Wednesday 30 July 2014

the Interior Life

The Interior Life.

This post or entry, is in many a way, truly difficult to explain, and in concept, and in speaking of those in all, and in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and who have never truly attempted, and in engaging in all, and in many an endeavour, and that does have to do, and with ones Internal states of Emotional life that is.

To better explain this, is to hold in mind/thought, the very belief that (and as mentioned in one or another previous post in all), that Kenyan life and as lived in all, and at this very moment too, does call for us, and to have a proper sense in all, and of Order and Communications, in that, speak of this very moment in all, does speak in all perhaps, and of an interruption to ones life, and as calling for one, and to have a sense of Order and a change in Communications too, and as with regards in all too even, and to a problem, and as readily presented to one that is. Having said all this, is to also present the other view and in all that, Kenyan life, and as with regards to speak of 'Nairo' or even Anatolian Nairobi too, does go along and with speak of Sanctity in all [Link] [that the wish or goal and of many a person, and in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too, is to in all ways even learn just how to truly freely Express oneself, and not in a manner and that does speak of Artistic pursuits, but in all ways even, and in speak of EQ in itself too that is][or speak truly and in all again, and of being readily attuned, and to ones environs that is].

Having said all this, is to also present an interesting view of Kenyans, and as said Knowledgeable of others, and from the very perspective of Communications and Order, but that funnily enough, most Kenyans in all, tend to be ignorant of themselves and other Kenyans, and as with regards to speak of Communications and Order, in that, they do freely express themselves as such, and when not interacting in all, and with other Kenyans that is.

Having said all this, is to now speak on, what some do term the Interior Life. That the Interior Life in all, and from a Kenyan Context too perhaps, does basically speak in all, and of life and as said lived With-in, and not With-out truly either that is. That in all again, life and as lived With-in, does speak of what some do term the Inner Psyche [Link], in that, it does in all refer, and to whom we are, and when it does come to speak of Emotional Turmoil, and as basically in all referring, and to our not finding Satisfaction in all, and in just about everything we do that is [and speak in all again, and of many a Subconscious or Unconscious Inhibition that is][and that does in all again, pass for a Fear of Success, Fear of Trying or Fear of Failure too that is].

In having said this, the above that is, is to now present the view that, the Interior Life and as with regards to speak and of those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, does in all refer and to Emotional Turmoil, and as said to go along, and as with regards to whats With-in in all, and as said disorganized perhaps, and as with regards to Communications and Order. That in all again, applying just what has been said and to an everyday setting in all, does go along and with speak of Sanctity too, and speak in all again, and of our inability to freely or truly express ourselves [and in speak of Intelligence and said in all, and as with regards to those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and as said in all, and to primarily speak of EQ that is], and that in all again, unless one in all, does deal and with the Emotional Turmoil in oneself, and as said to speak of the Inner Psyche, and the inability in all, to find Satisfaction in life in itself, and as with it all truly speaking in all, and of the attempt to simply appease oneself, and via the attempt and of putting our Interior/Inner Life, and to a certain said Order and further speak of proper Communications (or Clear Thought), and such that, on this happening, one does see their Realities, and for what they truly are that is.

That in all perhaps, the above does speak of learning how to express our Inner Feelings in all, and from speak of Order and Communications, and such that, one and as said dealing with such Emotional Turmoil, and as said to speak of one and as having a well-functionable Inner Psyche, and which does in all result, and with one and as said a Creative Talent and in Thought too, and such that one is said rather Intelligent in all, and in thinking of just about anything, and from a Communications and Order perspective, and which does in all actually speak of EQ too that is. 

In having dealt with the Inner Psyche, the belief in all that, one is in many a way, exposed to a kind of Vision and as born of Clear Thought, and from which many an Idea in all perhaps, does actually emanate, and as in speak even, and of that said Night Dream, and that is truly capable and of transforming, one that is, and from the very perspective and in the very least, and of ones Feelings that is [that one perhaps, is not too scared and in taking many a chance, and all this too speaking of one and as said in all too even, a Medium of a kind, in that, dealing with ones Inner Psyche, can lead to a world, and just where one in all again, does have Night-Dream after Night-Dream, and as said in all transformational that is].

