Saturday 25 January 2014



Fort Smith (or Historic Dagoretti):

Those in 'Nairo', might in all, not be truly aware and of the rise of Modern Nairobi, and as with speak of it all even, actually speaking of Post-Independence Nairobi that is. That many in all, do tend to view the development of Nairobi, and from the very perspective of the CBD, when in reality, Nairobi as it is today, does arise in all, and with the entry of the British into Kenya, and their forming in all, and of Fort Smith (or modern day Dagoretti too that is). 

To understand all this better is to say that, speak of the developing of Nairobi in all, appears to have taken two courses in all again, and as unknown to many, the original plans of Nairobi in all again, did actually speak of turning it into a European styled City in all, and as with it now filled even, and with the kind of Architecture associated in all again, and with the All Saints Cathedral too for instance. 

These plans however, we never truly implemented, and instead, Nairobi in all did apparently develop, and along the lines of an mostly unknown History of Africa, and as presented and by one Thomas Pakenham too [and who in many a way was a Kenyan/Kenian actually] [and as with speak vene specifically and of the Scramble for Africa, and even the Boer War too, and which unknown to many, do fuse Kenyan/Kenian History, and with that of the rest of Africa that is] [and as with both forementioned works in all, actually written in Ki-ingereza that is, and as with further speak even of this Blog actually]. 

In all ways though, and as with Nairobi even now developing along the lines shown/posted above (the mccrow link above that is), one does find that the entry of the British into Nairobi (and as coming in from India), does find them in many a way, centering themselves, and in Dagoretti too (or speak even and of its old name of Fort Smith that is). In all, the British turn Dagoretti or Fort Smith that is, and into a Trading post of a kind (and as with the employing even and of many a said Kamba or Kikuyu person that is), and in many a way do see a whole new 'Local' culture in all emerge, and as based around what they do call Biashara, Local Retail and Wholesale Trade, Local Drinking spots and even Poor Building/Housing Developments (Mijengo), and in many a way too, speak even and of the very birth and of many a Security firm in Kenya too that is [Askaris] [and as with the British here in all, and as arriving from India too, creating a Political Identity, and as based around the so termed BEAC (British East African Company), and which did in many a way merge with the BEIC (British East Indian Company), and speak furtherly even, and of the introduction of many an Asian person (and such as the 'Coolies' for instance), and into Kenya too that is].

In all though is to tell one that, it is this 'business'/'local' culture and that was created by the British in all, and as centered around Fort Smith too (present day Dagoretti), and that is in all, responsible in all again, and for the mess (and as with speak even of slums too), to be seen all over Nairobi that is [in all ways even, this culture in all, and as very well centered and as based around Kenya's Drinking culture in all, and which in many a way did arise and with Australian presences in Kenya too actually (and of the 'White Mischief' variety too that is)]
