Friday 22 June 2012

The 19th Century Renaissance Man

The 19th Century Renaissance Man.

For those in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi, or even Anatolia in itself too actually, is to in all again perhaps, attempt truly, to introduce them to the formally known History of Kenya, and as with it even perhaps, formally originating, with the Victorians too. That in all, those in 'Nairo' for instance, tend to take to viewing the History of Kenya in all, and Nairobi in itself too, and from the perspective of the Presidency of Kenya {and as with this specifically even, speaking in all again, of African/Black resistance, and to a consolidated, formulated or solidified even, Identity, and one created too, and by White/English/Western groups in all that is} {that in all ways even, speak too of an Identity in all, that does associate those who can be openly termed as ethnic or minority too, and with certain successes too that is}.

In all ways though, is to tell those in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi, or even Anatolia in itself too, that when thinking of lifelong success in Anatolian Nairobi in all, then it is best (and as with speak too even, of 'Don Juan de La Mancha' for instance), to think of it all, and from the perspective too, of the 19th century Victorian Renaissance Man actually {and as with he even perhaps, a person in all again, that does dabble, and in all sorts of expertises too: explorer, translator, writer, soldier, poet, entrepreneurial businessman, diplomat etc.}. In all ways even, attempting to seek success in itself, in as many avenues as possible, and as with furtherly saying that, any success gained, would best in all again, be parlayed (or demonstrated in all ways too even), in South Africa, and not America either {that in all, what this does mean is that, forget about seeking out success, and as with it even today, highly packaged around Tourism, Real-Estate and even Popular Media too, when in all again, one could very well think of taking all the talents garnered, and as an renaissance man too in all (victorian), and instead, running to South Africa, and attempting to live (partly that is), life, as reckless, wild, and as free even, and as one truly can (and as with truly stating that, the winner in life and in Anatolian Nairobi as a whole too, is he who in all again, does come closest, to matching the life, and of 'Don Juan de La Mancha' too that is)}.