Friday 31 January 2014

The Nairobian

The Nairobian.

Hope in the Face of Adversity:

Many in 'Nairo', might have heard of the moniker, 'The Nairobian'. It in many a way is perhaps used and to refer and to the average person in all, and in Nairobi, and when in reality, it does actually speak and of those in Nairobi, and as more or less rather even, stylistic in their ways that is. In many a way though and as with introducing all this, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, and as the Nairobian, that they are very much in all, the Vested Sweater actually [Link].

What though, to make of the above sub-headline in all: 'Hope in the Face of Adversity'. It in all, and as with speak of the Nairobian in all again, does not actually speak of attempts in all, and in accumulating Weatlh and in Nairobi today too, but in all ways even, speak of those in Nairobi,.and particularly Men, and as very much in all, truly wishing to express themselves and as freely and openly as possible that is.

To speak of Men in Nairobi as above, is to also in many a way even, speak of Adversity here, and as speaking in all again, and of one being limited and in their expressing themselves in all, and as with many a many a Man in Nairobi perhaps, being limited in their ways and as mentioned above, turning in all, and to the very world of 'Keroro' too perhaps, and as the only known avenue too, and of truly freeing oneself in expression that is. In many a way though, all this does speak even and of just whom Men in Kenya or Nairobi in particular, are with their Women that is. That it is believed, that Kenyan Women, are even privately a source of shame and to many a Kenya Man, and who does try to freely express themselves, and as with Kenyan Women not only the kind to harshly hate and not criticize one truly either, and on one attempting in all again, and to express oneself as freely in all, and as with Kenyan Women in general, and as with speak of the perceptions of the Blogger here, the kind to express themselves and as Whores or Prostitutes too, and when freely asked to express themselves that is [that for many a Man in Nairobi, the very act of knowing a Kenyan Woman, speaks even and of eternal self-hate that is].

In many a way, why continue living in Nairobi, and as the Nairobian is bound to ask? It is believed here by the Blogger that, the reason for wanting to stick around Nairobi in all, and not leave it either (and as with speak even of many a poor infrastructure to be seen all over the place perhaps), does speak even and of the belief that, Kenya Men in all, and especially those in Nairobi too, are the kind to truly seek to want to freely express themselves, and as with the further belief that, Kenyan Men, and especially those in Nairobi, are in all again actually, movie characters and by nature too that is [that Kenyan Men in general, and speak particularly of those in Nairobi in all, are actually in many a way driven in all again, and in expressing themselves as movie characters would in all, and when the opportunity does show up or arise that is] [and as with knowing all this, the reason why the Blogger continues to desire to live in Nairobi actually].

Having said the above, lets speak perhaps and of the fact that, Kenyan Men in all, are the kind to borrow creatively from another culture, and as with turning material from another culture in all, and into an Indigenous form in all that is. Whom are Kenyan Men this way, and as with speak particularly of 'Nairo', and probably speak truly even, and of the Youth in Kenya or Nairobi truly even that is. To start of and as with the belief even that many a Kenyan Man in all, and as with they even believed secretly to wish for a Foreign Woman/Girlfriend in their lives, are probably in all like RZA and in 'La Rhumba' too [Link] [and as with this even speaking of many a Kenyan Man, and when in shape too, believing themselves more charismatic in all, and than most other Men to be seen out there that is]. What other melodies or songs perhaps, do speak of the attempts by Kenyan Men, and in envisioning perfect relationships with a Woman too [and as in knowing Kenyan Women simply in all uncultured in their ways, and as with their delusional beliefs that, Kenyan Men do spend Kshs 100,000 per day, and in so said Kenyan Sex Dens that is (and as with Kenyan Women too, not knowing whom Kenyan Men in all actually are, that on gaining such Dinero, the last person a Kenyan Man would want to see in all, would be a Kenyan Woman actually)]. What of Method Man and D'Angelo, and in 'Breakups to Makeups', and as with Method Man and D'Angelo in all, singing in all again and of the perfect relationship in all perhaps, and that did go even, truly sour [and as with perfect here, speaking in all perhaps, and of perfectly communicating with each other, and in a simplistic or cool manner too that is, and as with all this referring even, and and to a perfect understanding of each others motives, and even when things are imbalanced in all, and as with one partner perhaps, not too creative and in expression/communications that is] [that Kenyan Men in all, are the kind to keep on trying, and in such relationships that is][Link]. What of P. Diddy and Mario Winans and in 'I Dont Wanna Know' [Link], and as with it all even, speaking of Man perhaps, having entered into a relationship with a most Beautiful of Women too, and as with the Woman here in question in all perhaps, the one to have initiated contact that is. 

In all, the above songs, and as speaking even somewhat and of just whom Kenyan Men in all, are, and as with regards to creative expression, and not only as with regards to living in Nairobi in itself too, but in many a way in all, how they do basically envision relationships in Kenya/Nairobi that is [and as with Kenyan Men wishing to creatively see themselves as such, and with Kenyan Women on the otherhand, and as perhaps acknowledging themselves, and as not as being Unnatractive or Unintelligent either, but in many a way truly even, lacking Discipline in all, and as with speak even of Innocence in all again, and even speak of being Self-Respecting too, and when asked to simply express oneself that is (that Selfishness and amongst Kenyan Women in all, does in all ways even speak of a lack in Discipline, and as with speak even of being highly embittered and 'thick' even, and when considered a failure or a loser of a kind too actually)] [and as with all this even speaking of a basic (spiritual) belief and amongst Kenyan Men for instance that, no one truly cares to know them, not even God perhaps, and until they prove their mettle that is, and with Kenyan Women on the otherhand, and as delusional too, the kind to believe the President of the United States of America, to be a phonecall away that is].

The Nairobian:

Thursday 30 January 2014

Edgar Sawtelle

Edgar Sawtelle.

This post in many a way, does speak in all, and of becoming Singular, and 'Nairo' too that is. That 'Nairo' in all, a place falsely believed where one in all, is supposed to hold many a Group formation perhaps, does actually speak of life, and as truly lived even, and as based around Individual formations, and as with attempting in all again, and to tell those in 'Nairo' that, when they do think basic Group formations in all, let them think Anatolian Nairobi too, and not truly 'Nairo' either [and as with attempting to have those in 'Nairo' in all, forego certain Group formations that is].

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Modern Times

The Modern Times.

Power, Influence and 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo' might have heard and of the term 'The Modern Times' too. To many though, it does speak even, and of life as perceived, and as breaking away from the past in all, and as with speak even of Modern Technology too that is. To understand the Modern Times better though, is to not only associate them and with the Power Structures that do go with them, but in many a way even, speak of what some do term Influence actually. That the Modern Times, and as with speak even of recording History in itself, does actually speak of the Farce in all, and as with saying that, those in Society and that do hold Influence in all, are actually more Powerful in their ways, and as compared to those and that do occupy many a Power based Position, and in society too that is. That in all again, while Humans in the past did evolve in societies, and where everyday living and as with the moment too, was actually based around the Knowing, Understanding and Comprehending of life, and as with this even speaking of everyday events and occurrences,  life today in all again though, has very much come to be defined and by Influence in all, and as with speak even and of one in most ways, and on everyday basis too, simply being asked not to know, understand or comprehend anything actually, but simply in all, seek to Listen and to what one is told that is [that the Modern Human, very much operates and as based around Listening in all, and not the seeking to Know, Understand or Comprehend anything that is].

In all, with Listening as very much the way the Modern Human does operate, it is those who do hold Influence in society, and as versus those occupying a Position of Power in all, that are truly in charge or in control of society that is (and as with speak even of a President Advisors), and that in all ways even and unknown to most, Influence and in any given society today, does come from many an unknown source actually [and as with speak even of Alicia Keys and as apparently having held a position, and at Blackberry too for instance].

In all though, and as with knowing the Modern Human, has been simply conditioned, shaped or brainwashed in all again, and to totally even Listening to others that is [and as compared to thought in all, and as driven by seeking to Know, Understand or Comprehending many a thing], is to perhaps tell those in 'Nairo' that, when they do think Influence and not Power either, then let them think of not only the Pope, but in many a way too, and of many a Religious piece of Music, and such as that of Enigma that is [and all this too, and as very much used as a reference in all, and as with regards even and to News Media today, or even speak of a Western Education too that is].

The Modern Times and Influence:

The Passing

The Passing.

This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with what some do term the 'Ebb and Flow' and of Time too that is. In all, what is being pondered here in many a way is the question of, whether in all again, do things change in all, or in many a way even, do things truly remain the same actually. This is a question that in all does talk of the Advancement, Progress and even Development of societies in all, and as with regards even, and to Human relations too that is.

In many a way perhaps, a good way to view all this, would be to speak of Human relations, and as not taking the form of the Gods or Goddesses, but in many a way, of many a Higher Being, and such as Angels too for instance [and speak even of the Book of Revelation in the Bible, or even truly again, the very words uttered by Caesar himself: 'Et tu Brutus'] [that in all again, these very words uttered 'Et tu Brutus', do speak of advancements, progress and development of societies, and as based around Human relations, and as with this even speaking of a progress or advancement in all and in speech too, and as with those terms/words in all again, having been uttered, and not simply said that is].

In all, when one does think of true change and as having come into society, one is in many a way even, speaking of a change in Arrangements, Formations and even Alignments in themselves, and as with regards to all forms of Human relations that is [that Humans, and as with speak even of their relations in all, are evolving now, and into being similar, and to Higher Beings, and such as Angels too for instance].

In many a way, all this does question truly even, the very nature of Human societies today, and as with regards even and to Communications, and also Political Culture that is. That it in all, s believed today that Human societies in all, are not as enlightened in all perhaps, and as with regards even and to Human relations, and as most believe them to be that is, and as with one even perhaps not truly understanding, the devastating impact in all, that Technology, Modern, could have on Human relations that is [and as with the belief that, Modern Technology, has in many a way turned Humans in all, and into Minions, and as with regards even and to just how the basically interact with each other that is].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps say, Time in many a way, has very much come to a stand, and as with regards even and to changing Human relations, and as with speak even of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and as with many a Political Culture today, still dealing with many an issue in all, and as with regards to Slavery or Imperialism too that is [that in all for instance, Indians to this day, do view their relations with the UK, and as based around British Imperialism in all that is]. In all perhaps, all this too, and as in many a way even, speaking of what Computer specialists in all, do call a Deadlock actually, and as with speak even of Modern societies and as believed fading away, and as based around Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and as with they even truly ending in a Deadlock that is (or speak even and of a total disagreement in all), and further speak even and of no change as forthcoming that is. 

To perhaps understand the destructive nature of Modern societies and to Human nature in itself, is to speak perhaps and of just how many a society in the past, did change in its ways, and as with their societies even (and as with further speak of all forms of Advancement, Progress or Development, and in Technology too), in many a way evolving, and into Heavenly realms, and such as those of the Angels that is [that in all, one should not considered Modern technology, and as having been alien to the ancients in all, as it all does speak of the Arrangements, Formations and Alignments we do wish to have/.hold in society, and as with those in the past perhaps, viewing our societies somewhat primitive even, and from the perspective of Human Behaviour, and as with speak of Human Behaviour from the past, still very much glorified to this day that is (and as with basic speak even, and of the name Machiavelli for instance, and his seminal work 'The Prince' that is)].

In all, and as with Computers coming to highly define/determine life today in all, one can say that Arrangements, Formations and Alignments seen in society today, do in all ways even mirror those, and of Computer too that is [and as with speak even of Modern Warfare in all actually].

In past times though, Arrangements, Formations, and Alignments, did in many a way, take Religious undertones to them all, and as with this speaking even of a Departure, an Arrival, a Recall or even a Passing too. To speak of a Departure, and as with regards to Human relations, and further speak even and of Arrangements, Formations, and Alignments does in many a way even, speak of someone and as leaving a group (and as with speak of a Party or even a School perhaps), and with those left behind in many a way, feeling letdown in all, and having to change their ways, and as with regards to Human relations that is [and as with this even referring to the backward nature of the Middle East today, and as with they defining Human relations and from the Departure too, and for those in 'Nairo' who do think the Middle East to be rather advanced in its ways that is].

