Monday 18 June 2012



In the attempt to tell many a person that, Anatolian Nairobi, is very much in all again, its very own Religious ecosystem perhaps, is to in many ways even, speak of not only the celebrative festival of 'All Saints Day' actually, but in many ways too, of Islamic beliefs in all, and of life on this very Earth too that is.

In all ways even, the Islamic world does believe that, life on this Earth does begin with Adam and Eve, and their eventually even getting kicked out of the 'Garden of Eden' too that is. In all ways even though, they are eventually in all, made to toil hard on Earth, and with a further promise too that, of a hopeful return, and into the 'Garden of Eden' in itself that is, and on having purified themselves too, and via hard work too that is {and with this referring in all again, to their re-instating themselves even, and as purified/pure Human beings that is}.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi in all again though, and as with they even, choosing to truly live in the place too actually is to know that, such beliefs (Islamic beliefs of evolution on this Earth), are to be held {and as with purifying oneself, speaking of being too pure in all, to live on this Earth actually}, and that in all again, one should very much consider this route/way of thinking, and when thinking about life rather seriously too that is {that the goal of it all actually, life on this Earth, is to become as pure as possible and such that, one is eventually forced to leave this very World in all, and for another deemed grander in all too that is}.

In helping one live out this kind of life and in all ways even, is to in all again promote, the very works of Louis de Wohl, and as with they in all even {and as with the 'All Saints Day' celebrations too}, speaking or referring even, to becoming as purified as possible actually {and as with speak too even, of traveling outside Anatolian Nairobi in itself too that is}. In all ways even, this calling in many ways too, for one to view Spain, and as a kind of Spiritual ground too that is {that in all ways even, Spain, and as with its culture even, is a place in all again, highly traditionally in many a way even, associated in all again, and with suffering, and of the purifying ('baptism by fire') kind actually}.

'Medieval Spain':