The sounds of the Interior Life:

(Madonna - Papa Don't Preach)

Tuesday 29 July 2014



The Formative Years

The Formative Years.

Many in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, might be the kind, and to want in all, and to seek out true Independence (and as said in all even, and to speak of the True Self), and as with regards to living out life. The key to this, might very well be said, and to lie, and in truly learning how to define ourselves, and in speak of the following: Heritage, Roots (ancestral place of origins), Place (Local identities), and even Records too that is.

Kenyan State Protocol

Kenyan State Protocol.

Those living in Kenya, might in many a way find life, and as said to speak of Disillusionment, Disappointment or even Disorientation in itself, and as with it all even referring, and to a general Mood of the place (Kenya), and as compared and to speak of it all and as said an Emotional Feeling that is.

In understanding all this better, is to perhaps associate Kenya in all, and as with regards to speak of Survival, and with speak of Contacts (Contact lists), and by which one does learn just how to survive by.

There is however in all, a believed route/method, and as with regards to having Kenya Work efficiently, and as with regards to problem solving too, [and other than having Government in all, and further speak of the Government and Budgeting too, solve all said Politicized problems], simply learn just how to have Kenya working and at the Local level too that is, and that does speak in all, and of Minimizing problems in Kenya that is. This in all again, is said to refer, and to Educating in all, and wherein all again, just about every Kenyan out there, and at the Basic/Primary level too (and of Schooling too that is), can truly learn in all, what Protocol & Etiquette and in Kenya too, truly are like, and as with regards in all, and to dealing with many a Time oriented issue/matter, and as very much going along and with speak of Disorientation, Disappointment or Disillusionment too, and speak truly in all even, and of Kenyans, and as said Shutting Down Emotionally/Psychologically [and as with all this too, Shutting Down that is, speaking and of just whom/who Kenyans in all, are, and with Protocol & Etiquette], and to the very Detriment and of All that is.

Sunday 27 July 2014

The Sacred/Immaculate Heart

The Sacred/Immaculate Heart.

The Sacred/Immaculate Heart, and speak too in all, and of the Kenyan Tradition / 'Common Law' [and speak in all again, and of those in Kenya, who don't truly care to know much about, anything, not said Kenyan in all that is].

the Legislature

the Kenyan Legislature.

State Religion and Kenya:

To speak of the Legislature, is to in all ways even speak of Kenya, and as going along and with many a Law, and in the very form of the Act, and not the Bill either. That living standards in Kenya, and as said falling apart, and since Independence was declared, can be said to very much have to do, and with the Law in Kenya in all, and as now interpreted, and from speak of Bills, and not Acts either.

In all, why is the above stated, truly said of importance? In all again, it does deal and with many a Mentality and that does speak even and of Mashujaa, in that, the very belief that Victorian styled society and as seen in Colonial Kenya, was inferior in its ways, and from a Psychological perspective perhaps, and as pertaining in all again, and to speak of Psychological terror that is, and that did in all even make, and for the so termed 'State of Emergency' that is. 

In all though, what does the State Legislature in Kenya, truly represent? It has been known in all, and to go along and with speak of many a Political Slogan that is, but that in all ways even, it all is said to speak, and of the attempt to make Kenya Work that is [and not only as with regards to finding/seeking Employment in all, but in speak truly even, and of life and on an everyday basis, apparently said 'First-World' that is]. In all again, the very belief that, all this is possible, and if and only if, Kenya's Law is interpreted, and from an Acts perspective, and not that of Bills either.

In finality though, what does 'Kenya Works' truly mean in all? It in all again, can be said to best go along perhaps, and with speak of Government Media, and in the form of State Television too perhaps, and as with speak of the Act in all (and as Law too), said in all and to speak of Kenya, and from the very perspective Forecasting, and as with it all even said to go along, and with speak of Favour, Ferver and even Passion in itself too that is [and speak truly even and of what it does mean to be Inbred in all, and as said to speak of Kenya and from a racial/races perspective, but that in all ways even, Kenya, and further speak here in all even, and of State Religion too, can simply be said, and to speak of Kenyans and from the very basic perspective of Ferver, Favour and Passions, and as with it all even said Kenyan Economics 101 that is].

The Kenyan Act:

*and as with it even said of the Disappearing variety too.

Friday 25 July 2014



Behaviourisms, and as with it all even referring and to Identity in Kenya in all, and as truly said Universal, and as with regards even, and to speak of (Physical) Markers and Identifiers that is [and further speak too in all, and of Kenyan Genes/Genetics, and Kenyan Blood that is][and speak too and of the very unknown world in all, and of Kenyan English Names, and such as Livingstone and Nancy too for instance].

Thursday 24 July 2014

The Kenyan State

The Kenyan State.

What in all, does constitute, and for the Kenyan State? It in many a way, is said today in all, and to basically speak and of just how to best develop in all again, a Mutual understanding perhaps, and between the differing and varying peoples of Kenya [and something in all again, and that does speak of Post-Colonial and Post-Independence Violence, and from the very perspective of Taboo, and as said Historical in its ways too that is].

The above though, does differ and from past attempts and in defining the Kenyan State in all, in that, it did in all again speak of attempting to define Kenya and as said Country (and speak too of E-Government for instance), Land, Nations (and speak of the Wealthy in Kenya today), Peoples, country (and as with it even said Arab too, and in Architecture that is), land, nations (and Kenya and as said a Democratic Republic), peoples (and Kenya and as said having Illegals to it), regions [and speak of Religion in Kenya and as said Political or Politicized too that is][Link] or even Territorial too [and speak of Kenya and as defined in all, and from speak of the Kenyan Militaries that is].

In all, the latter view and as said truly realistic, and in helping define the Kenyan State, in that, it does provide a proper explanation, and for just why in all, there are Wealthy groups/peoples in Kenya [Link], and as said influential too, and with the former, said disorderly and chaotic in its ways, and as believed truly said responsible in all, and for derailing the said process, and of making Kenya in all again, truly Progressive in its ways, and as it does in all, associate Kenyan lifestyles, and with speak of Sherehe, and irresponsible Partying all over that is [Link].

Party Kenya:

(Eddie Murphy - Put Your Mouth on Me)

Wednesday 23 July 2014



To speak of the Abagusii people, is to first of all truly differentiate them and from the Kisii people, in that, the Abagusii, and their Culture in all again, can be said to serve as the major inspiration, and for many a said Kenyan State Commendation that is [and as versus speak of Maasai Culture too in all].

Kenyan Blankets

Kenyan Blankets.

Kenyan Blankets, and speak in all, and of a Common Kenyan Identity that is.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Human Mimicry

Human Mimicry.

Human Mimicry, and speak even, and of Identity and in Kenya as a whole, and as said very much ancient in all that is.

Friday 18 July 2014



(By the Grace of God, so let it be done ........ or God help me Three)

This entry, has in many a way, and to do, and with what is said here believed even, Fundamental Identity, and in Kenya too that is. That it in all again, does speak even, and of what some do term Grace that is. That it in all, has come to be truly represented by, and in all again, and in speak of what some do term Cultural Settings that is.

To understand this better, is to perhaps speak of Kenya in all, and from the very perspective, and of what some do term Social Harmony that is [or speak even, and of no recorded episode, and of mindless Violence, and in Kenya too that is]. That in all, Kenya in all again, is a place said to suffer, and from many a problem and as having to do with Social Cohesion, and as said in all, and to go along in all again, and with the changing nature/disposition, and of many a Kenyan that is [or speak truly even, and of Kenyans, and as said even, readily differing in all, and in Mood that is].

To understand this all better and in all again, is to perhaps in all too speak of, and of just how to best ground Kenyan society in all, and on a stable footing, and such that, when things do fall apart (and as they often do), one can easily resort and to this footing, and as said basically in all even, and to speak of the term Recession, and the Kenyan Economy too that is.

