Saturday 23 June 2012

The Novice

The Novice.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again (or 'Nairo' to be exact even), and in many ways truly even, dealing in all again, with all forms or sorts even, of issues/fears and pertaining to failure or succeeding in itself, is to then let one know that, the best way to go about dealing with all this, is from very much seeing oneself, and as a Novice too actually {that in all, when attempting to learn just about anything, or succeed in anything too that is, don't be afraid to take the path of the Novice, and as an assistant or apprentice even, and that in all again, this path of succeeding in all, is rather respectable, and in Anatolian Nairobi/'Nairo' in itself too that is}.