To speak of the Arrival, is to in many a way even speak of Europe as it once was, and as with a Party held, having the most interesting of peoples showing up and leaving, and as with all this truly even speaking of Timing in itself actually [and as with the further example and of arriving in thought perhaps, and as with speak even of Timing truly that is, and as with the case even and of someone about to punch one for instance, and one then meticulously blocking it and as with regards to perfect Timing too that is]. In all, the Arrival, and as with the Departure above, predetermining in many a way, a change in Human relations, and as with regards to Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and in society too that is.

What of the Recall? It does in many a way, speak of just whom Americans, and as with America Philosophically speaking even, not truly believed to have reached its heights in many a way, and as with perhaps knowing that, the Recall in all, actually speaking even, and of having been at a place in all, and having noticed a Woman moving suspiciously too, and with one not taking too much notice of it all, but with one later on learning of a murder or crime and as taking place at that very place in all, and with the Cops too perhaps, looking out for assistance in solving it, and as with a thought in all again, crossing ones mind in all, and as with speak of a recall too, and as with regards even and to just whom the Woman noticed before, and as perceived suspicious too, truly was [and as with stating that the September 11 Bombings, were truly an American Crime mystery that is]. In all, the Recall, and as speaking of something unknown about most Americans in all, and by most out there too, that Americans in all again, do actually know themselves and from the very perspective of Ancestor Worship and Veneration too, and as with it all even, taking the form of the Recall actually. In all again, all this and as compared to the Departure for instance, and which in many a way, does not truly respect its Dead that is [and as with speak of popular figures and as leaving a Country for instance, and with those left behind, simply ignored in most ways even].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with speak even and of the above Music video by Enigma, Sadeness that is, is to in many a way perhaps tell them that, when they do think of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments in society, and as based around Human relations in all, and as with this even speaking of evolving into Higher Beings too (and as with speak even of the Decameron for instance), is to in all ways even speak of the Passing actually. The Passing, and as not only simply speaking of passing someone of interest and on the streets of Nairobi (and as with Nairobi in the past, known to have a fight in many a way, simply erupt and for no known reason), but in many a way even, is to tell one that, life in Nairobi or Kenya, can very well be lived, and from what some do term a Passing moment actually [and as with speak even of a quick glance, and from someone one might find attractive that is]. In all again, the Passing and as speaking even and of a quick and early death, or even again, the death of someone popular in all, or even truly again, the realizing in all, and of just why one in all, does not care to know another too well, but without notifying them of as such that is [and as with bad-mouthing another in Kenya, and as versus gossiping too, looked down upon, and as with this even what does make Kenya a dangerous and humorous society at the very same time that is]. In all, the Passing, and as speaking even and of a solution to a problem, coming to one, easily too, and when one has truly given up in many a way, and on solving the problem that is [and as with speak of a day or two later that is].

The Passing:

Monday 27 January 2014



Citizenship & 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo', might be one of the many, and who do simply believe that Citizenship in Kenya, merely stands for Birth Certificates and even ID (Identity Cards) too that is. In many a way, it is believed that most in Kenya, do in all ways even not truly know, and of what does constitute for Citizenship, and in Kenya today in all that is [and as with all this even, speaking and of just whom the late Tom Mboya, was to Kenya too that is].

To understand all this better, is to speak of Citizenship in all, and as alluding truly even, and to approval and acceptance (and as with this perhaps speak even of self-acceptance too), and as a Kenyan Citizen that is [and as with speak even of many a political 'battle' in all, and between Kikuyu's and Luo's, and as with regards and to just whom is truly Kenyan that is].

In all, to understand the said difficulty and that has in many a way, very much gone along and with defining Citizenship in all, and in Kenya too, does very much speak of the very known fact that, alot of the people in Kenya today, cannot be said to be legit Kenyans in all, and as with simple speak even, and of what has traditionally consisted of being Kenyan in all, and as with this referring even, and to Kenyan traditional speech patterns that is [that most people in Kenya today, do not possess speech patterns in all, and as indigenous in nature too, and as very much similar in all again, and to those having gone with Tom Mboya himself actually] [or even speak today, and of a politician and such as Kalonzo Musyoka too that is].

To understand the above better, is to speak of the everyday difficulty in all, and of finding ready acceptance and approval even, and as a Kenyan Citizen too that is. That in all ways even, a general culture of rudeness does exist in Kenya, and with some in all readily accepted in society, and with others finding themselves very much locked out, and for no known good reason either that is [and as with this speaking even, and of finding approval and acceptance in Kenyan society, and as very much even a basic need in all that is] [that in all, it is actually hard to complain about this stuff actually, or in many a way even, simply be perceived and as a loser or whiner that is].

Viewing Kenya from an Indigenous perspective in all, and as with speak even of speech patterns in all again, does speak of all Kenyans even, and as possessing similar speech patterns in all, and as with speak of those found amongst the Maasai in all that is. However, rather than defining Citizenship and as based around becoming Indigenous, one does find that Kenya in all, has come to define Citizenship in all again, and as based around many a Political event in all, and as with this even leading to those considered as truly belonging to the place, those associated and with many a Political event too that is.

In all, the very term Nationhood, and as very much associated with Tom Mboya, very much dealing and with this issue, and of Citizenship too that is.

To understand just how many a Political event has come to shape more of an Individual Consciousness and amongst many a person seen in Kenya, and as versus a National Consciousness too, is to speak in all ways even and of just how those in 'Nairo', might readily in all again perceive, what it does mean to truly belong to Kenya, and as with the belief even that, those in 'Nairo' in all don't seem to care about Kenya, and from a Citizenship perspective too, and as truly wondering even perhaps, why everybody in the place, does not maintain similar levels of civility, and such as those to be found in 'Nairo' that is [and not Nairobi truly either].