That first off, Grace in all, does speak in all again, and of what some do term 'Higher States of Consciousness', in that, one in many a way, and via speak of a Book, Song, Poem, Chance Meeting or even Prayer in itself too, has been exposed in all, and to something more grander in its ways, and as compared to what they do in all ways even, experience in all, and on the average, and as said to speak of Existence too that is [and further speak here in all, and of Shaaban Roberts, and his famed work 'Kusadikika' that is][and a work perceived here and by the Blogger, and of Shaaban Roberts, and as said an Escapist/Dreamer in all, and as with regards even, and to Modern Contemporary African life that is].

In all again, on the above happening perhaps (and as with it even said to constitute and for Grace in Africa too that is), one in all again, does in all perhaps, develop a culture, and of Importance in itself too that is [and not self/Self-Importance truly either]. That Importance here (and as versus speak of the Powerful in all), does speak in all, and of one and as said developing in all, a 'sense of Authority' [or speak too that is, and of a person, and as called upon to solve a problem, readily knowledgeable in all, and of just how to bring together, all said assembled elements, and furtherly speak even, and of just how best to accommodate each and everything, and from its very essence that is] [or speak in all again, and of a person and as invited to a party and in the very form of a Social Reception too for instance, having a 'sense of Authority', and just where in all again, one does behave in a manner, and that does speak even, and of accomodating all, or speak truly even, and of many an idea here and there, and that is in all again, beneficial to all that is][and all this too, and via speak of the Grace of God in all actually, and in the name of Exposure too, and to said 'Higher Realms' too perhaps].

In all, speak even and of Kenya, and as popularly known to many a person and in/within Africa too [the Kenyan Social Reception that is], but speak furtherly in all again, and of the very creating of a Memory of the place, Kenya that is, and by many a person, and which does basically speak even and of Kenya, and as said changing in its ways or nature [and from the very perspective of a repeat Visitor perhaps], and in all ways even, simple speak and of many a Kenyan, and as simply said to inspire many another Kenyan in all, and in simply learning about themselves, and from speak of Time, and Spatial Realities too that is.

The Cult of Self-Importance:




Adaptation and 'Nairo'/Kenya:

This post or entry in all again, very much has to do, and with a rather huge problem in all, and to be found or seen in Kenya too, and that does in all, have to do and with Adaptation in itself that is. In all, it does speak of Kenya and from the very perspective of the Disciplinarian, and in all ways too, speak of Kenyan society, and from the very perspective of Distortions that is [or Misinterpretations in all actually].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps in all again, speak in all, and of what does constitute and for the Kenyan Psyche (or simply in all again, just how one in all does on the average, Experience life that is), and as with it even believed, a far more powerful Psyche, and than most to be seen out there, and when fully understood that is. That Kenyans in all, and on choosing to Communicate with themselves, Others or even God too perhaps, seem to take into account, just whom in all, the Target Audience truly is, and when seeking out desirable responses in all, and to their Communicating/Communications that is [that a Kenyan in all, and on walking into a Room, will in many a way truly even, seek out a Target Audience and of one Individual too, and via or by which, one can simply Express themselves by in all, but in many a way too, on being interrupted in all again, many a Kenyan in all, simply knows just how to change Audience (Target too), and in dealing with this interruption that is]. In all, this Psyche, and as with it now even mixing with Kiswahili (and having many a person in all, seeking out an Audience, and just as the Swahili would), has resulted in a Powerful Consciousness (and further speak even and of Awareness and Conscious States in themselves too), and that has led and to not only speak of a Chaotic Kenyan in all, but one in all again, truly Distorted, in that, many in all, do fear taking any Action of any kind, and due to a fear of Misinterpreting many a thing that is [that this in all, does constitute and for the Fear of Rejection, and as seen in Kenya too that is][Misinterpretations, and not speak and of a Lacking in Courage either that is][Misinterpretations too, and as truly arising even, and with the choosing of the wrong (Target) Audience, and as with it all even said Subconscious too that is].

