Tuesday 21 January 2014



This post in many a way, has to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo', do generally perceive relationships that is. This in many a way too, has very much to do, and with International Images of Africa that is. That Africans in all, are not believed by most, to know or truly understand even, what Intimate relationships in all again, are truly all about. In many a way, those in 'Nairo', never do think about Nairobi or Kenya in all it is believed, and from the very perspective of Intimate (Gender) relations that is [and as with speak even of the absence of such relations, and in Local Media too that is].

Truth be said though, it is believed that when those in 'Nairo' do think of Women in all, they actually do think of a Foreign (celebrity) or even Americanized (popular) Woman that is. 

In many a way too, this post will attempt to have those in 'Nairo', viewing Nairobi as a whole even, and from the kind of Gender relations you see in the place, and as compared to those who do view Nairobi, and from the very perspective that Menfolk and Womenfolk in all, are seperate and different actually (and as with speak even and of the known lack in Intimacy even, and between Men and Women in Kenya too that is), and as a result of doing as such, viewing Menfolk and Womenfolk as different, one does see those in 'Nairo' in all, basically viewing Nairobi and Kenya as a whole, and from the very perspective of Menfolk only in all, and also speak of how much Money for instance, one does have in their pockets that is [that surprisingly enough, Kenya or Nairobi and as presented and as having Skyscrapers for instance, does actually speak and unknown to most, and of Womenfolk in Kenya, while Menfolk in all, tend to view Kenya and as a problematic place, and with Slums in it too actually].

In helping those in 'Nairo' come to realize that Intimacy could exist and between Menfolk and Womenfolk in Kenya in all, is to also speak and of just how Gender relations in all, are perceived around the World that is. 

To start off, is to speak of the basic manner in all, and of viewing Gender based relationships in all, and primarily from speak of the Other, and as defined even as a Spouse, Mate, Partner or even Significant Other too that is [and as with stating that, Marriage in Kenya, appears to be based around the Significant Other, or even the Better Half too somewhat, and as with this speaking even of someone you can depend on, and with the Better Half referring to Marriages in Kenya that do actually work in all, and as with they somewhat American too, and with the Significant Other in Kenya, simply speaking of someone you can basically survive with that is]. In all ways even, a way of creating Gender relations in all, that does heavily in all again, go with the worshiping of such relationships, and as with speak even of Media in itself, and as with Africans in many a way, not presenting themselves in this manner, and due to the very belief that they are simply not attractive enough that is [and as with speak even and of those in 'Nairo', and who do believe that there is not a single attractive Woman to be seen in Kenya, and upon meeting one, truly being in denial about it all that is]. In all ways even, this all too perhaps, speaking of relationships and as seen in a movie and such as 'The Bodyguard' too, and with Whitney Houston in it too that is] [Link].

The second way of viewing Gender relationships, was once somewhat common in Kenya, and in the 70's too perhaps, and did speak of creating a wholesome union between a Man and a Woman, and as with they identifying with themselves, and by speak even and of terms and such as ones Double, ones Twin, ones Half, or even ones Counterpart too perhaps, and did speak in all ways even, and of rather popular figures seen in society too that is [ and as with this even speaking of the popularly known work 'My Life with a Criminal' and by 'Milly' too perhaps, and where she does detail in all, here relationship with known Kenyan Gangster John Kiriamiti that is, and as with speak even of him, and as a Twin too in all that is]. In all, a way of creating relationships that does not work anymore, and due to the belief by the Writer here that, Kenyan Women are on the average not only self-hating, but also hating of their Men actually [and as with speak even of Kenyan Women believing they are similar in all, and to the average American Man too perhaps, and in spirit too that is]. In all ways even, this does speak perhaps and of a movie and such as 'The Karate Kid 2' for instance, and which does show a romantic relationship, and from the perspective of the Double that is [Link].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with helping one truly know that, for Kenya to truly develop in all, does not speak of putting up Skyscrapers all over, or even the said belief that, Kenya or Nairobi in particular, will actually one day have a Metro Train system to it all actually, but that for Kenya to develop, does speak in all ways even, and of Kenyan Men and Women, and as shaping up in all, and in not only creating Healthy Relationships in all again, but truly in all perhaps, respecting each other (and as with truly praising one even), and as with regards, and to the Gender Images in all, they do create of each other that is. In many a way, Kenyan Men and as truly wishing to work on themselves as such, while Kenyan Women on the otherhand, are simply perceived as being Pretentious, and in the way they do create Gender Images of themselves actually.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to tell them that, there are ways of perceiving Men and Women in Kenya, and as with speak even of just how to create Relationships with each other that is. That this in all ways even, does speak of associating Men and Women in all, and with certain activity, movement and motion too that is [and as with the belief even that, women don't belch or fart either, and men don't cry either too that is]. In many a way, viewing Gender relationships, and Menfolk or Womenfolk from this perspective, will truly help one see Kenya as it truly is [the thousands or millions in all, not having proper Identities to themselves, and as with this basically even, speaking of not knowing how to simply define Manhood or Womanhood too that is], and in many a way, viewing Kenya as such, speaks even and of Kenya in all again, and as truly defined in all, and by Social problems in many a way (and as with speak even of Self-Esteem too), and not Political/Societal problems truly either [and as with Kenya believed even, to have more Resources, than most think it to, but poverty still remaining a problem in all, and due to Self-Esteem issues in all again, and as with regards to defining Manhood or Womanhood too that is]. In all ways even, when one does think of defining Menfolk and Womenfolk and as based around certain forms of activity, movement or motion, one can simply perhaps think Madonna (and as hereby said the Most Beautiful Woman in the World), or even truly again perhaps, speak of a movie and such as 'French Kiss', and with Meg Ryan in it too that is [in all ways even, viewing Menfolk and Womenfolk and from the perspective of movement, motion or activity they do make, speaking in all ways even, and of what the term Vogue actually does mean in all] [Link].