Saturday 11 January 2014

Chariots of Fire

Chariots of Fire.

Many and as living in 'Nairo', might in all ways even, believe that living in Kenya in all today, poses more of a difficulty in all, and as with regards to their Perceptions of life that is. In all ways even, this does speak of what one does believe, should basically happen to one or not, and in any given scenario or situation too that is [and as with speak even of Luck, Opportunity or Chance too for instance].

In all ways even, one does find erroneously that, Children in Kenya, are actually raised and from the perspective of their Child Self (or Inner Child too that is), and not from the perspective of Youth Development that is. That in all again, speak of raising Children and who will become responsible Adults in all, and in Africa too, does actually speak of Youth, and not ones Child Self that is.

In many a way, speaking of ones Child Self, does not truly speak of Innocence in all, but in all ways even speaks of perceiving ones realities, and from the perspective of truly being by Oneself that is [or just speak even and of totally simply being by yourself, and loving oneself as such that is]. In all ways even, this is believed to open up one, and as with truly being with oneself (and as with speak even and of being lost in thought or mind), and to all forms of Creative Thought in all actually [this in all again, does speak for instance, and of being able to view an event happening, and in a daydream like state in all, and as if one is truly witnessing it in all again, and by oneself too that is, and despite the presence of others actually].

In Africa though, speak of becoming responsible in ones ways, does even speak of Youth Development in all, and as with this referring even, and to truly understanding ones nature that is (and as probably even criminal minded too), and as with regards truly even, and to just how one does perceive themselves, others, and even their environments too that is. That in all, this does speak of simply learning to act right in all again, and as based around ones perceptions of oneself, others and even ones environments, and in any given situation too that is.

In all ways even, Kenya and as a failed State too, does speak of many roaming around Kenya, and as very much raised and as based around their Child Self too that is. In all ways even and as with speak even of how things do happen for instance, is to say that, those who do operate and as based around their Child Self in all, have to deal and with many compromises in all again (and which can lead to unhappiness in all, and on an everyday basis too, and in an Africa too, where compromises in all, are actually believed a constant reality that is).

For those though, very much raised and as Youth, the very fact that, this does speak of perceiving ones realities and as they truly are, and acting as such even, and in all ways even learning to deal with compromises, and as an everyday Reality too that is [and as with speak even of Quality of Life Standards in all, and by the UN too that is].

In all ways though, when one does think Youth Development and 'Nairo' in all, let them think along the lines of the movie Chariots of Fire too, and as with it even and in many a way, speaking of Youth Development in all, and as based around Victorian beliefs too that is.

The Spirit of the Youth: