Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Competitive Edge

The Competitive Edge.


Those in 'Nairo', might have heard of the term the 'Competitive Edge'. It in general, does actually refer, and to being competitive in nature, and with ones neighbour or friends too for instance. It in all again does speak of having better/praiseworthy manners than others for instance (and at a party too), a hotter girlfriend, or in many a way even, simply finding far more acceptance amongst others, and as compared to ones friends too that is.

Living in Nairobi today, speaks of more or less a hopeless situation, and as with regards to the Competitive Edge that is. That Nairobi in all, is truly inhabited even, and by those who do believe in getting through life, and via corruption, thieving or bribery too that is. In many a way, the urge to truly live out life, and to the max, and in Nairobi today, is in many a way truly non-existent one could say.

In looking at the so called Competitive Edge, is to not only perceive it all and from a Historical context too, but in many a way in all again, via the lenses of Media in itself too actually. That in all, the Competitive Edge and as Historically seen and speak even of Media today too, does speak even of viewing oneself from the very perspective of Blood (and as with speak even of ones Family Name, or even ones Upbringing in all and as with speak of ones Expectations of ones life, but also in many a way speak even and of life in the present times too that is), but in many a way in all again, it can refer to hormones and fluids and such as Testosterone (and speak even of proving ones Manhood and via Virility too for instance), or even Adrenaline (and speak even of fiery personalities, and that cannot be put down), or finally in all again, Tears too (and speak even of creative expressive outbursts that is).

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with helping them get in touch and with boldly living out life in Nairobi in all, is to in many a way even, speak of Bile actually. That the Competitive Edge in 'Nairo', and as with speak even of one going International in their ways in all, does actually speak of Bile in all again, and as a bodily fluid too, and that does come alive in us (those in 'Nairo' really), and when in all again, one is simply called to Forgive, or offer Absolution to another that is [and as with this even, speaking of those in 'Nairo', and who might wish to enter the Media business in all, and as with Media perceived from Bile in all, what does make some Kenyans in all again, and Indigenous in their ways too, truly funny in all actually] [and as with American Media, in many a way, presenting itself, and from the perspective of Tears that is].

In all, Bile, and speak too of Forgiveness and Absolution in all, does in many a way even, speak of the above posted work 'The Pillars of the Earth', and by Ken Follet too [and which can be read by those in 'Nairo', and from the perspective of Bile, Forgiveness and Absolution too that is].