The first of these events, and that did lead to many an Individual Consciousness in all, and as with regards to what it did mean to be a Citizen, and as with simple speak even, and of ones private thoughts in all, and as with regards and to speak of Kenya today, and as being underdeveloped in all that is. In all again, the forementioned Political event, does actually speak of Independence Day, and by which in many a way, Kenyans in all, and as with speak of them as Individuals too, did see many a person in Kenya in all again, have a change in Consciousness perhaps, and from identifying in all, and with ones Historical Background, and in many a way even seeing many a Kenyan in all again, develop an Individual Consciousness in all, and that did speak of developing a Black Consciousness actually [and as with speak even, and of privately even identifying, and with anyone termed a Black person and all over the World too that is] [and as with speak even of the popularity of Bob Marley for instance] [and as with reminding one and interestingly enough that, all this does actually speak of developing an Individual Consciousness, and not truly even a Group Consciousness, or even a National Consciousness either that is].

The second of these events, could be said and to speak of the very death of former President Jomo Kenyatta in all, and as with he even, and amongst certain circles too, seen very much as centering Kenya in all, and as around Nairobi too, and as with all this even leading to some in creating an International Image in all, and for Nairobi, but with his death in all again, leading to the Moi Regime in all, and as centering Kenyan Nationhood in all again (and as with speak even of Citizenship too that is), and as based around developing a Consciousness, Individual too, and of Africa that is [and as with this in many a way, seeing many a person from Africa, streaming into Kenya, and as with the belief even that Kenya in all, more developed than most, was simply just another African Country that is]. In all ways though, it does appear that those in 'Nairo' today, and as with speak of an Individual Consciousness, do view Kenya in all, and as with Citizenship too, and as only consisting of Nairobi in all again, and as many a figure under the Kenyatta Regime (Jomo Kenyatta that is), did very much see Kenya that is [In all perhaps, many in 'Nairo' in all, and as judging Kenya and Nairobi today, and as based around Kenyatta's efforts in all, and to make Nairobi an International City that is].

The third manner and of viewing the attempt in all and in defining Kenyan Citizenship, and as with speak even of an Individual Consciousness, does speak even and of the notion of a Statesman in all, and as with this even speaking of Tom Mboya himself, and his attempts to define Nationhood in Kenya that is. That in all again, and in a now said Post-Independence Kenya, Tom Mboya in all, did actually attempt to define Citizenship, and as based around Speech, Manners & Etiquette and even simple talk of being Personable in all that is. That in many a way, Tom Mboya, was very much an Ideal Kenyan Citizen that is [and via the way he did Present himself actually]. The killing of Tom Mboya though, remains unsolved to this day, but knowing whom he wasin all (and as with speak even and of an Individual Consciousness, Citizenship and Nationhood too), does in many a way speak even of attempting to solve his murder in all again, and as with speak even of the developing in all, and of a new Individual Consciousness amongst many a person in Kenya (and as with those perhaps associated with his Killing), and that did speak of Kenyans as developing very much a Western Consciousness, and as with further speak even of identifying Kenya, and with many a Western Firm/Company in all [and such as speak even of Tiny Rowland, and even Lonrho too that is].

In many a way though, this Blogger and as envisioning Kenyan Citizenship too [and as with Nationhood in all, referring and to the bringing together and of many a differing Kenyan that is], and as Tom Mboya did see it, and as with perhaps making one aware that, Kenya in all, does appear to be of interest and to many an International Figure in all again, and for many an unknown reason too, and with the exception perhaps, and of it having better Weather, Climate and Nature in all, and than most other places out there too that is.



Lessons in Humanity, the Humane and even Mankind too [and as with telling those in 'Nairo' that, opportunities in life, don't always come as one would expect them, but that in all again, many a discovery or even an enlightenment in all, and as with regards to any wishful thinking one might have for instance, might in all ways even come via contact, and with the least of expected peoples or persons that is] [In all, how to keep an open-mind and on anything have to do, and with relations and of any kind too that is].

Saturday 25 January 2014

The Holy Family Basilica

The Holy Family Basilica.

National Consciousness & Kenya:

In alignment and with the Sunday Missal post, is to perhaps in all, speak of National Consciousness, and from a Symbolical perspective too that is. That this in many a way too, does speak even and of the History of France in all, and as with all this referring even, and to speak of the Notre Dame, and in Paris, France too that is. In many a way, French History as very much regional and even local in its ways, does see in all ways even the very rise of the Institution of the Queen of France, and which in many a way did attempt to create a National Consciousness in all, and as based around Media, Literary works, Philosophy and even Literature in itself too actually.

For those in 'Nairo' in all, and who do wish to envision National Consciousness and as based around the Sunday Missal entry, then in all ways perhaps is to speak of grounding it all, and symbolically too, and with the Holy Family Basilica and in Nairobi, Kenya too that is [In many a way, this post in all is actually targeted towards one Victor Okello, and a fine speaker in all and while we did attend St. Mary's School in Nairobi, Kenya together too, and as with having spotted him in Nairobi and in the more recent years actually, and as with attempting to tell him and if he is reading all this, to take this all up, and with Serikali too, and as with informing them in all, and of National Consciousness perhaps, and as described in the Sunday Missal entry too that is].




Fort Smith (or Historic Dagoretti):

Those in 'Nairo', might in all, not be truly aware and of the rise of Modern Nairobi, and as with speak of it all even, actually speaking of Post-Independence Nairobi that is. That many in all, do tend to view the development of Nairobi, and from the very perspective of the CBD, when in reality, Nairobi as it is today, does arise in all, and with the entry of the British into Kenya, and their forming in all, and of Fort Smith (or modern day Dagoretti too that is). 

To understand all this better is to say that, speak of the developing of Nairobi in all, appears to have taken two courses in all again, and as unknown to many, the original plans of Nairobi in all again, did actually speak of turning it into a European styled City in all, and as with it now filled even, and with the kind of Architecture associated in all again, and with the All Saints Cathedral too for instance. 

These plans however, we never truly implemented, and instead, Nairobi in all did apparently develop, and along the lines of an mostly unknown History of Africa, and as presented and by one Thomas Pakenham too [and who in many a way was a Kenyan/Kenian actually] [and as with speak vene specifically and of the Scramble for Africa, and even the Boer War too, and which unknown to many, do fuse Kenyan/Kenian History, and with that of the rest of Africa that is] [and as with both forementioned works in all, actually written in Ki-ingereza that is, and as with further speak even of this Blog actually]. 

In all ways though, and as with Nairobi even now developing along the lines shown/posted above (the mccrow link above that is), one does find that the entry of the British into Nairobi (and as coming in from India), does find them in many a way, centering themselves, and in Dagoretti too (or speak even and of its old name of Fort Smith that is). In all, the British turn Dagoretti or Fort Smith that is, and into a Trading post of a kind (and as with the employing even and of many a said Kamba or Kikuyu person that is), and in many a way do see a whole new 'Local' culture in all emerge, and as based around what they do call Biashara, Local Retail and Wholesale Trade, Local Drinking spots and even Poor Building/Housing Developments (Mijengo), and in many a way too, speak even and of the very birth and of many a Security firm in Kenya too that is [Askaris] [and as with the British here in all, and as arriving from India too, creating a Political Identity, and as based around the so termed BEAC (British East African Company), and which did in many a way merge with the BEIC (British East Indian Company), and speak furtherly even, and of the introduction of many an Asian person (and such as the 'Coolies' for instance), and into Kenya too that is].

In all though is to tell one that, it is this 'business'/'local' culture and that was created by the British in all, and as centered around Fort Smith too (present day Dagoretti), and that is in all, responsible in all again, and for the mess (and as with speak even of slums too), to be seen all over Nairobi that is [in all ways even, this culture in all, and as very well centered and as based around Kenya's Drinking culture in all, and which in many a way did arise and with Australian presences in Kenya too actually (and of the 'White Mischief' variety too that is)]


The Maasai

The Maasai.

When one does think of Kenyan History as Intriguing in all, one should not think of it and from the perspective of Conspiracy Theories [and as with the case even of America or Europe too], but instead, speak of the Falsifying of History that is.

When one does think of Kenya as mentioned above, one in many a way too, is also speaking of Mau Mau history in Kenya, and as with it even falsified, and as with attempting even and to merge it in all, and with the history of the Maasai, and their interactions with the British too that is. That one probably has heard of said Mau Mau fighters in all, and as hidden in the forests, and even in many a way invading many a British Camp or Settlement/Fort too that is [and as with speak even of Fort Hall that is]. In many a way, this history of the Mau Mau is actually Maasai, and as the Mau Mau on the otherhand, were in many a way even, blood curdling Killers, and as with they even known to kill anyone believed well to do that is.

The Sunday Missal

The Sunday Missal.

National Identities & 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo' in many a way, do know that they do live in a Country, and that is highly disorganized even, and as with regards to the formation of National Identity in all that is [and as with speak even and of Kenya today, and as viewed primarily somewhat, and from Tribal affiliations that is].

The quest in all, and in attempting to create National Identities, does actually go back and to Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya that is. This all in many a way does speak even of Kenya's tumultous past and as with regards to Violence in itself, and as with further speak even of the Mau Mau, in that, Kenyan History and Pre-Independence too, is never perceived and from the perspective of a National Consciousness, and as with this referring even and to those in Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya, and as truly having known each other, and in an Intimate manner, and that did speak of a National Consciousness in all that is. In many a way, this is what does constitute of the Victorian in all, and in Kenya too, and as the Victorians in Kenya, did attempt in all, and successfully too, to create a National Consciousness, and as based around all kinds of Communications, Victorian too that is.

Of such said Communications too that is, Victorian, and that would and in all, even, refer and to, and to the very said even now, manner and in all, ways too, and that the Victorians too that is, and into said Africa too that is, Kenya, East Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, did and in all even perceive that is, talk, and of said Time in itself too that is, and as in all said now incorporated and into that is, and into talk too and of, and of the said suffix too that is, and of said -al too that is: the Coincidental, Societal, Local, Proverbial, National, Conventional, Historical, Monumental, Supplemental etc. too that is.

In many a way, this Victorian National Consciousness, does exist and in the form of many a School for instance, and such as St. Mary's School in Nairobi, Kenya, and which were in all built before and during the Colonial period, and as with this furtherly even referring and to a Church and such as the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi, or even the Holy Family Basilica too actually [and as all this furtherly including even, the Muthaiga Country Club and in Nairobi, or even the Norfolk Hotel too that is]. In all, the so termed Struggle for Independence, is in many a way, viewed pejoratively even, as there is no evidence and of what does make for Colonial and Pre-Colonial existences, to have in all ways even, have arisen in all, and via the exploitation of others ('Africans') that is [that Kenya in all, has no legit history, and of 'African' slave or indentured labour that is]. In all, the Struggle for Independence, is hereby even envisioned in all, and as with speak of being excluded in all again, and from this Victorian National Consciousness that is [and as with the belief even that, Kenya in all, is/was mostly depopulated, and that the Colonialists in all, did actually settle in empty land, and as with speak of many a said 'native' tribe and such as the Kikuyu, are not known to have had any legitimate form of Political Culture that is (they at the very most said to have been Agriculturalists in all that is)] [at the very least and from viewing Kenya as a Cultured place today in all (and as with further speak even of European or Victorian styled Mansions/Homes in all), does speak of Colonial settlements into the place, and from which, tribes, and such as the Kikuyu, have attempted to truly benefit from, and as with the Kikuyu said to be more highly Westernized, and than other said 'tribal' groups in Kenya, and who are not Indigenous in their ways that is, and as the Maasai truly are actually]. In all again perhaps, the Struggle for Independence, and as not based around the freeing of oppressed or suppressed peoples and as the Kikuyu might present their History, but in all ways even, speak of the take-over in all, and of Non-African Wealth that is [and as including Colonial Homes that is].

The second attempt to create a National Consciousness in Kenya, speaks of Post-Colonialism, and the Kenyatta Presidency in all [President Jomo Kenyatta that is]. In all, the Kenyatta Regime in many a way, and as attempting to create a National Consciousness, and as based around Nationality too, and which does speak of creating Kenyan Identities, and as based around all forms and kinds of Documentation that is [and as with this speaking even of Birth Certificates, School Diplomas, National Identity cards, and even all other forms of Congratulatory documentation, and such as speak of many a Kenyan National Award or Prize that is (and such as the Order of the Burning Spear too for instance)].