In all again, this Psyche and as coming to be truly influenced and by the speaking of Kiswahili in all, and such that, many in all, do in all again truly configure themselves perhaps, and in speak of Target Audiences too, and in a manner, that the Swahili would (and as referring and to those who do speak Kiswahili that is), and in many a way, it all has truly made Kenya a problematic society, and as with regards to speak of Hatred, Envy or Sarcasm in all too perhaps, and as Kenya now, very much said to have a trajectory to it, and that does speak even, and of Swahili History that is [but with Kenya in all again, simply said to best function, and when said Christian/Hosanna in all actually].

In all, a true challenge and to the Kenyan Government, and as with regards in all, and of just what to do and when it does come to speak of Kiswahili, in that, Swahili people don't view themselves as Kenyan people but as Swahili truly (and with Identity too, and as stretching into the Middle East / Oman that is), but in all again and as knowing Kiswahili and as said simply diverse in its ways (and speak even of Kitenzi too for instance)[and which is not spoken either and by the majority of Swahili people that is, it being more Arab in its ways], a true call and to just how best to deal with Kiswahili in Kenya, in that, most in Kenya, tend to use Kiswahili (and as versus English too), and when it does come to speak of the Psyche and the (Target) Audience in all, and with this all and in many a way too, having to do and with Government in Kenya, and as having adopted the use of Kiswahili, and in its Internal Workings, and as versus speak of English too that is.

In all, Adaptation, and as merely described above, and as said even and to be at the very heart, and of changing Ethnic and Indigenous Identities in Kenya (and as including speak of Language in particular too), but furtherly in all again, the very belief here that, Kenya is truly going nowhere in all, and until it does deal with its Kiswahili Identity, and which does in all even, speak of Sheng for instance, and as said a 'Language of Commerce' in Kenya too that is.

Tuesday 15 July 2014



Verbiage, and speak too in all, and of what does constitute and for National Awareness in all, and in Kenya too [and further speak too in all again, and of the term Reproach, and as speaking in all, and of every said Kenyan, and as going through life, and without a mistake made that is].

Martial Dress

Martial Dress.

To speak of Martial Dress and Kenya/Kenia in all, is to speak in all again, and of just whom Kenyans in all, are, and when said filled, and with a Zest for life too that is. That Kenyans in all again, can be described and as being fully optimistic, hopeful, zealous or even truly non-partisan in their ways in all. When many a Kenyan in all again (or Kenian truly in all), do think of themselves in this manner, they do in all again often think of themselves as Martial, and in many a way too, speak even and of Martial Dress that is [or speak even and of Dress in all again, and as said inspired and by as such that is][Link].

In all, all this and as speaking in all too even, and of Identity creation and as going along and with speak of Etiology (Link1, Link2) [and further speak here even, and of Personal Counseling in all], but that in all ways even and in speak of Physical Builds too in all, Kenyans and as said Native to the place perhaps (and as with they even having a Physical look to them, and that does truly match that of a Leopard for instance), very much Martial in their ways, and in just about everything they do [and as including speak here even, and of the running of a Business, and from the very perspective and of speak only, and of Funds/Funding that is].

In all, an Identity that does truly work in a Kenya and as often perceived chaotic in its ways, and as with regards even, and to Social Identity (Social Tensions) too, but that in all ways even, does speak of Identity in all, and just where in all again, the Church in Kenya, does somewhat truly meet the Kenyan Militaries in all, and further speak here in all even, and of Kenyan Spirituality/Religion in all, and as meeting the Excursion too that is [and speak in all too, and of what some do term African Soldiery, and as with it all even speaking of the Puff Adder too for instance, or speak even, and of Africa and as said simply Dutch that is][Link]

'Quixote' or 'Ivan'

Monday 14 July 2014



Dawa, or speak even and of Swahili Anthropology, and as with it all even going along and with the associating of life in all, and not with Harvest or Festivals either, but in all ways truly even, speak in all, and of Mourning that is.

Capuchins, Dominicans & Franciscans

Capuchins, Dominicans & Franciscans.

Capuchins, Dominicans & Franciscans, and as with they even falsely said European/Spanish Religious Orders truly, they in all again, can be said very much Coptic/African in their ways, and in many a way too, do have a History in Kenya, and as going along in all, and with speak of the building of the Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi too that is [Link].

