Saturday 25 January 2014

The Holy Family Basilica

The Holy Family Basilica.

National Consciousness & Kenya:

In alignment and with the Sunday Missal post, is to perhaps in all, speak of National Consciousness, and from a Symbolical perspective too that is. That this in many a way too, does speak even and of the History of France in all, and as with all this referring even, and to speak of the Notre Dame, and in Paris, France too that is. In many a way, French History as very much regional and even local in its ways, does see in all ways even the very rise of the Institution of the Queen of France, and which in many a way did attempt to create a National Consciousness in all, and as based around Media, Literary works, Philosophy and even Literature in itself too actually.

For those in 'Nairo' in all, and who do wish to envision National Consciousness and as based around the Sunday Missal entry, then in all ways perhaps is to speak of grounding it all, and symbolically too, and with the Holy Family Basilica and in Nairobi, Kenya too that is [In many a way, this post in all is actually targeted towards one Victor Okello, and a fine speaker in all and while we did attend St. Mary's School in Nairobi, Kenya together too, and as with having spotted him in Nairobi and in the more recent years actually, and as with attempting to tell him and if he is reading all this, to take this all up, and with Serikali too, and as with informing them in all, and of National Consciousness perhaps, and as described in the Sunday Missal entry too that is].