The Moi Regime in many a way, did not attempt to truly or fully even, create National Identities, and as based around Nationality too, and as by the time the Moi Regime in all did come into place, Kenya's National Consciousness was waning in all again, and as with speak even and of the Corruption and Bribery in all, and that did pervade the Kenyatta Presidency that is. In all again, it is actually the Moi Regime, that did truly create a National Consciousness in Kenya, and one truly based around Tribal Identities in all (and as with speak of antagonism in all), and as unknown to most, Kenya before the Moi Regime, was not truly divided, and by Tribe or Tribal Identity either that is. In all again, a National Consciousness, and that did eventually lead to many an Ethnic Cleansing situation, and all over the Country that is.

Later efforts, and as with speak of the Post-90's in all, does speak of the attempt to create a National Consciousness, and as based around Nationalism too [and which in many a way does speak of Kenyans and as identifying, and not with Indigenous Art and such as speak of Artists and such as Oryema or even Ayub Ogada too, but in many a way even, of Local Media, and which has brought into question, and of what does truly constitute Kenyan Identity, and from a Lingual perspective too that is] [and as with this speaking even, and of many today speaking in all, languages, and that are very much creole in nature that is].

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to perhaps tell them of a Kenyan tradition, and stemming back into the Colonial and Pre-Colonial times, and that did in many a way attempt to create a National Consciousness in Kenya, and via Religion too that is. This in many a way, does speak of many a Kenyan Church Prayer Book, that not only does carry Prayers in Kiswahili, but in many a way too, speaking perhaps and of the unknown fact that, many Kenyan Prayer Books and which do have English Prayers in them, are actually of Kenyan origins, and not outsider origins either that is. In all ways, Kenyan Prayer Books and Hymnal Books, and as truly Kenyan even, and as with all this speaking even and of Intellectualism in all, and as with one in all again, capable of making out Kenyan History in all, and via speak of deciphering in all again, what these Prayers and Hymns in all, are truly all about that is.

In all ways though, and as Kenya even believed a place in all again, and of peoples in all, who seek to create Identity and at a more or less a Local or Regional perspective, and if not Individual too, does speak in all ways even, and of National Consciousness, and as best created in all again, and via the knowing or mastering even, and of many a Kenyan Prayer or Hymn that is [and such as those to be seen in the Sunday Missal, and as with speak even and of the African version in all, and by Paulines Publishing too that is] [that these Prayers in all again, are more or less truly Kenyan, Christian Ethiopian and Somali in their ways, and not truly African either that is] [that they in all again, and as with the term Liturgy too, do speak of the Christian (and as with it even Italian or Ethiopian too), and not Christianity either (or speak even of Missionary activity that is)].

Americaine /2/

Americaine /2/.



The Politics of Inequality:

This post in many a way, very much has to do, and with speak even of Nairobi or Kenya in all, and from the very perspective of its People actually, and not Infrastructure truly either. That in all, there are those who believe that inorder to have perfect People in Kenya, one has to set up an Infrastructure, and for them to live around in all, and as in getting perfect that is. While this theory of forming or shaping people in all, might be somewhat even truly correct in its ways, one has to in many a way speak of an Infrastructure, that is actually truly highly Cultural/'Philosophical' in its ways that is. For Nairobi or Kenya though, the belief here is that, the best way to quickly organize society and its People in all, is via the masterly reading, and of the 'African Bible' and by Paulines Publishing too that is [and as with truly having everyone in Kenya read it, and as with this all even speaking of the rise of Civil communities, and in the Middle East too, and as with they at the very least even associated, and with the masterly reading perhaps, and of the Qu'ran that is].

Having defined life as above though, one does find in all that, to in many a way make society come alive, and as with activity, movement and motion to be seen everywhere (and as with further speak even of all sorts of Creative output that is), one in many a way, has to speak of Competitive Strategies in all. In all again, Competitive Strategies (and in a Kenya now deemed similar to some extent, and due to the reading of the African Bible that is), speaks in all ways even, and of Humanity in all, and as attempting to create distinctions between themselves, and in the name in all again, and of not succeeding in particular and as in escaping physical poverty that is, but one now deemed highly civil in all (and as with speak even of the 'African Bible'), and Competitive Strategies too, and as arising from competing with one another, and as based around the need for Creative Expression that is [that it in all is believed that, Kenyans in most ways, do define success in all, and not from Material accumulation actually, but truly in all ways even, from a full expression of oneself in all, and that the reading of the African Bible in all again, and as it said written from a certain expressive format, will have one wanting to express themselves fully, and at the very least from along the lines of Meja Mwangi in all (and as with Meja Mwangi here described as a character who attempts to express himself, and in a manner that the Bible would at least not truly complain of), and as furtherly compared even, and to the belief by many a Kenyan that, life in Kenya in all, is not truly about escaping poverty in itself (and as with speak even of ignorance that is), but in all ways even, escaping physical poverty in itself too actually (or the belief that one should have a beautiful and comfortable home in all that is)].

In viewing Kenya from the above, Competitive Strategies and even speak of Creative Expression in all again, is to attempt in all, and in viewing Kenya as it is today, and from the very speak of successful groups in all, and as with they in all a people actually, and who do believe life in Kenya, to be all about Creative Expression, but with it all lingering actually, and as based around making an Impression, and of the Laughable kind actually [Laughable, and as to oneself that is, but in many a way even, this also speaking and of those who do choose to laugh at themselves that is].

In thinking of Kenya and as above, and Kenya in many a way even, as Wealthy too perhaps (and in the name of Creative Expression), we do find it in all, and to consist of four main kinds of expression that is: the Spectacle, Legitimacy (Political Representation), Conventionalism, and even Nativity too that is.

To speak of the Spectacle, is to speak in all ways even, and of those in all again, successful in their ways actually, and who in many a way do live life, and as often exposed in all perhaps, and by Cartoonists and such as Madd for instance [and speak even of living lives, highly politically charged even, and diffusing all tensions arising from hate perhaps, and via a certain social antic here and there that is] [Link].