In all, the above three mentioned Religious Orders, and alongside speak even of the Don Bosco Religious Order too, and as going along and with speak of a Philosophy of Transcendentalism in all, and as suited for Kenya too, and in all ways too though, and as with regards to speak of Kenya' Future in all, their known ability in all again, and in the creating of Media/Publishing (and such as that associated and with the Blogger here perhaps), and that does attempt in all, and to turn Kenya perhaps, and into the 'Kingdom of God on Earth' (and speak too of Ukoloni and Nature in Kenya too perhaps)[Link], but with they in all again facing stiff opposition, and as with regards to what does constitute and for a Kenyan/African Consciousness that is [and further speak here and in all again, and of Transnational Identities in Kenya too that is][Link1, Link2].

Saturday 12 July 2014



Susceptibility (Distortions, Dissonance, Displacement etc.) and 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too that is [and as with it all even referring, and to speak of just how society in all again, does attempt to define Access that is].



Baharini, and speak even and of Swahili Government, and as said distinct and from Kenyan Government too that is.



Post - Colonial/Independence Identities and Kenya:

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with speak and of what does constitute and for a Kenyan Philosophy/Theology that is. That in all, Convention, and as said a Political term too in all, does in all have to do, and with the attempt in all again, and to make the life of every single Kenyan and in place too, a Success in all that is [and as having every Kenyan in all again, capable in all, and of fulfilling all their dreams and wishes too that is].

In speaking of Kenya and as stated above, is to perhaps first off introduce the very belief that, Kenya in all, and as going along and with speak of Philosophy too, does speak even and of truly attempting to define in all again, what does truly stand or constitute and for Kenyan Communications and Order [and as with they even known to change regularly, or truly in all even, encompass Order and Communications, and as seen around the World, and which does make in all again, Kenya, an 'International Destination' of a kind that is]. The second belief and on the above and about Kenya too, does lie in all, and in what they do term the 'Psyche' and 'Somasis' too, and further speak even perhaps, and of Kenyan Literature too for instance [and further speak too, and of Kenyans and as said rather Memorable in their ways that is].

However though, in truly speaking of Convention and as said to go along and with a Kenyan Philosophy/Theology and Psychology too, is to probably in all, present the very belief that, it is possible to create a Kenya and just where life for all Kenyans is said truly satisfactory, and as with it all even, not truly going along and with speak of Population Density, or speak even and of Resources too that is.

To understand this better, is to perhaps understand the role of the CCK/CAK and in Kenyan lives too, and as with it all even at the very least going along, and with speak of Television/Radio Broadcasts, and in Kenya too that is [and as with it all even said to simply speak, and of improving the lives of Kenyans in all actually]. However though, the CCK/CAK, is capable in all, and of truly improving on the lives of every Kenyan, and if and only if perhaps, they do in all, truly know what does stand for in all again, and for a Kenyan Philosophy/Theology and Psychology too that is. That in its simplest sense, and as in helping in all even foment Nationalistic Identities and in Kenya too in all, it is said in all perhaps, and to very well go along, and with truly knowing the meaning and of the following two terms: Reverence, and Trauma too.

That while in all, the Moi Government did attempt to create a Kenyan Philosophy and that did go along and with speak of the epigram Harambee, and the following motto too : Peace, Love & Unity, they perhaps in all did fail in their ways, and via speak in all again, and of not truly ground in all, their Philosophy, and in speak of Communications and Order too that is [and instead did opt out, and for many an Educational Initiative, and such as speak even and of Maendeleo ya Wanawake that is].

That Reverence in all, does at the very least in all even and from an African perspective too, speak of Ancestor Reverence (and not Worship or Veneration either), but that in all again, the very world of Ancestor Reverence in Kenya in all, does actually in all even speak of Communications and Order [that Ancestor Reverence, does in all, speak of changing Communications and Order in themselves], but that in all again, the very fact that Kenyans in all, and as said Indigenes too, are known to hold varying Communications and Order to them, and as with it all making them in all, Worldly Citizens of a kind that is [and as with they at the very least even, said African and European too actually].

