Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Modern Times

The Modern Times.

Power, Influence and 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo' might have heard and of the term 'The Modern Times' too. To many though, it does speak even, and of life as perceived, and as breaking away from the past in all, and as with speak even of Modern Technology too that is. To understand the Modern Times better though, is to not only associate them and with the Power Structures that do go with them, but in many a way even, speak of what some do term Influence actually. That the Modern Times, and as with speak even of recording History in itself, does actually speak of the Farce in all, and as with saying that, those in Society and that do hold Influence in all, are actually more Powerful in their ways, and as compared to those and that do occupy many a Power based Position, and in society too that is. That in all again, while Humans in the past did evolve in societies, and where everyday living and as with the moment too, was actually based around the Knowing, Understanding and Comprehending of life, and as with this even speaking of everyday events and occurrences,  life today in all again though, has very much come to be defined and by Influence in all, and as with speak even and of one in most ways, and on everyday basis too, simply being asked not to know, understand or comprehend anything actually, but simply in all, seek to Listen and to what one is told that is [that the Modern Human, very much operates and as based around Listening in all, and not the seeking to Know, Understand or Comprehend anything that is].

In all, with Listening as very much the way the Modern Human does operate, it is those who do hold Influence in society, and as versus those occupying a Position of Power in all, that are truly in charge or in control of society that is (and as with speak even of a President Advisors), and that in all ways even and unknown to most, Influence and in any given society today, does come from many an unknown source actually [and as with speak even of Alicia Keys and as apparently having held a position, and at Blackberry too for instance].

In all though, and as with knowing the Modern Human, has been simply conditioned, shaped or brainwashed in all again, and to totally even Listening to others that is [and as compared to thought in all, and as driven by seeking to Know, Understand or Comprehending many a thing], is to perhaps tell those in 'Nairo' that, when they do think Influence and not Power either, then let them think of not only the Pope, but in many a way too, and of many a Religious piece of Music, and such as that of Enigma that is [and all this too, and as very much used as a reference in all, and as with regards even and to News Media today, or even speak of a Western Education too that is].

The Modern Times and Influence: