Friday 1 June 2012

All Saints Day

And as with it even, a holiday/festival in all, originating truly, in Christian Kenya (or 'New England' and as it was formerly called) {and as with speak too even, of Lord Delamere himself that is}, and as with it not having origins either, and in Europe or Italy too that is {and as with it even, a holiday/festival in all, responsible for helping define in all again, a general Nairobi spirit, that most in all again, and whom have ever been to Nairobi too that is, are truly aware of in all too even}. In all again, the defining holiday/festival, and for those too, in Anatolian Nairobi that is {and as with St. Mary's School in Nairobi/Lavington too, in many ways truly, representative in all again, and of the general spirit in all, associated in all too really, with Nairobi in itself, and even 'All Saints Day' too that is}.