Monday 27 January 2014



Citizenship & 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo', might be one of the many, and who do simply believe that Citizenship in Kenya, merely stands for Birth Certificates and even ID (Identity Cards) too that is. In many a way, it is believed that most in Kenya, do in all ways even not truly know, and of what does constitute for Citizenship, and in Kenya today in all that is [and as with all this even, speaking and of just whom the late Tom Mboya, was to Kenya too that is].

To understand all this better, is to speak of Citizenship in all, and as alluding truly even, and to approval and acceptance (and as with this perhaps speak even of self-acceptance too), and as a Kenyan Citizen that is [and as with speak even of many a political 'battle' in all, and between Kikuyu's and Luo's, and as with regards and to just whom is truly Kenyan that is].

In all, to understand the said difficulty and that has in many a way, very much gone along and with defining Citizenship in all, and in Kenya too, does very much speak of the very known fact that, alot of the people in Kenya today, cannot be said to be legit Kenyans in all, and as with simple speak even, and of what has traditionally consisted of being Kenyan in all, and as with this referring even, and to Kenyan traditional speech patterns that is [that most people in Kenya today, do not possess speech patterns in all, and as indigenous in nature too, and as very much similar in all again, and to those having gone with Tom Mboya himself actually] [or even speak today, and of a politician and such as Kalonzo Musyoka too that is].

To understand the above better, is to speak of the everyday difficulty in all, and of finding ready acceptance and approval even, and as a Kenyan Citizen too that is. That in all ways even, a general culture of rudeness does exist in Kenya, and with some in all readily accepted in society, and with others finding themselves very much locked out, and for no known good reason either that is [and as with this speaking even, and of finding approval and acceptance in Kenyan society, and as very much even a basic need in all that is] [that in all, it is actually hard to complain about this stuff actually, or in many a way even, simply be perceived and as a loser or whiner that is].

Viewing Kenya from an Indigenous perspective in all, and as with speak even of speech patterns in all again, does speak of all Kenyans even, and as possessing similar speech patterns in all, and as with speak of those found amongst the Maasai in all that is. However, rather than defining Citizenship and as based around becoming Indigenous, one does find that Kenya in all, has come to define Citizenship in all again, and as based around many a Political event in all, and as with this even leading to those considered as truly belonging to the place, those associated and with many a Political event too that is.

In all, the very term Nationhood, and as very much associated with Tom Mboya, very much dealing and with this issue, and of Citizenship too that is.

To understand just how many a Political event has come to shape more of an Individual Consciousness and amongst many a person seen in Kenya, and as versus a National Consciousness too, is to speak in all ways even and of just how those in 'Nairo', might readily in all again perceive, what it does mean to truly belong to Kenya, and as with the belief even that, those in 'Nairo' in all don't seem to care about Kenya, and from a Citizenship perspective too, and as truly wondering even perhaps, why everybody in the place, does not maintain similar levels of civility, and such as those to be found in 'Nairo' that is [and not Nairobi truly either].

The first of these events, and that did lead to many an Individual Consciousness in all, and as with regards to what it did mean to be a Citizen, and as with simple speak even, and of ones private thoughts in all, and as with regards and to speak of Kenya today, and as being underdeveloped in all that is. In all again, the forementioned Political event, does actually speak of Independence Day, and by which in many a way, Kenyans in all, and as with speak of them as Individuals too, did see many a person in Kenya in all again, have a change in Consciousness perhaps, and from identifying in all, and with ones Historical Background, and in many a way even seeing many a Kenyan in all again, develop an Individual Consciousness in all, and that did speak of developing a Black Consciousness actually [and as with speak even, and of privately even identifying, and with anyone termed a Black person and all over the World too that is] [and as with speak even of the popularity of Bob Marley for instance] [and as with reminding one and interestingly enough that, all this does actually speak of developing an Individual Consciousness, and not truly even a Group Consciousness, or even a National Consciousness either that is].

The second of these events, could be said and to speak of the very death of former President Jomo Kenyatta in all, and as with he even, and amongst certain circles too, seen very much as centering Kenya in all, and as around Nairobi too, and as with all this even leading to some in creating an International Image in all, and for Nairobi, but with his death in all again, leading to the Moi Regime in all, and as centering Kenyan Nationhood in all again (and as with speak even of Citizenship too that is), and as based around developing a Consciousness, Individual too, and of Africa that is [and as with this in many a way, seeing many a person from Africa, streaming into Kenya, and as with the belief even that Kenya in all, more developed than most, was simply just another African Country that is]. In all ways though, it does appear that those in 'Nairo' today, and as with speak of an Individual Consciousness, do view Kenya in all, and as with Citizenship too, and as only consisting of Nairobi in all again, and as many a figure under the Kenyatta Regime (Jomo Kenyatta that is), did very much see Kenya that is [In all perhaps, many in 'Nairo' in all, and as judging Kenya and Nairobi today, and as based around Kenyatta's efforts in all, and to make Nairobi an International City that is].

The third manner and of viewing the attempt in all and in defining Kenyan Citizenship, and as with speak even of an Individual Consciousness, does speak even and of the notion of a Statesman in all, and as with this even speaking of Tom Mboya himself, and his attempts to define Nationhood in Kenya that is. That in all again, and in a now said Post-Independence Kenya, Tom Mboya in all, did actually attempt to define Citizenship, and as based around Speech, Manners & Etiquette and even simple talk of being Personable in all that is. That in many a way, Tom Mboya, was very much an Ideal Kenyan Citizen that is [and via the way he did Present himself actually]. The killing of Tom Mboya though, remains unsolved to this day, but knowing whom he wasin all (and as with speak even and of an Individual Consciousness, Citizenship and Nationhood too), does in many a way speak even of attempting to solve his murder in all again, and as with speak even of the developing in all, and of a new Individual Consciousness amongst many a person in Kenya (and as with those perhaps associated with his Killing), and that did speak of Kenyans as developing very much a Western Consciousness, and as with further speak even of identifying Kenya, and with many a Western Firm/Company in all [and such as speak even of Tiny Rowland, and even Lonrho too that is].

In many a way though, this Blogger and as envisioning Kenyan Citizenship too [and as with Nationhood in all, referring and to the bringing together and of many a differing Kenyan that is], and as Tom Mboya did see it, and as with perhaps making one aware that, Kenya in all, does appear to be of interest and to many an International Figure in all again, and for many an unknown reason too, and with the exception perhaps, and of it having better Weather, Climate and Nature in all, and than most other places out there too that is.