Tuesday 7 January 2014

The New World Order

The New World Order.

Most in 'Nairo', might have heard of the so termed New World Order. In many a way, it does not speak of Development Strategies in all, but in all ways even, of setting up many a Political Institution in all again, and which is actually discriminatory in its ways that is [and as with making one even, simply feel like they don't belong that is]. In all ways even, this does not speak of a culture of Exclusion in all (and as based around race, height, ethnicity, or even ancestry too that is), but one of Isolation too actually [and as with speak even of restrictions in all, severe even, placed on just about anyone, and as with further speak even of publicized punishment that is, or even total exclusion too actually].

In all ways even, the New World Order, and even speak of Isolation in all [and as being made to feel that one truly does not belong anywhere in all], has led, many to basically create a Psychology in all again, and of viewing just about everything around them, and from the very perspective of Us vs. Them that is [and as with many a Black person for instance, looking at a Computer, and believing it totally 'White' in all, and without realizing a 'Person of Colour' in all again, or even any said 'Minority' in all (and as with speak even of a Geek for instance), might have made a contribution to its development, or even truly again, one is capable in all, and of making an important contribution and to the world of Computers too that is]. 

For those in 'Nairo' though, and in the attempt to defeat this Us vs. Them Psychology and which is rather prevalent and in Modern, Western or Westernized Media in all, is the attempt in all again to help one create a Basic Psychology in all, and of viewing the so called New World Order, and from a Psychology of Me vs. We [and not You and I either, and which could be said to be prevalent amongst many in 'Nairo' today too that is].

Me vs. We: