Saturday 18 January 2014

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak.

Those in 'Nairo' in all, might truly in all again, wish to be well educated and about the World too that is. In many a way, this does speak of just whom Kenyans in all, truly are even, and as compared to those in Ethiopia or Somalia too, as the latter two in all, don't seem to be well knowledgeable and about the World, and as Kenyans are [and for those in Kenya, who don't realize they have similar voices or accents, and to Somalis and Ethiopians, and not Ugandans or Tanzanians either].

In many a way though, there does appear, a way in all again, and for those in 'Nairo', and to understand themselves and as Kenyans in all, or even truly again and as with regards to the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Kenya & Ethiopia), and as with further regards truly even, and to Security and Secureness issues that is. That in all, one of the most defining elements in all perhaps, and in creating Identity in Kenya (and as well as in Ethiopia and Somalia too), speaks in all ways even and of Security and Secureness issues actually [and as with speak even of Kenyans as the kind to insult one, and when you do make a small mistake for instance]. In many a way, these issues of Security and Secureness, iare also what does make Ethiopians and Somalis, similar to Kenyans in all, and as compared to Ugandans and Tanzanians too that is.

The History of Kenya and as unsecure and as having many a security issue, does in many a way perhaps (and as with it not being not fully presented as it is), start in all, and with Victorian (Pre-Colonial) and Victorian/Colonial Kenya too that is. In many a way, this does speak of just whom the Mau Mau were. That the Mau Mau in all, falsely presented in many a way, and as having led a revolt and to fight for land they never did truly occupy [that in all again, Mau Mau History and as truly is presented, is in many a way falsified in all, and does speak even of the so termed White Highlands, and in many a way, a revolt by the Mau Mau, and inorder apperently, to simply take back these lands, and after the so termed White populations in Kenya in all, had set up many a settlement and farm in them that is], and that in all ways even, the Mau Mau did lead to what is termed as the 'State of Emergency' in all, and which did last for about 12 Years actually, and where upon, the Mau Mau apparently, went ahead in killing many a White Settler that is [and as in telling many in 'Nairo' or in Kenya too that, Kenya, and as with speak even of the 'State of Emergency' is actually truly in all, unsecure in its ways actually] [but with telling many a person too that, it is the Maasai for instance, and who truly do know about Kenya, and from a Secureness/Security perspective that is].

The History of Kenya though, and as in many a way unsecure in all, does continue and with the creation of the Mwananchi in all too really. A term in all again said to refer to a Kenyan citizen, when in reality, the Mwananchi in all, did deal with many an issue and as with regards to secureness and insecurity too, and as with speak even and of those who do chase the Bus in all actually, and when late too, or even speak in all ways even, and of Kenyans in all, and as to truly betray one, and even upon agreeing to make a deal that is [Kenyans that is, and as the kind to perennially show up late too, and as with speak even of 3 Hours late even, and on agreeing in all, and to meet at a certain time that is] [In many a way too, the main reason why doing Business in Kenya, is hazardous in its ways that is]. In all, the Mwananchi, and as very much a Cheetah actually, and not a Lion truly either.

In many a way, Ethiopia and as with knowing the place in all, to be unsecure in its ways, and with many a security issue too [and for those too who don't know to much about the History of Ethiopia, and as with Ethiopia even, having olden Architecture to it that is], has in many a way led the Ethiopian Government in all, to promote Traditional/Indigenous lifestyles and to the max even, and as with attempting truly even, to make Ethiopio safe and secure in all that is [that Ethiopia in all, has not been infiltrated in all again, and by too much outside Media to it, and as with the belief even that, the Western World in all, is actually unsafe and unsecure in its ways that is, and as with speak even of Telecom (Communications and Security) Systems that is]. Somalia though, has not fared as well, as the means in all and of dealing with security and secureness issues, remain a problem in all, and as with speak even of just how Somalis in all have traditionally created Indigenous Identities that is, and as based around Indigenous News Media in all actually.

In many a way, for those in 'Nairo' and as wishing to learn about World History, then in all ways even is to perhaps best perceive it all, and from the very perspective of Security and Secureness issues too that is [and as with regards to the reason why the works of Alexander Dumas in all, might be of interest to some in 'Nairo' that is].

In all though, it is with  speak of Secureness and Security issues in all, and where the Indian/Muslim Communities in all again, do make a show in Kenyan History that is. It does appear that the Indian and Muslim/Yemeni Communities in Kenya, do somewhat understand Kenya, and from a Security/Secureness perspective, and as with this even believed to be their 'majordomo' in all, and when doing Business too, and not Business Acumen or Creativity either that is. In many a way, Indians in all and as perceived insulting and disrespectful (and as with speak even of the moniker 'Chuta' for instance), does in all ways even actually speak of Indians and as feeling unsafe and unsecure in Kenya in all, but with those though, who do infiltrate their Communities in all again, realizing they are far more trustworthy, and than most and if not all Kenyans too that is.

In many a way, anything Indian and Muslim/Yemeni in all, and as perceived even somewhat truly safe in its ways actually, and as with speak even of service at an Indian Restaurant for instance, or even truly again the making of a Business Deal too [and further speak even of Kamlesh Pattni in all for instance, and as probably the person to be trusted in all, and as with regards to what did happen and with Goldenberg too that is]. In many a way too, and for those in 'Nairo' and as wishing to enjoin and to the Muslim/Yemeni and Indian Communities in Kenya, perhaps speak of the Raja Yoga Center in Parklands Nairobi, and as with it having spiritual practices to it, best associated in all again, and with issues pertaining to Security and Secureness in all, and all this too and for those in 'Nairo' and who are kind of scared and in looking into Security and Secureness, and along the lines of the Maasai, Somali-Kenyans or Boran peoples of Kenya too that is [and as with speak even of truly in all, and at all cost even, hoping for the best that is]. In all, the best way to make contact and with the Indian and Muslim/Yemeni Communities, is very much via the '5 Pillars of Islam' post that is.

Finally, this post in all is dedicated and to one Mitesh (Shah), and who did happen to school with me and in St.Mary's School, Nairobi too, and a 'Scaredy Cat' and of some sort, and in his ways too perhaps, but who did in many a way, open up himself to me somewhat [and whether he be now Married or not, and in the name of Security/Secureness too that is].