Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Passing

The Passing.

This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with what some do term the 'Ebb and Flow' and of Time too that is. In all, what is being pondered here in many a way is the question of, whether in all again, do things change in all, or in many a way even, do things truly remain the same actually. This is a question that in all does talk of the Advancement, Progress and even Development of societies in all, and as with regards even, and to Human relations too that is.

In many a way perhaps, a good way to view all this, would be to speak of Human relations, and as not taking the form of the Gods or Goddesses, but in many a way, of many a Higher Being, and such as Angels too for instance [and speak even of the Book of Revelation in the Bible, or even truly again, the very words uttered by Caesar himself: 'Et tu Brutus'] [that in all again, these very words uttered 'Et tu Brutus', do speak of advancements, progress and development of societies, and as based around Human relations, and as with this even speaking of a progress or advancement in all and in speech too, and as with those terms/words in all again, having been uttered, and not simply said that is].

In all, when one does think of true change and as having come into society, one is in many a way even, speaking of a change in Arrangements, Formations and even Alignments in themselves, and as with regards to all forms of Human relations that is [that Humans, and as with speak even of their relations in all, are evolving now, and into being similar, and to Higher Beings, and such as Angels too for instance].

In many a way, all this does question truly even, the very nature of Human societies today, and as with regards even and to Communications, and also Political Culture that is. That it in all, s believed today that Human societies in all, are not as enlightened in all perhaps, and as with regards even and to Human relations, and as most believe them to be that is, and as with one even perhaps not truly understanding, the devastating impact in all, that Technology, Modern, could have on Human relations that is [and as with the belief that, Modern Technology, has in many a way turned Humans in all, and into Minions, and as with regards even and to just how the basically interact with each other that is].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps say, Time in many a way, has very much come to a stand, and as with regards even and to changing Human relations, and as with speak even of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and as with many a Political Culture today, still dealing with many an issue in all, and as with regards to Slavery or Imperialism too that is [that in all for instance, Indians to this day, do view their relations with the UK, and as based around British Imperialism in all that is]. In all perhaps, all this too, and as in many a way even, speaking of what Computer specialists in all, do call a Deadlock actually, and as with speak even of Modern societies and as believed fading away, and as based around Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and as with they even truly ending in a Deadlock that is (or speak even and of a total disagreement in all), and further speak even and of no change as forthcoming that is. 

To perhaps understand the destructive nature of Modern societies and to Human nature in itself, is to speak perhaps and of just how many a society in the past, did change in its ways, and as with their societies even (and as with further speak of all forms of Advancement, Progress or Development, and in Technology too), in many a way evolving, and into Heavenly realms, and such as those of the Angels that is [that in all, one should not considered Modern technology, and as having been alien to the ancients in all, as it all does speak of the Arrangements, Formations and Alignments we do wish to have/.hold in society, and as with those in the past perhaps, viewing our societies somewhat primitive even, and from the perspective of Human Behaviour, and as with speak of Human Behaviour from the past, still very much glorified to this day that is (and as with basic speak even, and of the name Machiavelli for instance, and his seminal work 'The Prince' that is)].

In all, and as with Computers coming to highly define/determine life today in all, one can say that Arrangements, Formations and Alignments seen in society today, do in all ways even mirror those, and of Computer too that is [and as with speak even of Modern Warfare in all actually].

In past times though, Arrangements, Formations, and Alignments, did in many a way, take Religious undertones to them all, and as with this speaking even of a Departure, an Arrival, a Recall or even a Passing too. To speak of a Departure, and as with regards to Human relations, and further speak even and of Arrangements, Formations, and Alignments does in many a way even, speak of someone and as leaving a group (and as with speak of a Party or even a School perhaps), and with those left behind in many a way, feeling letdown in all, and having to change their ways, and as with regards to Human relations that is [and as with this even referring to the backward nature of the Middle East today, and as with they defining Human relations and from the Departure too, and for those in 'Nairo' who do think the Middle East to be rather advanced in its ways that is].

To speak of the Arrival, is to in many a way even speak of Europe as it once was, and as with a Party held, having the most interesting of peoples showing up and leaving, and as with all this truly even speaking of Timing in itself actually [and as with the further example and of arriving in thought perhaps, and as with speak even of Timing truly that is, and as with the case even and of someone about to punch one for instance, and one then meticulously blocking it and as with regards to perfect Timing too that is]. In all, the Arrival, and as with the Departure above, predetermining in many a way, a change in Human relations, and as with regards to Arrangements, Formations and Alignments, and in society too that is.

What of the Recall? It does in many a way, speak of just whom Americans, and as with America Philosophically speaking even, not truly believed to have reached its heights in many a way, and as with perhaps knowing that, the Recall in all, actually speaking even, and of having been at a place in all, and having noticed a Woman moving suspiciously too, and with one not taking too much notice of it all, but with one later on learning of a murder or crime and as taking place at that very place in all, and with the Cops too perhaps, looking out for assistance in solving it, and as with a thought in all again, crossing ones mind in all, and as with speak of a recall too, and as with regards even and to just whom the Woman noticed before, and as perceived suspicious too, truly was [and as with stating that the September 11 Bombings, were truly an American Crime mystery that is]. In all, the Recall, and as speaking of something unknown about most Americans in all, and by most out there too, that Americans in all again, do actually know themselves and from the very perspective of Ancestor Worship and Veneration too, and as with it all even, taking the form of the Recall actually. In all again, all this and as compared to the Departure for instance, and which in many a way, does not truly respect its Dead that is [and as with speak of popular figures and as leaving a Country for instance, and with those left behind, simply ignored in most ways even].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with speak even and of the above Music video by Enigma, Sadeness that is, is to in many a way perhaps tell them that, when they do think of Arrangements, Formations and Alignments in society, and as based around Human relations in all, and as with this even speaking of evolving into Higher Beings too (and as with speak even of the Decameron for instance), is to in all ways even speak of the Passing actually. The Passing, and as not only simply speaking of passing someone of interest and on the streets of Nairobi (and as with Nairobi in the past, known to have a fight in many a way, simply erupt and for no known reason), but in many a way even, is to tell one that, life in Nairobi or Kenya, can very well be lived, and from what some do term a Passing moment actually [and as with speak even of a quick glance, and from someone one might find attractive that is]. In all again, the Passing and as speaking even and of a quick and early death, or even again, the death of someone popular in all, or even truly again, the realizing in all, and of just why one in all, does not care to know another too well, but without notifying them of as such that is [and as with bad-mouthing another in Kenya, and as versus gossiping too, looked down upon, and as with this even what does make Kenya a dangerous and humorous society at the very same time that is]. In all, the Passing, and as speaking even and of a solution to a problem, coming to one, easily too, and when one has truly given up in many a way, and on solving the problem that is [and as with speak of a day or two later that is].

The Passing: