and all this said too, and as with speak even, of the exception, of the Self-Help Publishing Industry that is, and which does publish cheap/easy Religious material in all, one could very use in all again, in the attempt to create, a Cultural Identity that is}. As a result, only a few of the Worlds populations, does have to its name, a concrete form of Scholarship in all (and as including Literature too even), and as with most in all again, possessing Scholastic materials in all, rather dated in their ways actually {and with the exception in all again perhaps, of a few groups in all, who have had stellar Scholarship in preceding times (and as with it not easily dated that is), and in many ways too, many an Ethnic success to be seen in the World today (from Arabs, to Jews, or even Islamic groups and such as the Aga Khan for instance), do base in many ways, their success, on past Scholarship that is (and as a Cultural Identity too), and not Modern Media in all again either (and such as Newspapers, Radio or Television too actually)}.

Dead Spirits in all again, does speak of, what they do term 'Ancestral veneration'. This in all ways too even, does differ from 'Ancestral worship', as 'Ancestral worship' in all again, actually does fall under Religion, while 'Ancestral veneration', can be classified under Occultism in all too really. In all ways though, the goal here is to attempt to promote Occultism (and as with 'Ancestral veneration' too), and in the form, of reading/studying, what they do term Biographical works actually {that they in all again, not only do serve as a form of 'Ancestral veneration' in all, and as with speak of Occultism too even, but in many ways too, can help those in Anatolian Nairobi, develop in all again, Scholarship in itself, and as with regards in all too even, to developing Cultural Identities, and as to be seen in Anatolian Nairobi in itself too that is (or even within Anatolia and in itself too actually)} {and as with the further belief that, Nairobi in itself, is a highly versatile city in all again, and as with regards even, to not only Cultural Identities in all, but in many ways too, as with regards to Economic activity in itself too actually}.