Saturday 25 January 2014



The Politics of Inequality:

This post in many a way, very much has to do, and with speak even of Nairobi or Kenya in all, and from the very perspective of its People actually, and not Infrastructure truly either. That in all, there are those who believe that inorder to have perfect People in Kenya, one has to set up an Infrastructure, and for them to live around in all, and as in getting perfect that is. While this theory of forming or shaping people in all, might be somewhat even truly correct in its ways, one has to in many a way speak of an Infrastructure, that is actually truly highly Cultural/'Philosophical' in its ways that is. For Nairobi or Kenya though, the belief here is that, the best way to quickly organize society and its People in all, is via the masterly reading, and of the 'African Bible' and by Paulines Publishing too that is [and as with truly having everyone in Kenya read it, and as with this all even speaking of the rise of Civil communities, and in the Middle East too, and as with they at the very least even associated, and with the masterly reading perhaps, and of the Qu'ran that is].

Having defined life as above though, one does find in all that, to in many a way make society come alive, and as with activity, movement and motion to be seen everywhere (and as with further speak even of all sorts of Creative output that is), one in many a way, has to speak of Competitive Strategies in all. In all again, Competitive Strategies (and in a Kenya now deemed similar to some extent, and due to the reading of the African Bible that is), speaks in all ways even, and of Humanity in all, and as attempting to create distinctions between themselves, and in the name in all again, and of not succeeding in particular and as in escaping physical poverty that is, but one now deemed highly civil in all (and as with speak even of the 'African Bible'), and Competitive Strategies too, and as arising from competing with one another, and as based around the need for Creative Expression that is [that it in all is believed that, Kenyans in most ways, do define success in all, and not from Material accumulation actually, but truly in all ways even, from a full expression of oneself in all, and that the reading of the African Bible in all again, and as it said written from a certain expressive format, will have one wanting to express themselves fully, and at the very least from along the lines of Meja Mwangi in all (and as with Meja Mwangi here described as a character who attempts to express himself, and in a manner that the Bible would at least not truly complain of), and as furtherly compared even, and to the belief by many a Kenyan that, life in Kenya in all, is not truly about escaping poverty in itself (and as with speak even of ignorance that is), but in all ways even, escaping physical poverty in itself too actually (or the belief that one should have a beautiful and comfortable home in all that is)].

In viewing Kenya from the above, Competitive Strategies and even speak of Creative Expression in all again, is to attempt in all, and in viewing Kenya as it is today, and from the very speak of successful groups in all, and as with they in all a people actually, and who do believe life in Kenya, to be all about Creative Expression, but with it all lingering actually, and as based around making an Impression, and of the Laughable kind actually [Laughable, and as to oneself that is, but in many a way even, this also speaking and of those who do choose to laugh at themselves that is].

In thinking of Kenya and as above, and Kenya in many a way even, as Wealthy too perhaps (and in the name of Creative Expression), we do find it in all, and to consist of four main kinds of expression that is: the Spectacle, Legitimacy (Political Representation), Conventionalism, and even Nativity too that is.

To speak of the Spectacle, is to speak in all ways even, and of those in all again, successful in their ways actually, and who in many a way do live life, and as often exposed in all perhaps, and by Cartoonists and such as Madd for instance [and speak even of living lives, highly politically charged even, and diffusing all tensions arising from hate perhaps, and via a certain social antic here and there that is] [Link].

To speak of Legitimacy, is to also speak of a creeping Evil into Kenya, that is in many a way even, threatening to turn Kenya, and into a hateful society, and along the lines or similar even, and to that seen in Minority or Black America that is. In all, it does speak of those who do put up Images of themselves, and as with Political Representation too, and that do speak of all kinds of Superiority in all that is, but Superiority too, and that does speak of one having many a connection to unknown and unseen forces that is (and outside Kenya in all too really), and as with they even, speaking about taking over Kenya's Wealth base in all again, and further speak even of simply exploiting Kenyans in one way or another [and as with further speak even of stealing Kenyan Artistic Designs for instance, or in many a way too, speak of certain Families in Kenya in all, and as a part of many a Development effort in Kenya and such as Kenya Vision 2030, and as with they standing to benefit, and alongside many an outsider to Kenya that is (and with the rest to be exploited in all too really, and not truly left to suffer either that is)] [and as with further belief even that, Kenyans do not consider themselves the kind to be exploited, but more or less the kind to be ignored that is (and as with this speaking even of the hidden evil that does go along with all this that is)]. In all again, speak of Kenya and Nairobi as such, does speak of American influence in Kenya, and as arising with Black/Minority America too, and with this influence known to go by the name of 'Amero' [Link1, Link2]. In all again, a group that believes in going through life, and without many a complication and difficulty in their lives (and as with further speak perhaps and of corruption in itself), or even speak and of those who do believe in retiring early from worklife that is [and as with this kind of philosophy, not suited for Africa in all ways even].

To speak of Conventionalism in Kenya and Nairobi in all, is to in many a way even speak of the roles that Swahili peoples have played in Kenyan History perhaps. That they in all, have played a role in Kenya History in all, and as with helping settle a dispute here and there, or even simple speak too, and of those who do have a Knowledge Base to themselves, and by which they can survive and as Contractors or Consultants too that is [and as with this group even, historically associated with a form of traditional Dress, and as with further speak even and of the Punjabi/Sikh community in Kenya, and their exploits as Consultants or Contractors too that is]. In all, a group of people not well known to most (and as with speak even of former President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, and as having been groomed into his position, and by the Swahili too actually), but in many a way, this might simply speak and of a reknowed Family in Kenya, and whose Wisdom in all, is often adhered to and to some extent that is [and in solving just about any problem in society actually] [and such as speak of the Githuthu Family in Kenya/Nairobi for instance] [another unknown example of all this, is to also speak of some like Atul Shah, and who in many a way, have  being groomed in all and in being a Kenyan Business Leader too, and by the Swahili too actually (and as with the Swahili in all, and unknown to most perhaps, known to know just how to groom people, and into Leadership positions that is)] [Swahili].

Finally is to speak of the term Nativity in all, and as with it even speaking of just whom those in 'Nairo' truly are, culturally even, and as with all this perhaps even speaking of the base underlying of 'Nairo' in itself [that in all, 'Nairo' is yet to arise, and before it truly does, we are all simply 'Nativity' in all that is]. In many a way, speak of Nativity, is to speak of those who never do lose hope and in just about anything they do, and as with speak even of Patriotism in all, and as with this even speaking of defining Motivation, Drive and Enthusiasm, and in ones life too that is. That in all, and as with speak even of the very nature and disposition too perhaps, and of those in 'Nairo', is to tell them that, the greatest challenge they do face and in living out life in Nairobi in all, very much has to do with Disappointment actually [that those in 'Nairo', are the kind to feel easily saddened, and when Disappointed that is]. In all, Disappoinment, and as with speak even of Disappointing oneself (self-injury/injury), Disappointment by others (self-harm/harm), and probably in all again perhaps, speak even of being Disappointed by God too that is (self-mutilation/mutilation). In all ways even, when those in 'Nairo' do think of themselves as such, and as having nothing to them in all (and as with speak even of Cultural Identity that is), and simply believe in living out life and via being Enthusiastic, Motivated and even Driven in all, and at almost all times too, then they in all again should think Americaine actually, and as with it even consisting of American culture, known to have Quebecois and Mexican influences and elements to it, and as with it Media in all again, best actually deciphered or interpreted in all, and from the very lines of Disappointment and further speak even of Motivation, Drive and Enthusiasm that is [and as with this speaking even of the Music of Madonna, Eminem, or even speak of the world of American Vogue (magazine), and as with it all very much Americaine that is].
