Wednesday 1 January 2014



To speak of Direction and in living out our lives in all that is, does in all ways even refer, and to simply in all again, being Motivated in all, and in living out life too that is. In many a way, and as with speak even of the African Continent in all, speak in all again and of Direction, and the Motivation to live out life in all, does in all ways even speaking of knowing in all again, the Natural Order of things [and as with speak even and of beliefs in all again, and of what could truly happen to one, and in any given place, time or situation too that is]. In all ways even, speak of the Natural Order of things, does in many a way even, speak of knowing it all, and from a Memory perspective too, and as with associating a place in all again, and with a grand Memory of it all actually [and as based around speak of Order that is]. To speak of Kenya as such, is to perhaps associate it all even, and with the history of Victorian society in Kenya too, and as with it even best described and as a mixture in all, and of differing peoples, and from America, Europe, England/Britain, Italy, Australia and even Oman and further speak even and of some of the Swahili too actually. In all, a Memory created and as based around bringing differing peoples together, and the Natural Order of things in all again that did emanate from as such, and that did too in all again, have a great Memory even, and to it all that is [and as with this Memory even, speaking of the Meatloaf Song, ' I'll die for you and thats the truth' for instance]. 

Another way of speaking of the Natural Order of things in Kenya, does speak in all ways even and of just how in all, the Natural Order of things, is determined in Kenya today too that is. This in all again speaks of the failure in all again, and of so termed Post-Colonial Kenyan society too, to deal with the many problems in society today, and that have led to a mainly chaotic and disorderly society in all that is, and as with regards truly even, to the most basic of relations in themselves that is. In all again, all this referring to a Kenya now ruled over in all, and by many a Legal and Regulatory Body too that is. In all again, speak of the Natural Order of things as such, does speak even and of life, and as defined around Motivation too, speaking in all and of defining oneself, and as a Person in all again, and who does loves to take Charge of things in all that is [and as with speak even of living out a life, and where one is Praised in all, and in just about every manner, form or moment too that is].

For those in 'Nairo' though, a different way in all again perhaps, and of just how in all to go about realizing the Natural Order of things (and as with speak even of truly knowing and realizing the potential of Nairobi as a whole too for instance), does speak in all ways even, and of learning just how to define in all again, the General, the Average and even the Typical, and in society too that is. This in all ways even does speak of simply being truly Motivated to live out life in a Nairobi today, and as rather chaotic in its ways and as with regards even to basic Relationships in all that is, and as with the belief even that, there does exist a Natural Order of things yet to be discerned in all, and that would simply make life easy that is [and as with speak even of the desire to live out ones life, and to its fullest or max too, and at just about every moment too actually]. In all again, how best to define in all, the General, the Average or the Typical and in Kenya today too perhaps, does speak even and of finding inspiration in all again, and in a full study even, and of Nature and in Kenya too that is [and as with speak even and of the Typical behaviour of an Elephant too for instance]. In all again, the belief that doing as such, with awaken one, and to a deeper knowing and of the Natural Order of things in Kenya in all, and as with truly even learning of it in all, leading one to develop a Psychology in all again, and that has one in all again, truly positive minded in all that is, and as with regards even, and to living out life, and to the max or fullest, and at any given moment or time too that is. All this too, and as compared to Entertainment Media in all again, and as seen in Kenya today too, and that does erreneously even, attempt to define the General, the Average and even the Typical too, and in Behaviour that is, and of the everyday Kenyan actually, and from more or less truly even, a perspective in all, and that is more or less Southern Africa that is.