Saturday 25 January 2014

The Sunday Missal

The Sunday Missal.

National Identities & 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo' in many a way, do know that they do live in a Country, and that is highly disorganized even, and as with regards to the formation of National Identity in all that is [and as with speak even and of Kenya today, and as viewed primarily somewhat, and from Tribal affiliations that is].

The quest in all, and in attempting to create National Identities, does actually go back and to Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya that is. This all in many a way does speak even of Kenya's tumultous past and as with regards to Violence in itself, and as with further speak even of the Mau Mau, in that, Kenyan History and Pre-Independence too, is never perceived and from the perspective of a National Consciousness, and as with this referring even and to those in Colonial and Pre-Colonial Kenya, and as truly having known each other, and in an Intimate manner, and that did speak of a National Consciousness in all that is. In many a way, this is what does constitute of the Victorian in all, and in Kenya too, and as the Victorians in Kenya, did attempt in all, and successfully too, to create a National Consciousness, and as based around all kinds of Communications, Victorian too that is.

Of such said Communications too that is, Victorian, and that would and in all, even, refer and to, and to the very said even now, manner and in all, ways too, and that the Victorians too that is, and into said Africa too that is, Kenya, East Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, did and in all even perceive that is, talk, and of said Time in itself too that is, and as in all said now incorporated and into that is, and into talk too and of, and of the said suffix too that is, and of said -al too that is: the Coincidental, Societal, Local, Proverbial, National, Conventional, Historical, Monumental, Supplemental etc. too that is.

In many a way, this Victorian National Consciousness, does exist and in the form of many a School for instance, and such as St. Mary's School in Nairobi, Kenya, and which were in all built before and during the Colonial period, and as with this furtherly even referring and to a Church and such as the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi, or even the Holy Family Basilica too actually [and as all this furtherly including even, the Muthaiga Country Club and in Nairobi, or even the Norfolk Hotel too that is]. In all, the so termed Struggle for Independence, is in many a way, viewed pejoratively even, as there is no evidence and of what does make for Colonial and Pre-Colonial existences, to have in all ways even, have arisen in all, and via the exploitation of others ('Africans') that is [that Kenya in all, has no legit history, and of 'African' slave or indentured labour that is]. In all, the Struggle for Independence, is hereby even envisioned in all, and as with speak of being excluded in all again, and from this Victorian National Consciousness that is [and as with the belief even that, Kenya in all, is/was mostly depopulated, and that the Colonialists in all, did actually settle in empty land, and as with speak of many a said 'native' tribe and such as the Kikuyu, are not known to have had any legitimate form of Political Culture that is (they at the very most said to have been Agriculturalists in all that is)] [at the very least and from viewing Kenya as a Cultured place today in all (and as with further speak even of European or Victorian styled Mansions/Homes in all), does speak of Colonial settlements into the place, and from which, tribes, and such as the Kikuyu, have attempted to truly benefit from, and as with the Kikuyu said to be more highly Westernized, and than other said 'tribal' groups in Kenya, and who are not Indigenous in their ways that is, and as the Maasai truly are actually]. In all again perhaps, the Struggle for Independence, and as not based around the freeing of oppressed or suppressed peoples and as the Kikuyu might present their History, but in all ways even, speak of the take-over in all, and of Non-African Wealth that is [and as including Colonial Homes that is].

The second attempt to create a National Consciousness in Kenya, speaks of Post-Colonialism, and the Kenyatta Presidency in all [President Jomo Kenyatta that is]. In all, the Kenyatta Regime in many a way, and as attempting to create a National Consciousness, and as based around Nationality too, and which does speak of creating Kenyan Identities, and as based around all forms and kinds of Documentation that is [and as with this speaking even of Birth Certificates, School Diplomas, National Identity cards, and even all other forms of Congratulatory documentation, and such as speak of many a Kenyan National Award or Prize that is (and such as the Order of the Burning Spear too for instance)].

The Moi Regime in many a way, did not attempt to truly or fully even, create National Identities, and as based around Nationality too, and as by the time the Moi Regime in all did come into place, Kenya's National Consciousness was waning in all again, and as with speak even and of the Corruption and Bribery in all, and that did pervade the Kenyatta Presidency that is. In all again, it is actually the Moi Regime, that did truly create a National Consciousness in Kenya, and one truly based around Tribal Identities in all (and as with speak of antagonism in all), and as unknown to most, Kenya before the Moi Regime, was not truly divided, and by Tribe or Tribal Identity either that is. In all again, a National Consciousness, and that did eventually lead to many an Ethnic Cleansing situation, and all over the Country that is.

Later efforts, and as with speak of the Post-90's in all, does speak of the attempt to create a National Consciousness, and as based around Nationalism too [and which in many a way does speak of Kenyans and as identifying, and not with Indigenous Art and such as speak of Artists and such as Oryema or even Ayub Ogada too, but in many a way even, of Local Media, and which has brought into question, and of what does truly constitute Kenyan Identity, and from a Lingual perspective too that is] [and as with this speaking even, and of many today speaking in all, languages, and that are very much creole in nature that is].

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to perhaps tell them of a Kenyan tradition, and stemming back into the Colonial and Pre-Colonial times, and that did in many a way attempt to create a National Consciousness in Kenya, and via Religion too that is. This in many a way, does speak of many a Kenyan Church Prayer Book, that not only does carry Prayers in Kiswahili, but in many a way too, speaking perhaps and of the unknown fact that, many Kenyan Prayer Books and which do have English Prayers in them, are actually of Kenyan origins, and not outsider origins either that is. In all ways, Kenyan Prayer Books and Hymnal Books, and as truly Kenyan even, and as with all this speaking even and of Intellectualism in all, and as with one in all again, capable of making out Kenyan History in all, and via speak of deciphering in all again, what these Prayers and Hymns in all, are truly all about that is.

In all ways though, and as Kenya even believed a place in all again, and of peoples in all, who seek to create Identity and at a more or less a Local or Regional perspective, and if not Individual too, does speak in all ways even, and of National Consciousness, and as best created in all again, and via the knowing or mastering even, and of many a Kenyan Prayer or Hymn that is [and such as those to be seen in the Sunday Missal, and as with speak even and of the African version in all, and by Paulines Publishing too that is] [that these Prayers in all again, are more or less truly Kenyan, Christian Ethiopian and Somali in their ways, and not truly African either that is] [that they in all again, and as with the term Liturgy too, do speak of the Christian (and as with it even Italian or Ethiopian too), and not Christianity either (or speak even of Missionary activity that is)].