Saturday 25 January 2014

The Maasai

The Maasai.

When one does think of Kenyan History as Intriguing in all, one should not think of it and from the perspective of Conspiracy Theories [and as with the case even of America or Europe too], but instead, speak of the Falsifying of History that is.

When one does think of Kenya as mentioned above, one in many a way too, is also speaking of Mau Mau history in Kenya, and as with it even falsified, and as with attempting even and to merge it in all, and with the history of the Maasai, and their interactions with the British too that is. That one probably has heard of said Mau Mau fighters in all, and as hidden in the forests, and even in many a way invading many a British Camp or Settlement/Fort too that is [and as with speak even of Fort Hall that is]. In many a way, this history of the Mau Mau is actually Maasai, and as the Mau Mau on the otherhand, were in many a way even, blood curdling Killers, and as with they even known to kill anyone believed well to do that is.