Monday 18 June 2012



Ethnography in all, does truly differ from Oracular Knowledge Systems, as Ethnography in all again, does deal with problem solving, and as with regards, to Societal issues in all ways even.

To speak of Anatolian Nairobi, and not only Societal issues too actually, but also, Ethnography in itself, is to in all again, refer one, and to the Drunken Kung-fu/Boxing style of the Shaolin Martial Arts systems in all. That in all again, what is being proposed here is that (and along the lines of Capoeira and Brazilian City life too actually), is a number of peoples in all, to get together in all again, and to study Drunken Kung-fu/Boxing, and from a creative perspective too that is {and as with speak of Ethnography in all that is} {and as with furtherly speak even, of not adhering, to its Asian practices that is}, and in all ways even, attempt to truly present Drunken Kung-fu/Boxing, and from a purely Folk perspective in all actually {and as with speak of Folklore, Folk music, Foll dance etc.}. And as with this in all again, believed truly important, and as with truly helping make Anatolian Nairobi, a historical fact in all {that in all, its History, will truly in all again one day that is, wind up, being recorded in the Books that is}.

In all and once more too, a call to ask many a person in Anatolian Nairobi in all again, and serious about this too, to study it all, and from a Folk perspective actually {and as with Cultural studies too that is}, as it is truly believed that, doing as such, will lead to a Body of Knowledge in all, suitable in many ways even, and for helping develop for example, a Defense Policy, or even a Social Policy perhaps, and for an Anatolian Nairobi too, and where Expenditure and rather than Budgeting, is the modus operandi in all too really {that in all, those in 'Nairo' in all again, would like very much to probably in all, keep as much money to themselves, and while protecting their turf/assets too, and in a Kenya/Nairobi in all again, where Taxes don't exist (and as with Kenya still lacking a Constitution that is), and such that, conceptual ideas and such as Insurance even, in many ways even, don't truly function at all, or as well as they should perhaps (and as with belief even, that the roots of Insurance in all too really, do in all ways even, lie in the world of Folk actually)}.

Inoorero University (another probable 'takeover'):