To speak of Legitimacy, is to also speak of a creeping Evil into Kenya, that is in many a way even, threatening to turn Kenya, and into a hateful society, and along the lines or similar even, and to that seen in Minority or Black America that is. In all, it does speak of those who do put up Images of themselves, and as with Political Representation too, and that do speak of all kinds of Superiority in all that is, but Superiority too, and that does speak of one having many a connection to unknown and unseen forces that is (and outside Kenya in all too really), and as with they even, speaking about taking over Kenya's Wealth base in all again, and further speak even of simply exploiting Kenyans in one way or another [and as with further speak even of stealing Kenyan Artistic Designs for instance, or in many a way too, speak of certain Families in Kenya in all, and as a part of many a Development effort in Kenya and such as Kenya Vision 2030, and as with they standing to benefit, and alongside many an outsider to Kenya that is (and with the rest to be exploited in all too really, and not truly left to suffer either that is)] [and as with further belief even that, Kenyans do not consider themselves the kind to be exploited, but more or less the kind to be ignored that is (and as with this speaking even of the hidden evil that does go along with all this that is)]. In all again, speak of Kenya and Nairobi as such, does speak of American influence in Kenya, and as arising with Black/Minority America too, and with this influence known to go by the name of 'Amero' [Link1, Link2]. In all again, a group that believes in going through life, and without many a complication and difficulty in their lives (and as with further speak perhaps and of corruption in itself), or even speak and of those who do believe in retiring early from worklife that is [and as with this kind of philosophy, not suited for Africa in all ways even].

To speak of Conventionalism in Kenya and Nairobi in all, is to in many a way even speak of the roles that Swahili peoples have played in Kenyan History perhaps. That they in all, have played a role in Kenya History in all, and as with helping settle a dispute here and there, or even simple speak too, and of those who do have a Knowledge Base to themselves, and by which they can survive and as Contractors or Consultants too that is [and as with this group even, historically associated with a form of traditional Dress, and as with further speak even and of the Punjabi/Sikh community in Kenya, and their exploits as Consultants or Contractors too that is]. In all, a group of people not well known to most (and as with speak even of former President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, and as having been groomed into his position, and by the Swahili too actually), but in many a way, this might simply speak and of a reknowed Family in Kenya, and whose Wisdom in all, is often adhered to and to some extent that is [and in solving just about any problem in society actually] [and such as speak of the Githuthu Family in Kenya/Nairobi for instance] [another unknown example of all this, is to also speak of some like Atul Shah, and who in many a way, have  being groomed in all and in being a Kenyan Business Leader too, and by the Swahili too actually (and as with the Swahili in all, and unknown to most perhaps, known to know just how to groom people, and into Leadership positions that is)] [Swahili].

Finally is to speak of the term Nativity in all, and as with it even speaking of just whom those in 'Nairo' truly are, culturally even, and as with all this perhaps even speaking of the base underlying of 'Nairo' in itself [that in all, 'Nairo' is yet to arise, and before it truly does, we are all simply 'Nativity' in all that is]. In many a way, speak of Nativity, is to speak of those who never do lose hope and in just about anything they do, and as with speak even of Patriotism in all, and as with this even speaking of defining Motivation, Drive and Enthusiasm, and in ones life too that is. That in all, and as with speak even of the very nature and disposition too perhaps, and of those in 'Nairo', is to tell them that, the greatest challenge they do face and in living out life in Nairobi in all, very much has to do with Disappointment actually [that those in 'Nairo', are the kind to feel easily saddened, and when Disappointed that is]. In all, Disappoinment, and as with speak even of Disappointing oneself (self-injury/injury), Disappointment by others (self-harm/harm), and probably in all again perhaps, speak even of being Disappointed by God too that is (self-mutilation/mutilation). In all ways even, when those in 'Nairo' do think of themselves as such, and as having nothing to them in all (and as with speak even of Cultural Identity that is), and simply believe in living out life and via being Enthusiastic, Motivated and even Driven in all, and at almost all times too, then they in all again should think Americaine actually, and as with it even consisting of American culture, known to have Quebecois and Mexican influences and elements to it, and as with it Media in all again, best actually deciphered or interpreted in all, and from the very lines of Disappointment and further speak even of Motivation, Drive and Enthusiasm that is [and as with this speaking even of the Music of Madonna, Eminem, or even speak of the world of American Vogue (magazine), and as with it all very much Americaine that is].


Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Celestial

The Celestial.

The Highest of all Orders, States and Being/Law, believed attainable.

The Competitive Edge

The Competitive Edge.


Those in 'Nairo', might have heard of the term the 'Competitive Edge'. It in general, does actually refer, and to being competitive in nature, and with ones neighbour or friends too for instance. It in all again does speak of having better/praiseworthy manners than others for instance (and at a party too), a hotter girlfriend, or in many a way even, simply finding far more acceptance amongst others, and as compared to ones friends too that is.

Living in Nairobi today, speaks of more or less a hopeless situation, and as with regards to the Competitive Edge that is. That Nairobi in all, is truly inhabited even, and by those who do believe in getting through life, and via corruption, thieving or bribery too that is. In many a way, the urge to truly live out life, and to the max, and in Nairobi today, is in many a way truly non-existent one could say.

In looking at the so called Competitive Edge, is to not only perceive it all and from a Historical context too, but in many a way in all again, via the lenses of Media in itself too actually. That in all, the Competitive Edge and as Historically seen and speak even of Media today too, does speak even of viewing oneself from the very perspective of Blood (and as with speak even of ones Family Name, or even ones Upbringing in all and as with speak of ones Expectations of ones life, but also in many a way speak even and of life in the present times too that is), but in many a way in all again, it can refer to hormones and fluids and such as Testosterone (and speak even of proving ones Manhood and via Virility too for instance), or even Adrenaline (and speak even of fiery personalities, and that cannot be put down), or finally in all again, Tears too (and speak even of creative expressive outbursts that is).

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with helping them get in touch and with boldly living out life in Nairobi in all, is to in many a way even, speak of Bile actually. That the Competitive Edge in 'Nairo', and as with speak even of one going International in their ways in all, does actually speak of Bile in all again, and as a bodily fluid too, and that does come alive in us (those in 'Nairo' really), and when in all again, one is simply called to Forgive, or offer Absolution to another that is [and as with this even, speaking of those in 'Nairo', and who might wish to enter the Media business in all, and as with Media perceived from Bile in all, what does make some Kenyans in all again, and Indigenous in their ways too, truly funny in all actually] [and as with American Media, in many a way, presenting itself, and from the perspective of Tears that is].

In all, Bile, and speak too of Forgiveness and Absolution in all, does in many a way even, speak of the above posted work 'The Pillars of the Earth', and by Ken Follet too [and which can be read by those in 'Nairo', and from the perspective of Bile, Forgiveness and Absolution too that is].


Tuesday 21 January 2014






This post in many a way, has to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo', do generally perceive relationships that is. This in many a way too, has very much to do, and with International Images of Africa that is. That Africans in all, are not believed by most, to know or truly understand even, what Intimate relationships in all again, are truly all about. In many a way, those in 'Nairo', never do think about Nairobi or Kenya in all it is believed, and from the very perspective of Intimate (Gender) relations that is [and as with speak even of the absence of such relations, and in Local Media too that is].

Truth be said though, it is believed that when those in 'Nairo' do think of Women in all, they actually do think of a Foreign (celebrity) or even Americanized (popular) Woman that is. 

In many a way too, this post will attempt to have those in 'Nairo', viewing Nairobi as a whole even, and from the kind of Gender relations you see in the place, and as compared to those who do view Nairobi, and from the very perspective that Menfolk and Womenfolk in all, are seperate and different actually (and as with speak even and of the known lack in Intimacy even, and between Men and Women in Kenya too that is), and as a result of doing as such, viewing Menfolk and Womenfolk as different, one does see those in 'Nairo' in all, basically viewing Nairobi and Kenya as a whole, and from the very perspective of Menfolk only in all, and also speak of how much Money for instance, one does have in their pockets that is [that surprisingly enough, Kenya or Nairobi and as presented and as having Skyscrapers for instance, does actually speak and unknown to most, and of Womenfolk in Kenya, while Menfolk in all, tend to view Kenya and as a problematic place, and with Slums in it too actually].

In helping those in 'Nairo' come to realize that Intimacy could exist and between Menfolk and Womenfolk in Kenya in all, is to also speak and of just how Gender relations in all, are perceived around the World that is. 

To start off, is to speak of the basic manner in all, and of viewing Gender based relationships in all, and primarily from speak of the Other, and as defined even as a Spouse, Mate, Partner or even Significant Other too that is [and as with stating that, Marriage in Kenya, appears to be based around the Significant Other, or even the Better Half too somewhat, and as with this speaking even of someone you can depend on, and with the Better Half referring to Marriages in Kenya that do actually work in all, and as with they somewhat American too, and with the Significant Other in Kenya, simply speaking of someone you can basically survive with that is]. In all ways even, a way of creating Gender relations in all, that does heavily in all again, go with the worshiping of such relationships, and as with speak even of Media in itself, and as with Africans in many a way, not presenting themselves in this manner, and due to the very belief that they are simply not attractive enough that is [and as with speak even and of those in 'Nairo', and who do believe that there is not a single attractive Woman to be seen in Kenya, and upon meeting one, truly being in denial about it all that is]. In all ways even, this all too perhaps, speaking of relationships and as seen in a movie and such as 'The Bodyguard' too, and with Whitney Houston in it too that is] [Link].

The second way of viewing Gender relationships, was once somewhat common in Kenya, and in the 70's too perhaps, and did speak of creating a wholesome union between a Man and a Woman, and as with they identifying with themselves, and by speak even and of terms and such as ones Double, ones Twin, ones Half, or even ones Counterpart too perhaps, and did speak in all ways even, and of rather popular figures seen in society too that is [ and as with this even speaking of the popularly known work 'My Life with a Criminal' and by 'Milly' too perhaps, and where she does detail in all, here relationship with known Kenyan Gangster John Kiriamiti that is, and as with speak even of him, and as a Twin too in all that is]. In all, a way of creating relationships that does not work anymore, and due to the belief by the Writer here that, Kenyan Women are on the average not only self-hating, but also hating of their Men actually [and as with speak even of Kenyan Women believing they are similar in all, and to the average American Man too perhaps, and in spirit too that is]. In all ways even, this does speak perhaps and of a movie and such as 'The Karate Kid 2' for instance, and which does show a romantic relationship, and from the perspective of the Double that is [Link].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with helping one truly know that, for Kenya to truly develop in all, does not speak of putting up Skyscrapers all over, or even the said belief that, Kenya or Nairobi in particular, will actually one day have a Metro Train system to it all actually, but that for Kenya to develop, does speak in all ways even, and of Kenyan Men and Women, and as shaping up in all, and in not only creating Healthy Relationships in all again, but truly in all perhaps, respecting each other (and as with truly praising one even), and as with regards, and to the Gender Images in all, they do create of each other that is. In many a way, Kenyan Men and as truly wishing to work on themselves as such, while Kenyan Women on the otherhand, are simply perceived as being Pretentious, and in the way they do create Gender Images of themselves actually.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to tell them that, there are ways of perceiving Men and Women in Kenya, and as with speak even of just how to create Relationships with each other that is. That this in all ways even, does speak of associating Men and Women in all, and with certain activity, movement and motion too that is [and as with the belief even that, women don't belch or fart either, and men don't cry either too that is]. In many a way, viewing Gender relationships, and Menfolk or Womenfolk from this perspective, will truly help one see Kenya as it truly is [the thousands or millions in all, not having proper Identities to themselves, and as with this basically even, speaking of not knowing how to simply define Manhood or Womanhood too that is], and in many a way, viewing Kenya as such, speaks even and of Kenya in all again, and as truly defined in all, and by Social problems in many a way (and as with speak even of Self-Esteem too), and not Political/Societal problems truly either [and as with Kenya believed even, to have more Resources, than most think it to, but poverty still remaining a problem in all, and due to Self-Esteem issues in all again, and as with regards to defining Manhood or Womanhood too that is]. In all ways even, when one does think of defining Menfolk and Womenfolk and as based around certain forms of activity, movement or motion, one can simply perhaps think Madonna (and as hereby said the Most Beautiful Woman in the World), or even truly again perhaps, speak of a movie and such as 'French Kiss', and with Meg Ryan in it too that is [in all ways even, viewing Menfolk and Womenfolk and from the perspective of movement, motion or activity they do make, speaking in all ways even, and of what the term Vogue actually does mean in all] [Link].