To speak of Trauma and from a Communications and Order perspective, does in all ways even perhaps, go along and with speak of the very fact that, Kenya in all, is actually said to be the very home and to many a Serpent or Serpentine/Sepentile life form [and as including speak of Cobras, Pythons and even Puff Adders too in particular] [and as with they even lodged in all, and not in Western Province as many do believe, but in nearby Nakuru actually], and that for many and on seeing anything of these, the end result is often Trauma, and if and only if, one in all ways even, is said a poor Communicator, or truly even, having to them, no proper Knowledge in all, and of Order that is.

In all, an attempt here and to call out and for the Impossible perhaps [the attempt to make life for all Kenyans truly perfect in its ways (and as the Pharaohs of Egypt, did do for the Egyptians that is)], but that in all ways even, and as with speak even and of Television/Radio Broadcasts in all, perhaps an attempt to revamp in all again, Television/Radio in Kenya, and in speak of Broadcasts too, and that do go along in all, and with speak of Reverence and Trauma too that is.

Friday 11 July 2014

Investigative Research

Investigative Research.

Kenyans in all, and as said truly even perhaps, one of the far more Intelligent groups of people in the World that is [and further speak here even, and of attempting to raise (National) Awareness / Consciousness and as with regards to all this that is].



Does Kenya in all, have an unknown or undisclosed History to it? The answer to this query, might very well lie, and in truly learning just how to perceive or define oneself, and from speak of Presence(s) that is. That in all, truly learning just how to perceive or see oneself, and as a Presence (and as with it all even speaking of Genealogy too), and speak too even, and of the viewing of Others and God in all, and as Presence(s) too that is, will in many a way awaken one, and to truly perceiving or seeing themselves, and as Kenyan too, and in many a way in all, lead one down the very road, and that will probably reveal to one that, Kenya in all, does actually have an unknown and undisclosed History, and that does stem back, and into the Swahili Times in themselves that is.

In all, Presences, and as going along and with speak too, and of Umvito (Swahili) and Kenyan Politics too that is.

the Regular

the Regular.

The Regular, and as with it even speaking in all, and of what does constitute for Therapy in Kenya or Africa too (and further speak even of Parental Mechanisms for instance), but that in all ways even, just how in all we do define the Regular and in our lives, does speak in all and of raising Awareness (and amongst ourselves too that is), but that in all ways even, it does truly determine just what we do Remember in all, and about our lives or History in itself too, and that in all ways even, all this does speak of a Psychological trick, and while going through life in 'Nairo', in that, redefining the Regular, does speak in all and of opening up life in itself, and to all possibilities too, and due in all again, and to our redefining just about everything in our lives, and from speak of the Regular that is [and the further Belief in all that, if all this is done in a proper manner, it can very well lead to life, and as very much lived or experienced, and in a Hallucinatory manner too that is].



Speak in all, and of a Comparative and Comprehensive History of the Swahili world [and further speak too that is, and of Kitenzi too for instance].



The After Memory and 'Nairo'.

[and as with Geneticism here, speaking of defining Individuals in all, and as very much based around speak of our perceptions and Beliefs and of life in all again, and that do in all go along and with speak even and of Calendars, Timetables, Schedules, Rosters, Programs, Curriculums etc., or basic speak here too, and of Chronology in itself too that is].

Monday 7 July 2014

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit.

To speak of the Holy Spirit, is to first off make a distinction and of it all perhaps, and from speak even and of the Holy Ghost too [Link]. For the concept or idea in all, and of the Holy Ghost, is to be found in most of the Christian World (Europe, Italy), while the Holy Spirit, does speak in all, and of the Christian Faith, and as said very much African too that is.

In all, what the Holy Spirit, does represent in many a way, is speak even and of Possession, and as with regards to what does constitute, and for all congruent Realities in all that is [that in all, the Holy Spirit, does promise to offer one, all foreseeable Freedoms in all, and in exchange perhaps, and for ones Soul too that is] [that in all again, the very belief that does go along with the Holy Spirit is that, Life's opportunities are opened to one, but with speak of Government in all again, or Media too, the Holy Spirit and as going along and with the creating of the very best of 'National State(s)' in all, but with it all too, said to speak of the Fatality that is].

In all perhaps, the belief that, Humans are Intelligent/Personable (Orderly) but Stupid too (poor Communicators), in that, when given the opportunity to do evil or good, they readily choose evil perhaps, and in a society too, that does readily offer one, many a choice too, and in opportunity, but with the Fatality in all again, simply said around the corner that is.

In all and finally too, Kenya in all again, and as said the most magnificent of places that is.

Sunday 6 July 2014

The Reception

The Reception.

Those in "Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, or Kenya too in all actually, have probably heard of Government Receptions. That the Reception, and as Media too, does not only speak of Official Receptions (and at a Hotel too for instance), but that in all ways even and at all accounts too, does speak and of what does truly constitute and for appropriate Media, and in Kenya too that is.

To understand all this better, is to perhaps speak in all, and of just where in all again, Kenya is headed and as with regards to many a Development Initiative too that is. That in all, this does refer in all too even, and to just how Kenyans in all, or those in Power too, do perceive History in itself, and as with regards to Development Models that is. That the first of these, does speak of History and as said Egyptian, and speak even and of life in Kenya, and as highly internal in its ways and such that, Kenyans in all, don't interact with outsiders to Kenya, but seek to build a High Civilization in all too even, and within Kenya, and by simply seeking to strongly improve on themselves that is. The second of these, does speak even and of History and as said Greek, and speak in all too even, and of turning Kenya into a place, and that is an envy, and to just about everyone else out there too that is.

There is however a third Model, Italian in its ways, and that does speak even and of the Reception too. That the Reception, is in all, a kind of Media, and that does in all bring together, differing kinds of people, and in an Educational Format / Learning Context  too that is, but that the Reception in all again, does speak in all too even, and of truly attempting to Design Media perhaps, and that is truly appropriate for Kenya (and as with regards even and to speak of Confidence issues in themselves) [and further speak too of Historical Trajectories that is], but that in all, this Media, and as with regards to Kenyan Identity, does speak even and of just whom Kenyans in all, are, and as with regards to speak of Doubt (Self-Doubt) in itself actually [and from a Historical context/perspective too that is].

In all again, all this speaking in all and of whom Kenyans are and with Time too, but that in all ways even, the Reception does speak even of Pluralism in itself, and further speak too, and of attempting to Educate Kenyans in all for instance, and in creating Identity and as based on speak of Diversity in itself, but that in all ways too, speak basically even, and of a Political Event, Kenyan too, and as said International and in impact too that is [and further speak too, and of Kenyan National Intelligence Services that is].

The very world of the Reception [Link].

The Reception:



G.O.K, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of Media, and as going along or emanating and from the Government of Kenya too, but to put in many a way, G.O.K, and into a proper perspective and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, is to in all ways even speak of Government in Kenya and as in many a way truly even, Decentralized, and speak even and of a Government Media, and that does attempt to make Government in Kenya whole, but in all ways truly even, speak of Opportunity and Prospects, and as arising even, and with the bringing together, and of two arms of Government in all perhaps, and as with all this even referring, and to the very fact that, Kenya, and as an Economic success too, does speak of changing Communications, and changing Order too (and in everyday society that is), but that in all again, G.O.K, does go along even, and with speak of the Independent Ministry (Research Body), and as with it all even said to speak of Religion in Government, and further speak too, and of Religious Order in Kenya that is.

In all, G.O.K, and as providing even, ample opportunity and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, and in helping Government, not only develop Affiliations and within itself (and as Government Officials or Government Workers in all, are often known to be highly internalized in their ways perhaps, and as in not knowing how they do connect, and to other Government Bodies too), but that in all ways even, the Developing of G.O.K Media in all, and as speaking in all again, and of Trade, Business, Education, Historical, Military etc. Affiliations in all, and between Government, and just about any other Institution/Body in all, and at a Local, Regional, Worldly etc. level too that is.

In all, G.O.K, and as going along and with speak of Internal Affairs, and even Internal Expansion too perhaps [and further speak even, and of concepts and such as Dual-Citizenship for instance].
