Tuesday 19 June 2012

The One-Room Bar



To speak of Decency and Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' in many ways even), is to in all again, speak of a rather huge problem, that to this very day too, has truly hampered, the development of Kenya in all, and as a Nation too perhaps {that Kenyans in all, and as nations even, are amongst, the stupidest of peoples, and when it does come, to Decency too that is}.

In many ways, how to declare Decency in not only Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' even), but the rest of Kenya too perhaps, remains very much, a rather big challenge in all actually.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to say that, the One-Room Bar, can best in all again, be perceived as a place in all too really, where one perhaps, can simply truly visit, and with the main goal even, of speaking (or voicing even), and as freely as possible, and on any issues or matter too, pertaining to Decency in itself {and just how they do believe in all, it should be made manifest perhaps} {and as with stating truly that, the very issue of Decency, can in many ways even, be said to be the great equalizer and amongst all peoples to be seen in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi too), and as with saying truly even that, it does not matter how rich, beautiful or even powerful one is, one will eventually discover that, in' Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi in itself, or even Kenya three, Decency, will eventually become a major issue in ones life actually, and be the very main reason too, why many a person in the three forementioned spheres of life in all, will eventually truly falter}.

However though, and alongside the everyday operations perhaps, and of the One-Room Bar too, what they do term 'House Music' in all (and as with 'House Music' too, referring to many an eclectic form of music in all, and not readily recognized too, as belonging to any specific music genre that is), be played in such One-Room Bars and as to be seen in 'Nairo' too actually, and as with truly furtherly saying that, 'House Music' in all, is a form of music in all again, that does heavily deals with issues of Decency actually {and as with furtherly stating that, nobody for sure, truly does know, what does constitute Decency in itself, and in not only 'Nairo', or Anatolian Nairobi too actually, but in many ways truly, within Kenya in itself actually, and as with furtherly even saying that, even the most vicious of crimes, do seem somewhat readily acceptable too, and to most within Kenya too actually} {that in all, this does not appear to be a Moral or Theological question and while in Kenya, but one in many ways, taking into account, the very preferences even, and of the peoples involved, and in a matter or issue too, dealing with Decency in itself actually}.

House Music:

Vanity 6
The Time
Christina Aguilera
C&C Music Factory
Milli Vanilli
Paula Abdul
Sheila E.
George Michael
Beats International
Stereo MC's